It’s entirely possible the issue is me.
I do wish I had a tall bipod… I have been shooting off of a portable shootings table, and bags… I’d rather shoot in the prone off the ground with a bipod.
I can tell you I know how to use bags and minimally influence the rifle, firing in the pause between breaths with a preference for the exhale, trigger pull is clean far as the whole dime on the muzzle thing every time I used to do that back in the day but I can recheck though this trigger is miles better than anything I used to use.
I MAY move my scope back a hair depending on how things are in the prone. I haven’t used a bipod or lead sled mostly because I’m trying to shoot as if I were shooting off a pack in the field.
For the purpose of eliminating myself though I can see if my buddy will let me borrow his sled. I will say I’m not a big fan of the reward blast of the muzzle brake. I have to make myself not close my eye as the trigger brakes and that’s frustrating and annoying. Enough so I have been thinking about taking it off.