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Virginia Gun Control Updates

I'm not going to try and winnow out where all of this has come from. It's here, and it's in our faces; deliberately so. It's provocation, and provocation always shakes out the confused and fearful. That's no small part if this issue.

For as long as the populace fears gun owners, they will put enough support behind the thugs to keep them at the top. That's how bullies and thugs work; they sew the fear, and then they get their subordinates to do the real dirt.

When gatherings of folks show up in prominent locations, the more their appearance stands out from the folks you're trying to reach, trying to get to vote on your behalf, the less traction your message receives. We aren't the gun toting thugs; that's who the banners really are.

The most effective program the NRA ever devised was the "I'm the NRA" campaign. It depicts the gun owners as not only among 'the normals', it depicts them as they actually are. They are the normals right along with, and among the folks who don't choose to own guns.

The 2A is not a mandate; it is an option to exercise a universal right. People cannot be compelled to own guns, and nobody should try to make that happen. We're not a draft board.

We're not Switzerland, either. Even Switzerland isn't Switzerland anymore, and that's the fate we must avoid. We must think beyond the current strategy. It's not about checkers, it's chess.

If you don't think appearance counts, ask yourselves how your opponent appears. You're trying to take their jobs, at least dress the part. Appearance counts a whole lot in this impasse. Dressing like a final defense force scares Hell out of the very folks you need to come to your support.

Don't allow them to run unopposed. Bring your own statesmen to the political arena. Not Zealots, not firebrands; but honest, sensible, and appealing common men and women who honor individual freedoms; and who do all the other things that it takes to bring order and decency to legislative and executive positions.

My message isn't that I'm scared somebody's coming to take my guns. My message is that gun owners are defending everybody's right to have our choice. Anything off that theme, and we look like a pack of spoilt kids demanding our candy.

The true facts are that in Virginia, the government denies the right of civilians to make serious and meaningful self defense decisions for themselves. It's about choices and who gets to make them; the government, or the voters.

I never did, and never will, elect a candidate because I want them to do my thinking for me.

Furthermore, the Constitution and 2A clearly and definitively binds government against usurping that choice. They know that and they deliberately set themselves in opposition. They are true criminals whose beliefs demand that they tear down the very things that make America America.

Do not bow before them. Gandhi defeated the entire British Empire. He didn't use guns, he laid himself down in the path of the Imperial Dragoons. Courage is not about firepower. Ask yourselves how many guns does God have? Gandhi was never a pacifist, and understood that beyond an interminable point all options must be realistically considered, as did our own founders. Gandhi knew that for his situation the best tools were appearances and shame, and we need those arrows within our quiver as well.

Finally, OpSec. Do you have the sense that your overt actions are anticipated? Bet you do. Infiltration/deception is always there. If your ships are vulnerable, mind the loose lips.

Or, have you found that some folks within your ranks are overly eager to step outside the legitimate box? That's how we define malcontents. Benedict Arnold was a malcontent. He came within hours of defeating the Revolution.

Or, can any of your people be bought? There's a lot of money on the other side. Just ask their party's candidates who's funding them. I'll bet you already know that answer.

The problem with all of this is the matter of mistrust. It's there, they want it there, and they most decidedly have put it there. Don't be burning the tablecloth with the kindling.

Oh dear me, I must wring my hands. Not.

Nothing to do?

Start small, start local; enlarge your close circle of friends to include non gun owners. It's not the gun owning message that folks need to hear from you. It's the message that you're standing with them in all things, and that yes, you have guns, but they there to protect them as well.

That's what I do, every chance.

I've been trying really hard to make a positive impression here. It has come at some personal cost this weekend. My BP has spiked over 200, my breathing has had several episodes where I can't get air into my lungs, and my Wife has had to call the EMT's to help me get my Cardio Pulmonary system back in step. It's all very scary, but it's not new. When you're my age and you have my flaws, it happens occasionally.

My take is that it means this subject is very close to my heart, I'm straining my capacities in order to impart something helpful, and that I'm actually scared that I might wink out and miss the grande finale where all wrongs are righted and freedom still has a home in Virginia.

We are not screwed; rather, we are free men. Free men are mean and women who have, always have, and must always have the option to say "NO" to oppression. Never bow your heads and say, "We're screwed". Freedom can never be taken; it can only be surrendered.

Rest assured; free men will not be denied their freedom by subversion. This is the repetitive message borne within this Nation's history. Those same free men are and must be hesitant to rise up and throw off the yokes of oppression. But the throwing must always be an available option.

