Just sent this after I got off work to all the senators. House members got an earful Monday.
Send those emails, make those calls guys and gals.
I am local law enforcement officer and have been for the last 15 years. The bill you are about to vote on is not about gun violence. Bad people exist in this world. Bad people will always exist in this world. Restricting the rights of others by not allowing them to carry tools for their own personal protection does a disservice to good law-abiding people. I am in business of dealing with criminals. Criminals are people who commit crimes and who do not obey the law regardless of what it says. For your viewing pleasure, I have included an Excel spreadsheet from the last 5 years on violent crime. This is not my spreadsheet. This came directly from the FBI and is reported crime by all law enforcement agencies in the United States.
I also am including a website link to the FBI UCR (Uniform crime reporting system)
As you can see there are more homicides committed with knives, blunt objects, and personal weapons (hands, fists, feet) than are committed with so called “assault rifles”. These rifles have been around since the late 1940s to 1960s and banning them will only promote violent crime as law abiding people will not have these weapons for self-defense should they be banned. A “high capacity” magazine ban will also be ineffective and again only seeks to punish the law abiding who have these items, yet do not use them irresponsibly. Improper use of vehicles kills far more people than firearms in this country, yet no one is lining up to ban them.
Punish the criminals. If you are interested in really putting a dent in violent crime I encourage you to put stiffer penalties on these very criminals committing violent crimes without paroling them. We have enough laws on our books. I, as law enforcement enforce these laws, but our very government that I work for releases these violent criminals or, at a minimum, slaps them on the wrist and sends them right back out in the public. I have personally talked to criminals I have arrested and have little to no fear of being charged because they know they will get time off for good behavior or get paroled early. They aren’t being held accountable for their actions and good people who don’t commit these crimes are being punished for being law abiding. Seems backwards to me. I like any other law-abiding Virginian have never committed a crime and yet I am being punished for the actions of others.
Finally, I own at least 1 of each item on this bill that should you vote to ban will turn me into a felon on July 1 2020.
The firearms I currently carry on duty is on that list. Does that make any good sense to you? You may say “Oh since your law enforcement, you can keep those items.”
With all due respect, I don’t want your special treatment. If the average law-abiding citizens can’t be trusted to have these items, then what makes you think I am any different? I am a Virginia citizen first and foremost and I absolutely against making two classes of citizens. Law abiding citizens are on my side. When I put my uniform on I am honored to serve them. I am no way better than they are and we in law enforcement don’t deserve any different treatment or special exceptions to be made. That kind of thinking/treatment breeds distrust among our citizens and frankly you don’t have to deal with it. Law enforcement does.
I will tell you this and you may take it for what it is.
When people are compelled to do something, they will either submit or rebel. Based on what I am seeing out in the public is this. People are fed up with having their rights trampled on. They will not forget the way you voted on this unconstitutional bill and should you vote to restrict Virginians God-given rights, I as a law enforcement officer will stay loyal to my oath to support and defend the constitution of these United States above any laws you pass.
In closing, again, I urge you to vote “No” for HB 961. Thanks for your time.