Video: Have You Ever Wondered How Rimfire Ammunition is Made?

Ya a lot of people dont know that the majority of all rimfire ammo in the US is made @ CCI plant in Lewiston .

CCI Daily production number sounds just HUGE but .
( i think ) . you have to break down all that daily gross output numbers . to specific productions runs of ( different brand name Factory subcontracted product ) .
& also there separated brand Runs of production of . - LR - .22mag - .22WMR - 17hmr - 17hm2 etc.
So the daily output of Rimefire ammo out of CCI is huge . but it might not be your favorite box brand or type of .22 or other Rimfire ammo that you want to buy off the store shelf . & wont be made for retail distributing till the time of that manufacture Run starts again .