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Virginia Gun Control Updates

HB 961, the "assault weapon, higher-capacity magazine, and suppressor ban bill squeaked out of the House on a 51 to 48 vote. While killing the bill would have been the best outcome, this is second best. It passed on a partisan vote, but was opposed in a bipartisan vote (Democrat Delegates Carter, Heretick, and Tyler broke ranks and opposed the bill. That is a perfect record for Tyler.

That weak vote strengthens our belief that the bill can be killed in the Senate if we put enough effort into doing so!

The bill was modified from its original form. As passed by the House, the bill allows a person to keep their existing "assault firearm" (without registering it) and suppressor, but cannot buy any new ones and may not be able to repair the assault firearm. Magazines that hold more than 12 rounds and bump stocks would need to be destroyed or removed from the Commonwealth by 1/1/2021.

The bill also bans any magazine that can be modified to hold more than 12 rounds.

458 § 18.2-308.10. Import, sale, possession, etc., of certain firearms magazines; penalty.
459 A. For purposes of this section, "large-capacity firearm magazine" means any firearm magazine, belt,
460 drum, feed strip, or similar device that has the capacity of, or can be readily restored or converted to
461 accept, more than 12 rounds of ammunition. "Large-capacity firearm magazine" does not include (i) a
462 magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has been permanently altered so that it cannot
463 accept more than 12 rounds of ammunition or (ii) an attached tubular device designed to accept and
464 only capable of operating with .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.

Examples would include any 10 round AR mags the can accept extensions (Pmags, Lancers, etc), any pistol mags that can accept extensions to bring their capacity over 12 (G26, G43X/48, etc.), and even AICS mags, as MPA and Area419 both make +4 extensions for them.

So while the bill may not ban possession of "assault weapons" it's possible it may ban possession of all or most of the magazines available for some models, even if they hold fewer than 12 rounds. A fact I suspect is not lost on the bill's supporters.

Anyone who's thinking the amended bill is some sort of win or compromise is fooling themselves.
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Has anyone heard of this masterpiece of fecal matter?

HB899 -Restricted firearm ammunition

Manufacture, import, sale, transfer, or possession of restricted firearm ammunition; penalty. Makes it a Class 5 felony to manufacture, import, sell, transfer, or possess any restricted firearm ammunition, defined in current law as bullets, projectiles, or other types of ammunition that are (i) Teflon coated or coated with a similar product; (ii) commonly known as "KTW" bullets or "French Arcanes"; or (iii) cartridges containing bullets coated with a plastic substance with other than lead or lead alloy cores, jacketed bullets with other than lead or lead alloy cores, or cartridges of which the bullet itself is wholly composed of a metal or metal alloy other than lead, but the definition does not include shotgun shells or solid plastic bullets. The bill provides exceptions to the prohibition and provides that any restricted ammunition possessed in violation of the law shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth.

What the actual F***!?!? Other states are trying to eliminate lead....meanwhile, the 'tards in the Virginia Legislature sound like they are trying to make sure there's nothing BUT lead!!

"Let's keep the lead! It's whut gives us our high IQ's!!"

Fortunately, it failed in committee.

A buddy sicced the Sierra Club on Levine's people over that bill.... :LOL::ROFLMAO:
The bill also bans any magazine that can be modified to hold more than 12 rounds.
i'm not reading it the same as you. they took out the specific language about magazine 'flanges' and related extensions and that indeed would be applicable to almost every magazine out there, bolt gun aics and rimfire included. to me this says that magazines with plugs or the like that can be undone are illegal. certainly hopeful though that his whole POS gets canned in the senate.
i'm not reading it the same as you. they took out the specific language about magazine 'flanges' and related extensions and that indeed would be applicable to almost every magazine out there, bolt gun aics and rimfire included. to me this says that magazines with plugs or the like that can be undone are illegal. certainly hopeful though that his whole POS gets canned in the senate.

This is a direct quote from the current bill:

" A. For purposes of this section, "large-capacity firearm magazine" means any firearm magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has the capacity of, or can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 12 rounds of ammunition."

