Hunting & Fishing Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

Jason Wells

Full Member
Dec 31, 2010
Staunton VA
OK, I can't seem to figure out how to get a picture loaded on this post, below is a link to a picture. I was deer hunting the other day and came across these tracks. The rifle in the picture is a TC Encore, the gloves are large. These tracks were every 8-9' apart, the only think I can imagine that would have left these is a lion, not common in VA, most say they're not here. Take a look, what do you think?
Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

I'm not a pro biologist, or even a decent one but my opinion is that they look a little small for a mountain lion.

I don't doubt for a minute that there are mountain lions in VA.
Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

I saw a Mt. Lion this year on opening day of archery season. I was driving down a logging road heading to my stand in the pre-dawn hours and it crossed the road right in my headlight beam. I had been told by several members of my hunt club that they had seen them in the past but I thought they were crazy. I don't think they are crazy anymore!

ETA: I'm in Central VA.
Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

Looks like a big ol rabbit to me man.


Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

I believe it. I saw a mountain lion a few years ago in the front royal area. It was a big ass cat and scared the crap out of me when it appeared about 10 yards in front of me and woke me up.
Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

Saw one in 1988 in Shenandoah County, called the game department and a representative came out and met me where I spotted the cat. He took a plaster cast of a track and confirmed it was a Mountain Lion.
Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

My Mom and Grandmother both have told me of seeing Mountain Lions in the area she grew up (mom), which is in the Wythe County area of the state. I have no reason to doubt either of them.
Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

Our local bobcat tracks are about 4" wide and 5" long. Had a pic on an old phone and the tracks were exactly the same length as a 5" fletching laying beside it. And that is only a 40# or so kitty.

Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

Looks kinda small to me, the cat we saw here 2 years ago had prints the size of my hand. We had no idea what it was until it climbed a tree, jumped off and bolted into the woods...
Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

Now, I'm no rabbit expert but I've never seen a rabbit in Virginia that can bound 8-9' uphill in the snow, I've never seen many bobcats but I can't believe even a big bobcat would leave tracks like this. Maybe the pictures don't represent the size of the tracks. I came across tracks very similar to this a couple days later on another ridge about 2 miles away. Sure would like to bump into whatever left the tracks!

As a sidenote, or question, It's time to start predator hunting to fill in the time bewteen now and turkey season, since lions aren't mentioned in the VA game laws, if one was to come in to a call while hunting coyote, bobcat and fox, I dont guess there'd be anything to stop a person from shooting.
Re: Virginia Mountain Lion Tracks

Myself and friends have ran Bear hounds here in the Sw corner for years in the most remote and rugged parts of Va. Snow is a hot time and some of my Friends who are farmers run every day of Season (December) and I cant believe these guys looking for a track would have missed one or a Dog Would have put one up by now.
I am 100% confident that they are not in this AO.