That's the purpose of 2A. That's why it's worth defending no matter what. Our fortunes and our very lives depend on it; all our lives, of all Americans. It has never been just about us. When the other folks, especially the sensible folks, are joining your ranks, that means you're winning. Make it so.

This is not an age when guns are less needed. There is no such age. For as long as governments insist that the electorate cannot be trusted with the means to assert their collective determination; guns will have a valid place in our society as a deterrent to tyranny; as is every human's right

Decide; serf or citizen?

I think the operative message here should be that we defend a universal right, your right as well as ours. When you support us, you support yourselves; and when you don't, you support oppression and tyranny.

Sic Semper Tyrannis! Non lingua mortua est!

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The most effective program the NRA ever devised was the "I'm the NRA" campaign. It depicts the gun owners as not only among 'the normals', it depicts them as they actually are. They are the normals right along with, and among the folks who don't choose to own guns.
that's "our" problem nationwide. guns used to be the norm. LOTS of us went hunting and shooting. we've gotten WAY away from that. now it's soccer and video games and texting and social media. this is simple math. get more folks (back) into guns and shooting and then get everyone out voting.

i'll say it again, NO ONE is trying to ban booze or phones despite all the drunk and distracted driving deaths, because most like to kick back a cold one after work, and pretty much everyone lives on their phone. it would be PREPOSTEROUS to suggest banning those. we need to get back to where it would be PREPOSTEROUS to ban guns.
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I'm not going to try and winnow out where all of this has come from. It's here, and it's in our faces; deliberately so. It's provocation, and provocation always shakes out the confused and fearful. That's no small part if this issue.

For as long as the populace fears gun owners, they will put enough support behind the thugs to keep them at the top. That's how bullies and thugs work; they sew the fear, and then they get their subordinates to do the real dirt.

When gatherings of folks show up in prominent locations, the more their appearance stands out from the folks you're trying to reach, trying to get to vote on your behalf, the less traction your message receives. We aren't the gun toting thugs; that's who the banners really are.

The most effective program the NRA ever devised was the "I'm the NRA" campaign. It depicts the gun owners as not only among 'the normals', it depicts them as they actually are. They are the normals right along with, and among the folks who don't choose to own guns.

The 2A is not a mandate; it is an option to exercise a universal right. People cannot be compelled to own guns, and nobody should try to make that happen. We're not a draft board.

We're not Switzerland, either. Even Switzerland isn't Switzerland anymore, and that's the fate we must avoid. We must think beyond the current strategy. It's not about checkers, it's chess.

If you don't think appearance counts, ask yourselves how your opponent appears. You're trying to take their jobs, at least dress the part. Appearance counts a whole lot in this impasse. Dressing like a final defense force scares Hell out of the very folks you need to come to your support.

Don't allow them to run unopposed. Bring your own statesmen to the political arena. Not Zealots, not firebrands; but honest, sensible, and appealing common men and women who honor individual freedoms; and who do all the other things that it takes to bring order and decency to legislative and executive positions.

My message isn't that I'm scared somebody's coming to take my guns. My message is that gun owners are defending everybody's right to have our choice. Anything off that theme, and we look like a pack of spoilt kids demanding our candy.

The true facts are that in Virginia, the government denies the right of civilians to make serious and meaningful self defense decisions for themselves. It's about choices and who gets to make them; the government, or the voters.

I never did, and never will, elect a candidate because I want them to do my thinking for me.

Furthermore, the Constitution and 2A clearly and definitively binds government against usurping that choice. They know that and they deliberately set themselves in opposition. They are true criminals whose beliefs demand that they tear down the very things that make America America.

Do not bow before them. Gandhi defeated the entire British Empire. He didn't use guns, he laid down in the path of the Imperial Dragoons. Courage is not about firepower. He was never a pacifist, and understood that beyond an interminable point all options must be realistically considered, as did our own founders. Gandhi knew that for his situation the best tools were appearances and shame, and we need those arrows within our quiver as well.

Finally, OpSec. Do you have the sense that your overt actions are anticipated? Bet you do. Infiltration/deception is always there. If your ships are vulnerable, mind the loose lips.

Or, have you found that some folks within your ranks are overly eager to step outside the legitimate box? That's how we define malcontents. Benedict Arnold was a malcontent. He came within hours of defeating the Revolution.

Or, can any of your people be bought? There's a lot of money on the other side. Just ask their party's candidates who's funding them. I'll bet you already know that answer.