"Readily restored or converted to accept more than 12 rounds" would seem to include any magazine that can accept an extension to increase its capacity to 13+.
the 'restored' part is def talking about taking out a plug or the like.

i'll agree the 'converted' part isn't super clear. again they did get rid of the 'flange' section so with that in mind i'm not thinking that 'adding' something like an extension 'converts' it. and i'm sure there is always one a-hole that will arrest you, but it's hard to believe you'd be locked up with a factory 10 round magpul or glock mag just because you could add to it, but haven't. but it's moot, at least for me, as i have no plans to dump my $1000's of regular-capacity magazines and then spend $1000s more to replace them.
regarding the suppressor ban, tell the senators to take the 'suppressor challenge.' dare them to stand beside someone shooting multiple rounds thru a suppressed ar-15 or bolt gun, without any hearing protection. tell them if they are too afraid to do that, they absolutely shouldn't support hb961.
I think it's a lost cause at this point. I hate to say that but I've given up on hoping there is anyone with a lick of common sense involved in any of this. I called to make an appointment with my Rep. Not his Chief of Staff, not his aide, HIM. Well, his aide will have to call you back and make an appointment for you to meet with him. Still waiting for that call. They just do NOT want to hear what any of us have to say. They are going to do what they want to do, despite all of us fighting every day for it.

I'm not raising the white flag but I also don't hold out hope that anyone with a D next to their name is every going to do the right thing. There's absolutely no way they aren't going to just take this bill and add whatever they need to add to get those extra votes.

If it dies, it will be one the biggest political defeats in my lifetime. They can't have that happen.
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They all took the money and all know they owe Bloomberg their votes.
They are just hoping the citizens are stupid enough to forget about it and a bit more going hat in hand begging for more Bloomberg money next go around lets them buy enough ads to hopefully drown out the truth.
I think it's a lost cause at this point. I hate to say that but I've given up on hoping there is anyone with a lick of common sense involved in any of this. I called to make an appointment with my Rep. Not his Chief of Staff, not his aide, HIM. Well, his aide will have to call you back and make an appointment for you to meet with him. Still waiting for that call. They just do NOT want to hear what any of us have to say. They are going to do what they want to do, despite all of us fighting every day for it.

I'm not raising the white flag but I also don't hold out hope that anyone with a D next to their name is every going to do the right thing. There's absolutely no way they aren't going to just take this bill and add whatever they need to add to get those extra votes.

If it dies, it will be one the biggest political defeats in my lifetime. They can't have that happen.
The Senate is where the hope lies.
Some Dems have broke ranks already, all we need is 2 to kill the bill that they already passed on earlier this session.
It is my belief it will not pass, and we work towards getting Va back to where it should be.
It's my belief that there's not a single democrat in the building that knows anything about guns. They are all just following their buddies. "You vote for my bill, I'll vote for yours, okay?". That's the part that pisses me off. Want to write a gun control bill? Then write it. But for Heaven's sake, use SOME knowledge, facts, and data in your crafting of the bill you propose.

Saying magazines are a misdemeanor and then making it punishable by a felony if you are transporting it? Come on. Making it a crime to buy PARTS for guns? Are you serious? I understand what they are trying to do and the problem is what they are trying to do is wrapping all of us up. I may or may not have lowers I haven't built yet. Making it illegal for me to finish those? Okay, whatever. Now, 2 years from now, a trigger spring goes bad and it's illegal for me to buy one and no one online will ship me one?

Just one ounce of common sense would go a long way. Dumbest mother fuckers I've ever seen in my life, and I've seen some dumb mother fuckers. Let me change that, they are cowards. Pure and simple. Won't face the people, run into their echo chamber and do their business and don't call or email a single person back. Cowards.

They can do what they want, but if they think they've seen the last of my face in that building, they are dead wrong. I'll go down there every damn day for the rest of the session until I see the people who are ignoring me. I will be heard.
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AAR--Visiting Richmond this AM

First, I agree that this is pretty much a done deal.

BLUF: The chances of this bill NOT passing are slim to none. My opinion, at this point the best we can hope for--and it is a long shot--is a grandfather for magazines like the "AWs" and Suppressors. I dont like it but that is how I see it.

