Asked a question a while back on spuhr mounts cracking. Just generally curious how big of an issue it was. While mounting my 4th spuhr mount today I got to find out for myself….
This SP-4002 appears to have the beefed up cross bar for mounting to the picatinny rail but I actually felt it crack.
Tightened each bolt so it was just slightly loose. Then slid mount forward on the picatinny rail so it contacted the rail in the front of the mount. Barely snugged each screw up so the rail was perfectly set against the picatinny. Tightened all screws to 10 inch lbs to confirm it was seated good. Then was going to step to 25 inch lbs, then finally 45 inch lbs lbs.
Tightened 1, 2, 3, 4 to 10 inch lbs in correct pattern. Same for 25
Inch lbs. Prior to getting to 25 lbs on screw 3 I felt the screw just barely give up a bit on the torque wrench. Thought “damn that felt weird…”
Look over the mount by that screw and found the crack.
I’m a bit let down to say the least. Not pissed but this definitely didn’t help my confidence in the mount….
I have a set of NF rings I hope will work until I can fix the spuhr
So for those wondering….yup they crack, even the beefed up ones. And for those wondering I’m not an amateur gun guy by any means. Mounted a ton of scopes. Blue loctite was used as recommended in the spuhr manual. Wrench used is a wheeler fat wrench. And I can confirm the torque was where it should have been when tightened. I’ve done enough I can almost guess the torque I’m applying. So it wasn’t overtorqued.
I even looked for cracks in the mount after receiving it. As it was pre owned and I read about the issues with some cracking. So it was confirmed good or it would have been a conversation with the seller at that time
Just another 2021 kick in the nuts. As everything I’ve touched lately has broke…so why not this
This SP-4002 appears to have the beefed up cross bar for mounting to the picatinny rail but I actually felt it crack.
Tightened each bolt so it was just slightly loose. Then slid mount forward on the picatinny rail so it contacted the rail in the front of the mount. Barely snugged each screw up so the rail was perfectly set against the picatinny. Tightened all screws to 10 inch lbs to confirm it was seated good. Then was going to step to 25 inch lbs, then finally 45 inch lbs lbs.
Tightened 1, 2, 3, 4 to 10 inch lbs in correct pattern. Same for 25
Inch lbs. Prior to getting to 25 lbs on screw 3 I felt the screw just barely give up a bit on the torque wrench. Thought “damn that felt weird…”
Look over the mount by that screw and found the crack.
I’m a bit let down to say the least. Not pissed but this definitely didn’t help my confidence in the mount….
I have a set of NF rings I hope will work until I can fix the spuhr
So for those wondering….yup they crack, even the beefed up ones. And for those wondering I’m not an amateur gun guy by any means. Mounted a ton of scopes. Blue loctite was used as recommended in the spuhr manual. Wrench used is a wheeler fat wrench. And I can confirm the torque was where it should have been when tightened. I’ve done enough I can almost guess the torque I’m applying. So it wasn’t overtorqued.
I even looked for cracks in the mount after receiving it. As it was pre owned and I read about the issues with some cracking. So it was confirmed good or it would have been a conversation with the seller at that time
Just another 2021 kick in the nuts. As everything I’ve touched lately has broke…so why not this