The problem with all of this is the matter of mistrust. It's there, they want it there, and they most decidedly have put it there. Don't be burning the tablecloth with the kindling.

Oh dear me, I must wring my hands. Not.

Nothing to do?

Start small, start local; enlarge your close circle of friends to include non gun owners. It's not the gun owning message that folks need to hear from you. It's the message that you're standing with them in all things, and that yes, you have guns, but they there to protect them as well.

That's what I do, every chance.

I've been trying really hard to make a positive impression here. It has come at some personal cost this weekend. My BP has spiked over 200, my breathing has had several episodes where I can't get air into my lungs, and my Wife has had to call the EMT's to help me get my Cardio Pulmonary system back in step. It's all very scary, but it's not new. When you're my age and you have my flaws, it happens occasionally.

My take is that it means this subject is very close to my heart, I'm straining my capacities in order to impart something helpful, and that I'm actually scared that I might wink out and miss the grande finale where all wrongs are righted and freedom still has a home in Virginia.

We are not screwed; rather, we are free men. Free men are mean and women who have, always have, and must always have the option to say "NO" to oppression. Never bow your heads and say, "We're screwed". Freedom can never be lost; it can only be abandoned.

Rest assured; free men will not be denied their freedom by subversion. This is the repetitive message borne within this Nation's history. Those same free men are and must be hesitant to rise up and throw off the yokes of oppression. But the throwing must always be an available option.

That's the purpose of 2A. That's why it's worth defending no matter what. Our fortunes and our very lives depend on it; all our lives, of all Americans. It has never been just about us. When the other folks, especially the sensible folks, are joining your ranks, that means you're winning. Make it so.

This is not an age when guns are less needed. There is no such age. For as long as governments insist that the electorate cannot be trusted with the means to assert their collective determination; guns will have a valid place in our society as a deterrent to tyranny; as is every human's right

Decide; serf or citizen?

I think the operative message here should be that we defend a universal right, your right as well as ours. When you support us, you support yourselves; and when you don't, you support oppression and tyranny.

Sic Semper Tyrannis! Non lingua mortua est!


Stay safe Greg, no need to let this get to you where it impacts your health. I suspect if most of us were sitting across the table from the others, having a cold drink, we'd realize how similar our beliefs are. The internet has a magical way of taking people that agree on things and making them fight over it.

We're all on the same side here. Take care of yourself, we'll all be fine in this. Your brothers in Virginia are doing all we can do right now but the fight is far from over and we understand that and accept our responsibility in resolving it.
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I agree, and we aren't...

I won't go into depth about it, but if some think that Virginians will accept unconstitutional gun control, well then they are not opening their eyes.

They can pass all of their feel good fairy tale laws that they want, that doesn't mean that people will comply.

In Va, we are well armed, many well trained and never willing to lose our freedom.

Many better men than I, have paid for this freedom with their blood, why would we not defend it?

Still, we all know that it is the ballot box, soap box, jury box and then and only then, God forbid, the ammo box.

Nobody wants things to ever get that bad, well some do but certainly not anyone sane.

I think we will beat this by being smart and the crooked politicians will pay dearly at the ballot box, come 2020 & 2021.
I’m pulling for you! Keep fighting brother!
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Whoa, folks; I'm OK. Narratives regarding my demise are greatly premature. I was simply sharing an aside. Guide your attentions elsewhere.

A agree that many things are preposterous, but that is not our fight and that stuff has another time.

Find your message, demonstrate (don't preach, demonstrate...) that it is really everyone's message, and keep true to that message. Stay simple, keep it simple, there will be another time once you've won to address the other tasks; but only if you win this one.

Do not view the opponent as huge and impregnable, do not view your tasks as lofty and immense. Do not try to build Rome in a day.

Pick your small piece of the task and do it well. Others will do likewise with the other small parts. Have faith and confidence. If it's worth doing, others will join, and many hands will always make the task simpler. Help them join, be the ones they want to join, make the task a worthy one. Drop the window dressing and the lipstick, get down to the most certain parts of what's important.

Be inclusive, not exclusive. We ride no tall horses, we have no high perch from which to look down on others. Be not the War Horse, but the Courser.

WWII was won by finding the confidence, the trust, and the faith in our cohorts. It was won by keeping within our own row to hoe. We won it because it had finally sunk in that we could lose, and that such an outcome was insufferable.

We Marines have this mantra, that there is no "I"; that we don't defend ourselves, we defend out Brothers, so that we may all do the same and persevere. In Boot Camp we refer to ourselves in the third person. Being that third person is not a bad thing to be.