WRT the visit;

- As stated before, I am very disappointed at the lack of people showing up in person. This is the first day since the bill crossed over to the Senate and we basically never had to wait in line.
- Bluntly, VACDL, NRA, ASA and GOA should have a strategic plan by name, by face and have dozens of people there every day--a huge FAIL. "They" should get on the phone and get commitments from people to go visit. We had a great turnout on lobby day, declared victory, and sat down with 15 minutes still left in the game...
- Went to 7 offices, No senators, but met with all Legislative Assistants. They were polite, some even took notes and all agreed to pass on our handout...and agreed to pas it tot he Senator/Delegate
- At EVERY office, I heard phone calls about HB961. They Admin assistant says hello, repeats back that you oppose it, and maybe makes a note, maybe not. I guess at least they can tell there Senator/Delegate the calls come in....but not sure it is a very strong lever.

My larger concern is for 2021. This bill will almost certainly pass with a very broad definition of "Assault Weapons" (remember, pistols with threaded barrels, Shotguns > 7 rounds)" and parts. In 2021 will be registration and outright banning AWs and Suppressors. They have the "Strategic Vision" and that's how it worked in NY. Remember "Pre-Ban" 30 round magazines...then later they (any mag over 10 rounds) where all banned?

Way Ahead;

1. GET IN YOUR CAR and GO TO Richmond and have your face seen and voice heard.
2. Get yourself, your family and everyone you know out to vote in the Presidential Election this November. Go door to door!
3. Start beating the drum NOW for your family and everyone you know out to vote in the VA House Delegates election Nov 2021--all 100 seats are up. We are stuck with these 40 Senators (21D/19R) until 2023! Go door to door!

2020 is the tip of the iceberg....so who is going to Richmond this week? Roger up.....

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The first (and probably only) response I have received from my email to the senators.

Thank you for contacting the office of Senator Ghazala Hashmi about HB 961. The Senator did run on a gun safety platform, however, she will be looking at the amendments provided for the bill in order to decide how to vote. The Senator does not want to take away the rights of her constituents, and will be looking at the bill for clauses that exempt law abiding citizens from this bill.
Thank you,
Warda Asif

Legislative Intern

Senate of Virginia
Office of Senator Ghazala F. Hashmi
10th Senatorial District

All of Powhatan County;

Part of Chesterfield County;

And Part of the City of Richmond

Post Office Box 396

Richmond, Virginia 23218

Office Telephone: 804-698-7510
Its not that anyone is stupid. Its the simple fact most people who like the 2A and everything else along those lines do not vote. Not around here at least. The majority of people I know who hunt, like to shoot and want to keep their firearms do not vote. Most of them are not even registered to vote. It is a terribly sad thing.
Conversations have come up and I say to them "did you vote"? No is always the reply. I have tried to educate them that if they voted, and all of the people like them voted, this would not be happening.
Sadly, it is to no avail.
I guarantee you this will change their minds!
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I received the same email reply.

Probably a standard response written in anticipation of the flood of emails they would get.

The other responses I got were "auto reply", stating during the session the constituent base was priority. Please leave your address to ensure your email is a priority and warrants a reply.
I get that, I didn't vote for any of these people, except for Hanger. God knows I wouldn't have for any of the others.
I do however, live in this state.
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Most Dems don't care, but all we need is 2, so I do believe it will fail... this time.
But next time, if we don't get the vote out they will keep coming after more and more.

And keep in mind, this General Assembly lineup will be back again for next years session. The election to boot them out doesn't occur until November 2021. So what they fail to pass this session, they get another chance next January.
How is that even possible?

Why is it that we allow our fate to bought at someone else's behest?

Are we that stupid?

As much as I detest her, Ilhan Omar is right, Israel buys far too much in DC with Benjamin and the Israeli's are not the only ones that buy politicians with Benjamin. Benjamin talks, bullshit walks.

