I just recently had the displeasure of working the USGA Open at Congressional County Club for 7 straight days. Now for the golfers among us that may seem like a joy, but to me it wasn't. Me and my Vortex spent that time bumping and banging around the course, me up front, the gun with optic, strapped into a canopy bag where a bag of clubs normally sit. Gun was sitting muzzle down with a bungee around the bag in the back of the cart. No pothole was missed, no divot left untouched, no blacktop curb not taken (at full speed as all golf carts are intended to be driven). Well after my time in hell I went out to the range and threw .6 on the elevation turret and ripped one off. CB shot was POA/POI at 200yds. Love the Vortex. And yes I'm easily amused.