Be a small part, but a good one.

I joined Boy Scouting in 1953. I remained in it until I was 19 in 1966, and left it to go fight a war in another land. They called me "The Boy Scout", and I never complained. I returned, married, rejoined Scouting in 1972 as a leader, and stayed mostly active until 2006. Looking back, in some ways, I'm glad I did; all things change eventually. I left only because my health, and my Wife's, forced me to do so.

In the end, our unit had every little contact with, and very little to do with "Big Scouting". We went way out and far beyond the tepid waters that Scouting had retreated to. I'm especially glad that we did and that it remains my final memory of Scouting. For me, true Scouting had died long ago.

My job, very simply put, was to build youth into leaders; so I have some views about what to lead towards, and how to do it. My final leadership task was to be the Troop/Crew's Eagle Scout Guide.

I departed normal training protocols to treat my youth as adults, to train them with the same resources I had at my disposal to train the adults; and I trained quite a few of both. Politics has never been my guiding light. I am not just a conservative; a pay close attention to both sides, and I will apply different philosophies to different goals. I change my mind frequently because that's what truth demands; nothing is clear cut, black and white, without shades of gray.

Gray is my favorite color, and the one I would paint myself if such things were appropriate. My favorite used to be green, but I've turned gray these days.

I study history because others don't, or won't; and I firmly believe that history holds most of the answers to the current day's problems. There really are very few things new under the Sun. If you understand history, you understand me.

I'm just trying to help.

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Stay safe Greg, no need to let this get to you where it impacts your health. I suspect if most of us were sitting across the table from the others, having a cold drink, we'd realize how similar our beliefs are. The internet has a magical way of taking people that agree on things and making them fight over it.

We're all on the same side here. Take care of yourself, we'll all be fine in this. Your brothers in Virginia are doing all we can do right now but the fight is far from over and we understand that and accept our responsibility in resolving it.
We are all in this together.
Great thoughts and discussion above, thanks especially to Greg. I did learn a lot and enjoy most of the discussion.

So I have been involved in this 2A 'protest/defense/effort' whatever it is and it has been horrible AND great. Horrible because our elected officials have forced us to stand up for the Constitutions, for our basic rights. But great in the sense that I have gotten to met A LOT of great US Citizens (many of them Virginians, but not all). Having been out of the military for 20 odd years now, I something forget how many great individuals there are in this country. This 2A 'effort' has reminded me of this fact.

Also, the process has made me think about why I'm out there. Ultimately I guess its about the world I hope to leave for my kids. I want the US to be a country of Citizens who are independent: to think for themselves, to act for themselves and to defend for themselves. No government is controlling each of us, as we can do most everything for ourselves. Clearly firearms are an essential component of this mix.

To hope foster this goal, I took my young son out shooting this weekend, for the first time. Here he is behind my PRS rifle (6x47), the next generation of Great Americans.

To hope foster this goal, I took my young son out shooting this weekend, for the first time. Here he is behind my PRS rifle (6x47), the next generation of Great Americans.
THAT's the key! Get your kids out shooting. AND have them bring a friend or two. I'm aware of NO ONE that went out shooting and didn't absolutely LOVE it. Way better than video games, it's the real thing. Then when they turn legal, make sure they get out and vote. We need to get guns and shooting back to being THE NORM.
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Thank you, and you're welcome.

Forget about the horrible; it is what it is, and shall be our cross to bear not just for now, but for a lifetime, and our children's. Those officials are not enemies, they are opponents; and they have done good thing. They have awakened the sleeping dragon of patriot's concern. Not rage, not anger; but concern.

Rage and anger blind us from seeing the obstacle and the path beyond it. Preserve the clarity of your vision.

If we could defeat European Fascism, and an Asian Empire, all at the same time, they are far from insurmountable. All they are is a pack of jumped up crypto-communists, funded by fat, rich dilettante gamers with a hunger for power; your power. Take it back.

They have a narrow window of time in which to do their dirt. With the next election, they must have either stripped the electorate of their means of self defense, or face that means in an ultimate showdown, first at the polls, or may God forbid, later at a different level.

The true arsenal of freedom doesn't reside in military bases, or within police barracks. It resides in the minds of free men and women. The true smart weapon is the mind of the honest man.

But meanwhile, justice is comin' for them; it's just a matter which flavor they choose.

The silent majority is awake now.