Follow the fucking money.
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There better be 50,000 people at next years rally and there needs to be a plan for standing room only in the halls of the offices of the General Assembly for a month. Show these people no matter how much you'd like to ignore us and our voices, that's not going to happen. Leave us alone and you can go back to business and usual and line the pockets of your friends and families with pet projects.
There better be 50,000 people at next years rally and there needs to be a plan for standing room only in the halls of the offices of the General Assembly for a month. Show these people no matter how much you'd like to ignore us and our voices, that's not going to happen. Leave us alone and you can go back to business and usual and line the pockets of your friends and families with pet projects.

Way more important would be practically dragging everyone not a communist to the polls to vote.
They are totally bought and paid for and you are going to have to vote them out, which means getting everyone off their asses and going out to vote against them for someone on the republican side.
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As much as I detest her, Ilhan Omar is right, Israel buys far too much in DC with Benjamin and the Israeli's are not the only ones that buy politicians with Benjamin. Benjamin talks, bullshit walks.

Follow the fucking money.

Why do we stand idly bye and let it happen though? Why aren’t people screaming from the rooftops?

Out of state money is an obvious conflict of interest for state or local politicians.
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Why do we stand idly bye and let it happen though? Why aren’t people screaming from the rooftops?

Out of state money is an obvious conflict of interest for state or local politicians.

Because citizens united said it was ok. What’s worse republicans loved that decision because it finally gave them some parity with the labor unions. Unfortunately they must have forgotten there are plenty of rich liberals willing to spend their money to influence politics too. Left or right citizens united was a terrible blow to individual political efficacy.
Why do we stand idly bye and let it happen though? Why aren’t people screaming from the rooftops?

Out of state money is an obvious conflict of interest for state or local politicians.

Some of us are, arent we. But most are too comfortable and more interested in worldly comfort and security, rather than liberty. They havent seen "The Final Solution" planned for them yet.
Way more important would be practically dragging everyone not a communist to the polls to vote.
They are totally bought and paid for and you are going to have to vote them out, which means getting everyone off their asses and going out to vote against them for someone on the republican side.

No elections for the VA dirtbags until 2021, we'll have one rally before we can throw them out.
levine, author of hb961 (awb, suppressor, hicap mag) just returned an email from me, and said the suppressor ban is out!
sorry guys i guess i got outright lied to by the author of this pos bill, levine.

he said on monday "There is no longer a suppressor ban in the bill."

the latest bill i see has some changes in the Magazine section, but zero changes or deletions in the Silencer section.

i am going to forward his email, along with a link to his sorry video, to all of the senate in the hopes that they will take his lie and ineptness into account and kill his bill.
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sorry guys i guess i got outright lied to by the author of this pos bill, levine.

he said on monday "There is no longer a suppressor ban in the bill."

the latest bill i see has some changes in the Magazine section, but zero changes or deletions in the Silencer section.

i am going to forward his email, along with a link to his sorry video, to all of the senate in the hopes that they will take his lie and ineptness into account and kill his bill.

Does it really make a difference if the suppressor part was erased and yet the rest went through? My gosh, are we happy conceding some rights, what little you have left in hopes that the king allows you to keep some of them? Come on. Starting to sound like the NRA up in here. Speaking of the NRA, where the heck are they at? I say posse up, draw the line in the sand and go all in.
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Why do we stand idly bye and let it happen though? Why aren’t people screaming from the rooftops?

Out of state money is an obvious conflict of interest for state or local politicians.
For the Dems there is no conflict of interest. They want to disarm the citizenry.
Police, National Guard, State Police and Sheriffs should tell the Politicians well you passed the law now you go enforce it personally. Everyone should get a copy of them new laws and wipe their asses with it then mail it back to ever signed it. A handful of low life politicians can't possibly violate the rights of the citizenry who is on the right side of the Constitution.
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Police, National Guard, State Police and Sheriffs should tell the Politicians well you passed the law now you go enforce it personally. Everyone should get a copy of them new laws and wipe their asses with it then mail it back to ever signed it. A handful of low life politicians can't possibly violate the rights of the citizenry who is on the right side of the Constitution.

Not to mention, last I checked, they work for us. Not the other way around. Hell, imo, these asshats are lucky we the people have allowed them to keep their jobs and their pay this long.