Belarussian KGB secret police agents raid the home of 31 year old Andrei Zeltser, an IT technician for a Pennsylvania based computer company called EPAM Systems. Zeltser was suspected to be part of a Belarussian pro-liberty movement which had been brutally crushed by Russia-backed dictator Alexander Lukashenko. A group of Belarussian KGB agents broke down the door to Zeltser's apartment whereupon Zeltser immediately fired an over-under 12 gauge shotgun, catching one agent at close range in the abdomen with a full blast. Other agents returned fire with handguns, fatally striking Zeltser. The wounded agent also died at the scene. Zeltser's wife, who had been recording the incident, was unharmed and taken into custody by the KGB. United States authorities are in the process of determining if Zeltser was an American citizen. After brutally crushing multiple pro-freedom protests against his rule where unarmed demonstrators had been beaten, tortured, and tracked down and arrested in clandestine raids similar to the one shown in this video, Lukashenko also orchestrated a rigged election in 2020 where he again "won a landslide victory", to no one's surprise.
Zeltser had been positioned at an L-turn in the hallway as the agents came in through the door and caught the first one within arm's length right through the abdomen with the blast. The dying agent could be seen losing large amounts of blood as his comrades dragged him away. It appeared that Zeltser had only been able to fire one of his barrels but his first blast had been dead center and caught the agent broadside.
This is what is known as an "expensive raid", in Solzhenitsyn-ian parlance. Sure, Andrei Zeltser had also died during the raid but he had taken one of the thugs with him. One thug will never be returning to his family again and the Belarussian government is going to have to deal with the loss. If let's say, 30 raids got carried out at the same time and all of them ended like that, even with all of the targets of the raids dying along with 1-2 thugs dead, the system will not be able to handle such blows to it's structure and morale among the surviving thugs will drop immediately.
The premise of civilian gun ownership is not to win gunfights against the state's enforcement agents, but to make every one of their operations as costly as possible for the state.
Belarussian KGB secret police agents raid the home of 31 year old Andrei Zeltser, an IT technician for a Pennsylvania based computer company called EPAM Systems. Zeltser was suspected to be part of a Belarussian pro-liberty movement which had been brutally crushed by Russia-backed dictator Alexander Lukashenko. A group of Belarussian KGB agents broke down the door to Zeltser's apartment whereupon Zeltser immediately fired an over-under 12 gauge shotgun, catching one agent at close range in the abdomen with a full blast. Other agents returned fire with handguns, fatally striking Zeltser. The wounded agent also died at the scene. Zeltser's wife, who had been recording the incident, was unharmed and taken into custody by the KGB. United States authorities are in the process of determining if Zeltser was an American citizen. After brutally crushing multiple pro-freedom protests against his rule where unarmed demonstrators had been beaten, tortured, and tracked down and arrested in clandestine raids similar to the one shown in this video, Lukashenko also orchestrated a rigged election in 2020 where he again "won a landslide victory", to no one's surprise.
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Zeltser had been positioned at an L-turn in the hallway as the agents came in through the door and caught the first one within arm's length right through the abdomen with the blast. The dying agent could be seen losing large amounts of blood as his comrades dragged him away. It appeared that Zeltser had only been able to fire one of his barrels but his first blast had been dead center and caught the agent broadside.
This is what is known as an "expensive raid", in Solzhenitsyn-ian parlance. Sure, Andrei Zeltser had also died during the raid but he had taken one of the thugs with him. One thug will never be returning to his family again and the Belarussian government is going to have to deal with the loss. If let's say, 30 raids got carried out at the same time and all of them ended like that, even with all of the targets of the raids dying along with 1-2 thugs dead, the system will not be able to handle such blows to it's structure and morale among the surviving thugs will drop immediately.
The premise of civilian gun ownership is not to win gunfights against the state's enforcement agents, but to make every one of their operations as costly as possible for the state.
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