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THAT's the key! Get your kids out shooting. AND have them bring a friend or two. I'm aware of NO ONE that went out shooting and didn't absolutely LOVE it. Way better than video games, it's the real thing. Then when they turn legal, make sure they get out and vote. We need to get guns and shooting back to being THE NORM.


I took a woman friend shooting. Her father had been a cop so she brought his 38 special which she inherited. Also a couple I brought. She loved it and gave me a very interesting evening in return.
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Yes, it's a war zone; but more importantly, it's the test case/proving ground where they are working to perfect their 2A assault strategies for all of us other states.

They think they're going to win the Senate this election. If they do, they have another big stick. If they do, this all gets a lot uglier. All the big sticks have their crosshairs on them. They're fighting dirty; and they can afford to fight dirtier, if they can take the Senate.

Running off to WV is not a workable solution for the rest of VA, or for the rest of us.

In a war; one turns to face the sound of guns and advances.

...And now, I've said more than enough.

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I look at WVA's offer not as a retreat as in running but more as a tactical take over.
They would not be leaving thier homes but more like tossing out the bad element.

It would hurt Va monetarily and reduce thier political representation as well.
I would like to see it happening in several commie controlled states.

Then the punishment starts till the commies no longer hold a fan base.

You could put the commie counties / state you left in a state of siege basically.

How long would it take to crush them especially with the help of a new growth state expanding in strength and all services allready in place.

If I could run it, Websters dictionary would have to come up with a new word for shitstorm.
Yes, it's a war zone; but more importantly, it's the test case/proving ground where they are working to perfect their 2A assault strategies for all of us other states.

They think they're going to win the Senate this election. If they do, they have another big stick. If they do, this all gets a lot uglier. All the big sticks have their crosshairs on them. They're fighting dirty; and they can afford to fight dirtier, if they can take the Senate.

Running off to WV is not a workable solution for the rest of VA, or for the rest of us.

In a war; one turns to face the sound of guns and advances.

...And now, I've said more than enough.


ANd Texas in the next presidential election. If they do we are fucked. NY, Ca, Ill, and Tex, together control 143 electoral votes. Add in Florida's (which is also on their agenda) 25 and thats 168.

Yes, it's a war zone; but more importantly, it's the test case/proving ground where they are working to perfect their 2A assault strategies for all of us other states.

They think they're going to win the Senate this election. If they do, they have another big stick. If they do, this all gets a lot uglier. All the big sticks have their crosshairs on them. They're fighting dirty; and they can afford to fight dirtier, if they can take the Senate.

Running off to WV is not a workable solution for the rest of VA, or for the rest of us.

In a war; one turns to face the sound of guns and advances.

...And now, I've said more than enough.

You are correct about it being a test case as we discussed in my old thread Va Gun Confiscation, that was stopped because of idiots.
Also, agree that running away is never the answer.
My roots are deep here in Va and I'll not let that go easily.
Good to see most of us on the same page.
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I think that all states are important, and ones like Texas are moreso. But as of this morning, we are down to two viable Democratic Presidential Candidates, and Liawatha fading into the distance. If I were in Texas and could influence the vote in the primary today, I'd put all my effort behind Biden, because I do not wish the Democrats an easy future, and Biden is just so fast failing, he makes the perfect candidate, from a conservative perspective. He's nominatable, and unelectable. He's beating himself in the race to the bottom.

I just hope he lasts long enough at the polls to put Bernie out to pasture.

Liawatha. She's never going to win, she was never going to win; so why is she still running, why has she been running at all?

I don't know, don't need to know, and the question is moot. She's flagging, and soon to be toast. Some questions simply aren't worth the breath it takes to answer. She'll never get to play again.

My point, though, is that as a candidate, she's only clouding the waters, and all that donated money has only benefited the MSM. Fools and their money are soon parted. Better that way...

You talk about Bernie in the local VFW and you get three reactions.

The Democrats are embarrassed.

The Veterans are outraged that that political parasite has any political power at all, let alone a seat in the Senate of the USA. Once, he was considered eccentric. Now, they see him as batsh*t crazy. They wonder what planet exiled him to ours. The only support he has comes from the deranged and from the inexperienced, and that is an indictment on our higher educational institutions, which are now largely high dollar political reeducation centers. They need a broom.

The rest are just aghast that the Democratic party has fallen so far into insanity that any of the remaining candidates are the best that the Party can find to run for the Presidency.

There are better potential candidates in that Party. They're just too smart to go anywhere near a race against Trump. They're waiting for 2024 to run against Pence.

