HB 961, the "assault weapon, higher-capacity magazine, and suppressor ban bill squeaked out of the House on a 51 to 48 vote. While killing the bill would have been the best outcome, this is second best. It passed on a partisan vote, but was opposed in a bipartisan vote (Democrat Delegates Carter, Heretick, and Tyler broke ranks and opposed the bill. That is a perfect record for Tyler.
That weak vote strengthens our belief that the bill can be killed in the Senate if we put enough effort into doing so!
The bill was modified from its original form. As passed by the House, the bill allows a person to keep their existing "assault firearm" (without registering it) and suppressor, but cannot buy any new ones and may not be able to repair the assault firearm. Magazines that hold more than 12 rounds and bump stocks would need to be destroyed or removed from the Commonwealth by 1/1/2021.
The bill also bans any magazine that can be modified to hold more than 12 rounds.
458 § 18.2-308.10. Import, sale, possession, etc., of certain firearms magazines; penalty.
459 A. For purposes of this section, "large-capacity firearm magazine" means any firearm magazine, belt,
460 drum, feed strip, or similar device that has the capacity of, or can be readily restored or converted to
461 accept, more than 12 rounds of ammunition. "Large-capacity firearm magazine" does not include (i) a
462 magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has been permanently altered so that it cannot
463 accept more than 12 rounds of ammunition or (ii) an attached tubular device designed to accept and
464 only capable of operating with .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.
Examples would include any 10 round AR mags the can accept extensions (Pmags, Lancers, etc), any pistol mags that can accept extensions to bring their capacity over 12 (G26, G43X/48, etc.), and even AICS mags, as MPA and Area419 both make +4 extensions for them.
So while the bill may not ban possession of "assault weapons" it's possible it may ban possession of all or most of the magazines available for some models, even if they hold fewer than 12 rounds. A fact I suspect is not lost on the bill's supporters.
Anyone who's thinking the amended bill is some sort of win or compromise is fooling themselves.
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