Status of gun bills in the Senate on Monday, February 24
The Senate Judiciary committee met on Monday.
One victory: HB 1288 (takes away gun rights for misdemeanors) was passed by for the year. Most of the other bills were modified to tone them down slightly, and then passed out of committee. All Democrats on the committee voted wrong on every bill, except HB 1288 (Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Petersen, and Morrissey voted with Republicans) and HB 9 (Senator Petersen voted with Republicans). Republicans voted correctly on everything. The bills are now headed to the Senate Floor, where they can be modified again and voted on in a few days.
Here is the status of the bills that were considered (Senator's names in red voted wrong):
H.B. 2
Patron: Plum
Universal Background Check was conformed to the Senate version, which applies only to bonafide sale and not transfers. It passed out of the committee on a 9 to 5 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Petersen, Surovell, McClellan, Boysko, Morrissey--9.
NAYS--Norment, Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Chafin--5.
H.B. 9
Patron: Bourne
Must report lost/stolen firearm within 24 hours after discovering loss. Squeaked out on a 8 to 7 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Surovell, McClellan, Boysko, Morrissey--8.
NAYS--Norment, Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Stanley, Chafin,
H.B. 264
Patron: Lopez
Eliminates online training for CHP and was modified to continue allowing NRA instructors to teach. Passed out of committee by a 9 to 6 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Petersen, Surovell, McClellan, Boysko, Morrissey--9.
NAYS--Norment, Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Stanley, Chafin--6.
H.B. 421
Patron: Price
Allows localities to pass their own gun control, but was modified to narrow the focus of where guns could be controlled. However, some new locations were added to what locations could be controlled (recreation and community centers). So government can turn areas it controls into "gun free" shooting galleries, with with no requirement to even provide extra security. Passed out of committee by a 9 to 6 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Petersen, Surovell, McClellan, Boysko, Morrissey--9.
NAYS--Norment, Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Stanley, Chafin--6.
H.B. 674
Patron: Sullivan
Red Flag law, modified to be similar to the Senate version, but with weaker protections than the Senate version. This bill is still horrendous for our civil rights. Government is not held liable for errors or omissions in stripping you of your firearms, nor are they responsible if your guns, in their possession, get lost of damaged. If this bill isn't tyrannical, I don't know what is. Passed out of committee by a 9 to 6 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Petersen, Surovell, McClellan, Boysko, Morrissey--9.
NAYS--Norment, Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Stanley, Chafin--6.
H.B. 812
Patron: Ward
One Handgun a Month, modified to add an exception for CHP holders. Passed out of committee by a 9 to 6 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Petersen, Surovell, McClellan, Boysko, Morrissey--9.
NAYS--Norment, Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Stanley, Chafin--6.
H.B. 1004
Patron: Mullin
Permanent protective orders take way right to keep and bear arms while in force. Passed out of committee by a 9 to 6 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Petersen, Surovell, McClellan, Boysko, Morrissey--9.
NAYS--Norment, Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Stanley, Chafin--6.
H.B. 1080
Patron: Hope
Restricts even further who can have a firearm on K-12 school property. Passed out of committee by a 9 to 5 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Petersen, Surovell, McClellan, Boysko, Morrissey--9.
NAYS--Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Stanley, Chafin--5.
H.B. 1083
Patron: Hayes
Person who leaves a loaded firearm "recklessly" where someone under the age of 18 can have access, could be charged with a Class 6 FELONY. Modified in committee to lower the age back to 14 years-old and reduced the penalty from a Class 6 felony to a Class 1 misdemeanor (up from a Class 3 misdemeanor in current law). Passed out of committee on a 9 to 6 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Lucas, Deeds, Petersen, Surovell, McClellan, Boysko, Morrissey--9.
NAYS--Norment, Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Stanley, Chafin--6.
H.B. 1288
Patron: Murphy
Takes away gun rights for misdemeanor stalking, sexual battery, hate crime, or domestic violence. This bill was carried over for the year (dead) by a 12 to 3 vote.
YEAS--Edwards, Saslaw, Norment, Lucas, Obenshain, McDougle, Stuart, Stanley, Chafin, Deeds, Petersen, Morrissey--12.
NAYS--Surovell, McClellan, Boysko--3.