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Question: Are you a hypocrite for wanting to ban the American people from possessing the same guns your paid protection detail carries.

Bloomberg's answer: I'm more important than you and my guys are retired cops who I pay a lot of money to protect me, so it's okay. :rolleyes:

And since I only want to ban criminals, minors, and the mentally ill from buying guns (a lie), by questioning me you must want those same people to be armed.


Sadly there are people who will watch that, agree with Bloomberg, and come away with the impression the person asking the question was an irrational extremist.
I think that all states are important, and ones like Texas are moreso. But as of this morning, we are down to two viable Democratic Presidential Candidates, and Liawatha fading into the distance. If I were in Texas and could influence the vote in the primary today, I'd put all my effort behind Biden, because I do not wish the Democrats an easy future, and Biden is just so fast failing, he makes the perfect candidate, from a conservative perspective. He's nominatable, and unelectable. He's beating himself in the race to the bottom.

I just hope he lasts long enough at the polls to put Bernie out to pasture.

Liawatha. She's never going to win, she was never going to win; so why is she still running, why has she been running at all?

I don't know, don't need to know, and the question is moot. She's flagging, and soon to be toast. Some questions simply aren't worth the breath it takes to answer. She'll never get to play again.

My point, though, is that as a candidate, she's only clouding the waters, and all that donated money has only benefited the MSM. Fools and their money are soon parted. Better that way...

You talk about Bernie in the local VFW and you get three reactions.

The Democrats are embarrassed.

The Veterans are outraged that that political parasite has any political power at all, let alone a seat in the Senate of the USA. Once, he was considered eccentric. Now, they see him as batsh*t crazy. They wonder what planet exiled him to ours. The only support he has comes from the deranged and from the inexperienced, and that is an indictment on our higher educational institutions, which are now largely high dollar political reeducation centers. They need a broom.

The rest are just aghast that the Democratic party has fallen so far into insanity that any of the remaining candidates are the best that the Party can find to run for the Presidency.

There are better potential candidates in that Party. They're just too smart to go anywhere near a race against Trump. They're waiting for 2024 to run against Pence.


I remember a time when the Democratic President, instead of promising 'Free Shit for all', actually said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". He must have been some sort of radical. While he had his faults he was awarded the Navy Marine Corps Medal and Purple Heart. He also challenged us to go to the moon, which we did in short order.
Bloomberg response to the question last night was that he is more important than you and get death threats so he needs the weaponry to protect him which he is activity trying to ban you from having to protect yourself and your family. I would of like the gentleman to have responded to Bloomberg that if Americans can have arms then Bloomberg doesn't need them as well and he should also rely on the 911 system like everyone else when he gets death threats.
And I guess that's your final word, shut up, anyone who disagrees is in the way. But you're not, you're being productive. So we see, with all those other, less important(?) bills becoming law.

I put in the time and work in NY, talked the talk, and walked the walk for years; but that's a big nothing as far as you're concerned. I told you where that course leads, and you think doing the same thing will end up different.

I'm not criticizing you for being analytical and planning. I'm pointing out to you that what you're doing ends badly. That's my choice, not something you dreamed up to make yourself look logical and wise.

OK, you be the better patriot.

We're watching; and you're not debating. Right...

Your words:

A few more days like this, and you'll have them right where you want them. Sure thing.

There will be more days like this, and I'll be right there with the salt shaker, rubbing it in. Take your medicine, Mike, you'll be deserving it, You know it. You claim the fight, you eat the losses. If you can.

Dissent has it's place, and you're not having any. I spoke my mind, and you picked the fight. When you duck the point, when you play the hero, you're losing. I don't need to be the hero. I don't need to win anything. I concede. Now it's all up to you.

You're the patriot, as you say.

And please don't call me your brother.

Dude are you a douchebag in real life?
I think you are and don't even know it.
Kinda going along with "some" of the above conversations.
Gun Control laws and Red Flag is based on fear mongering by a class of dependent people who have "some" 'reason' to fear. Whether that fear is justified is questionable.

After the 1860's unpleasantness, a large number of displaced and dispossessed angry armed people were frightening to the tame.
Town ordinances prohibited guns in town or north of the tracks.

Rowdy cowboys and some former guerrillas scared the tame town inhabitants. Dont need them armed, do we ?

Immigrant labor speaking foreign languages scared tame town inhabitants and town business owners who wanted the cheap labor.
Militarization forces were used to keep them in place. Witness the Johnson County war and the Ludlow Colorado mine incidents. Cant have armed workers, can we ?

