3. Most importantly, it a crapshoot; look what happens if the POI is 7" away from the desired center. With the mill based system .2 adjustment, and it will be .2" from perfect. Withe "finer" 1/4MOA adjustment, the closest I can get is 5.25" or 1.75" away or 7.875". The point being it is pure luck on what system happens to provide the best adjustment.
This got me thinking, what if I write a script to calculate the values for "How close 1/4 MOA is" vs "How close .1 MRAD is" for dialing elevation or making a correction for a specific POI value, and then put it in a loop and calculate it for all POI within a given range.
The code basically does the following calculation for each step, the step being .002 (So 0, .002, .004, .006 ..... 3.00 MOA):
Example: You impact 1.346 MOA right of your POA
1/4 MOA Gets us: 1.346 - 1.250 (5 clicks) = .096 MOA away from POA
.1 MRAD or .344 MOA Gets us: 1.346 - 1.376 (4 clicks) = -.030 MOA away from POA (negative just means we are left of the POA now, but still closer to POA then the 1/4 MOA)
The first graph has POI on the X axis (.002, .004, .006 .. 3 MOA) and the Y axis is how close you can get to the POA, two plots, one for 1/4 MOA and one for .1 MRAD. As we can see (just like the example above) sometimes MRAD is closer to POA then MOA, although not as often. As I calculated it, 1/4 MOA gets you closer ~63% of the time and . 1 MRAD gets you closer ~36% of the time with about a 1% tie.
The second graph plots the difference between how close 1/4 MOA is vs how close .1 MRAD is for each POI of .002, .004, .006 ... 3.0 MOA.
The beginning of the graph where it is flat is because from 0 to .125, neither 1/4 MOA nor .1 MRAD can get any closer then each-other. The parts in this graph above the X axis represent when 1/4 MOA is further from the POA then .1 MRAD. And the parts in this graph below the X axis represent when 1/4 MOA is closer to the POA then .1 MRAD.
If I add up the values that represent the difference between 1/4 MOA and .1 MRAD closeness to POA and divide them by the total number of points, we get .0235 MOA. Which means, that if we assume you are just as likely to need to adjust left 1.236 MOA as you are 2.488 MOA or 3.106 MOA etc;
Then we can say the adjusted difference between 1/4 MOA and .1 MRAD is .0235 MOA. Which in practical terms, is extremely
I thought seeing the difference in graph form might help clarify how little of a difference there is between 1/4 MOA clicks and .1 MRAD clicks. And that it is
not an improvement of .094 MOA.
This same concept applies to the value your ballistic calculator gives you for any given distance, 1/4 MOA will get you closer most of the time, but sometimes .1 MRAD will bring you closer to the actual value. When you average it out, .0235 MOA.