Certain freed people were a threat to a culture and keeping them disarmed, poor, uneducated, and terrorized kept them in the cheap labor category. Cant have them armed either, can we?

The Chicago Sullivan act, 1911 was another example of keeping the poor workers unarmed and the wealthier tame people safe. Cant have those nasty people armed, can we ?

Prohibition violence scared the tame even more, hello NFA... cant have those nasty people armed, can we?

The 65 Watts riots fed the fear and towards the 68 GCA. Getting those Saturday night specials out of the hands of the 'lower class' made the tame feel safer. Can't have those nasty people armed, can we ?

Chief Darryl Gates pushed gun control because of gang violence and dead police officers. Gates started Swat and militarization of police to keep "lower class, minorities, poor, and uneducated people" in line, cant have those nasty people armed, can we ?

Every place that had a large poor population serving as cheap labor and forced housed away from the tames, with a higher visible crime rate, scared the tames,
and today those places are considered "shithole democratic strongholds full of FSA people"
And they scare the tames immensely. Cant have those nasty people armed, can we ?

As the divide grows, the FSA, the opioid Appalachians, the gang growth, with all their associated violence, AND the disaffected workers shooting up workplaces, and mentals shooting up schools,

The tame are terrified. The Fudds are equally terrified of people not like them.
The current youth educated by the tame DO NOT KNOW the quiet American gun owner who goes to work every day,
and in large part, sees FSA, opioid Appalachian, and gang as the gun problem. The gun ban people play that up. We don't need those nasty people armed, do we ?

Demographics has separated the non criminal gun owners into two basic groups, older fudd hunter types and a younger dont f with my AR type. They cant seem to get along or agree to band together and say NO to the ban crew.

The tame educated youth dont know either of those two groups really well, and since guns scare them, so do those gun owners. The tame liberals push that agenda.

The VA banners fall into the tame class of town people who hated the cowboys, the tame class of wealthy who hated the cheap labor who wants fair wage, and the greedy tame who hate the independent middle class that wants to enjoy what they earned and not give it to FSA...

Appearances do matter, perception is reality. Especially when dealing with over educated tame "town folk" who are scared of their shadow.

Last evening, I dealt with a scared wealthy college student, female, who had no clue how to change the flat tire on her Mercedes.....
Me: retired old guy in work clothes, #2, a rough looking long haired bearded truckdriver, and #3, a greasy mechanic who brought a tool we needed, made a new friend over the 45 minutes it took for the tool to arrive.
Our appearance made her uneasy to begin with, how we talked to her and helped her, stopped the uneasy, and she told us that before we parted ways.

I've done the same with youth afraid of guns, as several others here have done.
Several of those youth have said I didnt look like what life had taught them a gun owner would look like, they said I looked just like their Grandfather, and acted a bit like him too.

Appearance, APPROACH, and meeting a need, all matter.

We need to reach out to those youth. They already recognize the hypocrisy and fake goodness of people like Ralph Northam and the rabid antigunners in VA. Those youth are our future.

.02 maybe not worth anything here, but given anyway.


Every place that had a large poor population serving as cheap labor and forced housed away from the tames, with a higher visible crime rate, scared the tames,
and today those places are considered "shithole democratic strongholds full of FSA people"
And they scare the tames immensely. Cant have those nasty people armed, can we ?

As the divide grows, the FSA, the opioid Appalachians, the gang growth, with all their associated violence, AND the disaffected workers shooting up workplaces, and mentals shooting up schools,


What's an FSA? In my world that's a Flex Spending Account....

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1. Bills that changed status today
2. Bills that have passed both the House and Senate and will now head to the Governor's desk to possibly be signed into law
3. Bills that are in a conference committee
This alert contains all the gun bills that are still alive and their status. Pro-gun bills in green and anti-gun bills in red. It also summarizes any change in the status of those bills that happened today. The status changes are underlined. There are no action items in this update.
1. Bills that changed status todayHB 2 - Universal Background Checks - Conference committee supported Senate version of the bill. House agreed. Bill has now passed both bodies.
SB 64 - makes two or more individuals brandishing with the intent and purpose of intimidating others a felony - passed House with amendment. Senate agreed to the amendment. Bill has now passed both bodies.
SB 69 - One Handgun a Month. House agrees with conference committee, which said Senate version is best. Bill has now passed both bodies.
SB 263 - Eliminates online training and possibly NRA instructors. House agreed with conference report and accepted the Senate changes. The bill has now passed both bodies.
HB 812 - One Handgun a Month. Conference changes accepted. Now includes Senate language exempting CHP holders. Bill has now passed both bodies.
2. Bills that have passed both the House and Senate and will now head to the Governor's desk to possibly be signed into lawHB 2 - Universal Background Checks. Only applies to bonafide sales, where something is given in exchange for a firearm.
HB 9 - lost/stolen firearms must be reported in 48 hours - time to report increased from 24 to 48 hours.
SB 14 - bans possession of bump stocks. Binary triggers, trigger cranks, etc. are not affected.
SB 35 - allows locates to create their own gun laws. Restricted as to where localities can control guns: government buildings, parks, recreation and community centers, permitted events and surrounding roads.
SB 64 - makes two or more individuals brandishing with the intent and purpose of intimidating others a felony.
SB 69 - One Handgun a Month. Exemption for CHP holders kept.
SB 173 - allows CHP holders to have a stun-weapon in their vehicle while on K-12 school grounds.
SB 240 - Red Flag law - additional protections for search warrants and wrongful accusations were added.
SB 263 - Eliminates online training and does not affect training from NRA instructors to get a CHP.
HB 264 - Eliminates online training and does not affect training from NRA instructors to get a CHP.
SB 268 - No sales tax on gun safes less than $1,500.
HB 421 - allows locates to create their own gun laws. Restricted as to where localities can control guns: government buildings, parks, recreation and community centers, permitted events and surrounding roads.
SB 479 - protective orders take away gun rights while in effect
HB 674 - Red Flag law - additional protections for search warrants and wrongful accusations were added.
HB 812 - One Handgun a Month. Has exception for CHP holders.
HB 888 - No sales tax for purchases of a gun safe under $1,500.
HB 1004 - protective orders take away gun rights while in effect.
HB 1080 - only those authorized by state law can carry on K-12 grounds. Conservators of the Peace cannot carry on school grounds under this bill.
HB 1083 - class 1 misdemeanor for younger than 14-years-old getting access to a loaded firearm in a reckless manner. Only change to current law is raising the penalty from a Class 3 misdemeanor to a Class 1 misdemeanor.
3. Bills that are in a conference committeeSB 70 - Universal Background Checks - Senate Conferees: Lucas, Petersen, Obenshain. House Conferees: not assigned yet.
SB 71 - daycare/preschool become gun-free zones - Senate Conferees: Lucas, Petersen, Stuart. House Conferees: not assigned yet.
SB 593 - Licensed daycare facilities to store firearms unloaded and locked up. Senate Conferees: Senators Hanger, McClellan, and Stuart. House Conferees: Delegates Hope, Bourne, Coyner.
HB 600 - Licensed daycare facilities to store firearms unloaded and locked up. Senate Conferees: Hanger, McClellan, Morrissey. House Conferees: Hope, Bourne, Coyner.
Saturday was the last day of the 2020 session. All bills that are still alive now head to the Governor's desk.

NOTE that the Governor can veto, change, sign into law, or not sign into law any of the following bills. If not signed into law, a bill will become law without the Governor's signature.

Because the Governor can still change a bill, a final analysis of the bills will not be provided until after the bill has been signed in its final form.

Unless noted otherwise, all new laws become effective on July 1, 2020.

Well shit. I don't know what you're complaint is about. No tax on gun safes is worth giving up all that other shit.
I would turn in all my evil black assault thingies to save $70 on a new safe. At one hand gun a month it'll be good for a couple years before it's full.
Well shit. I don't know what you're complaint is about. No tax on gun safes is worth giving up all that other shit.
I would turn in all my evil black assault thingies to save $70 on a new safe. At one hand gun a month it'll be good for a couple years before it's full.
Yep, we got hit hard this year brother.

The good thing is Dems have woke up many sleeping gun n owners.

Things will turn for Dems very soon with the next Va election.
Doubt it will last to the next election cycle when it matters.
Who's going to step up and get involved? That will involve skipping Suzy's soccer games and Jimmy's tee ball and ballet and and and. Well you get the picture.
Number two. Voter apathy. That's not likely to change.
Yep, we got hit hard this year brother.

The good thing is Dems have woke up many sleeping gun n owners.

Things will turn for Dems very soon with the next Va election.
How are our future soldiers supposed to know how to shoot straight if they don't have access to firearms when they are young and growing up? There would never be another Sgt. York!
POLITICS: The ability to control men's minds and therefore their actions = SLAVES!