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Were Nazis Left Or Right Wing?

The NSDAP was widely regarded for how successfully they created a prosperous and peaceful country for Germans in the 1930’s. Even National Geographic did a feature article Feb 1937. That was their primary goal and purpose. New York jews and international bankers didn’t like it, so war was inevitable. The modern telling of it would have us believe Germany was a miserable place to be for Germans. As it is, the NSDAP lost, so communists get to write the narrative on what National Socialism means, what they did, and why.

Modern American and European politics is a dumpster fire, so I reckon there’s limited value in trying to figure out how NS fits in to it. It would be better understood learning what it was, and why it was, in the context of it’s place and time. The parallels of 1920’s Weimar Germany and current day US/Europe are striking.

OP, It was an interesting video, and much better than I was expecting.

Prioritizing Individualism atomizes a society, the results are plain as day. In-group preference, otherwise expressed as Nationalism, is normal and accepted everywhere except for white America and Europe, and media facilitates this.

I do disagree with the point that NSDAP was expansionist. They were for Germans everywhere - Austria, Sudetenland, Danzig, and other regions with Germans previously part of the German Empire. The French, Czech, Belgian and Polish governments were brutal to those expats, and Hitler took issue with that. Historical records support these facts, though modern day establishment academics who don’t like that will tell us otherwise.
Great post.

Every time someone tries to conflate the NSDAP with either political party in the United States I roll my eyes. Neither of them is even remotely comparable and neither of them is fighting for the strength and welfare of their historical group (white Europeans who immigrated here for many many reasons).

The United States is partially failing because multiculturalism doesn't work. People like to wax romantic about how MUH AMERICA WAS ALWAYS IMMERGRANTS without actually looking at who was immigrating here; ergo the vast majority were white Europeans from places like Germany and it remained that way until the 20th century when leftists, communists and bleeding hearts began changing immigration policies.

The NSDAP, hate them or not, was primarily focused on the welfare of the German people regardless of where they were located on the globe. Not only that but they recommended that every group should do the same; strengthen their nations and peoples, in their own territories.

The idea that they were also "racist" is hilarious and goes against historical fact. They tried to help other groups (including non-whites) implement their own National Socialism and both the Wehrmacht and SS had multitudes of men that were not white nor European.

History is written by the victor and General Patton was right; "We fought the wrong enemy". That is why they killed him.
Where did this nonscense come from? Please define “right wing”

It comes in large part from the press and the Democrats who created the label to attack Senator Barry Goldwater’s campaign in ‘64 and later to attack Reagan and anyone who dared question the motives of the Communists that were infiltrating the nation since the concept was created.

McCarthy was correct!!!!

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It comes in large part who created the label to attack Senator Barry Goldwater’s campaign in ‘64 and later to attack Reagan and anyone who dared question the motives of the Communists that were infiltrating the nation since the concept was created.

McCarthy was correct!!!!

Correct. I will post this again:

I am careful not to use the terms “left” and “right” in conversations with the political illiterate because these terms are so misunderstood. They originate from the French parliament during the French Revolution where the supporters of the monarchy sat on the right and the revolutionaries sat on the left. Absolutely nothing to do with American politics but the marxists use the term “right wing” for conservative Americans because they were successful in defining Hitler’s Nazis as “right wing” while in truth the Nazis were true fascists associated with collectivism and totalitarianism.

When you use the term “right wing” you are falling right in line with the Marxist MSNBC crowd that uses that term to define people who believe in the orignal ideas of our founders: individual rights, freedom of expression, religion, and freedom from persecution by government.

Read post #21. What the American Marxist dem party and their media lapdogs call right-wing is what classical liberalism was called in the 19th century.
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It comes in large part who created the label to attack Senator Barry Goldwater’s campaign in ‘64 and later to attack Reagan and anyone who dared question the motives of the Communists that were infiltrating the nation since the concept was created.

McCarthy was correct!!!!

I’m glad you brought up old Tail-gunner Joe. He is one of the most misunderstood and falsely represented figures in US history. If you are interested in an honest bio of his life, this rather long article is very good:


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The OP basically nails it from a political science point of view. In Europe calling someone a "Liberal" means they are a classical liberal like our Founding Fathers. "Left" and "Right" really only mean a disposition toward a change in policy or procedure, and they don't even really mean that in modern political parlance. If a party wants change and reform going back to the way things used to be, are they Left or Right? If a party fights to keep a socialist policy exactly as it stands, are they left or right? Add in "Liberal" or "Conservative" and it doesn't do anything but muddy the water even more.

The real battle has been and always will be totalitarianism vs libertarianism. The modern left in America are full on totalitarians, exactly like the Nazis, the Bolsheviks, or any garden variety monarchist. Ask a question, any question, and their answer is going to be invariably more government control and more money, period. It is exactly the same answer to every single problem and every single program. That is why we have a leviathan government today.

The thing is that "purity" of political ideology is not a good thing either. We should not be transactional or situational as a rule, but failing to bend ideology when it is practically warranted can lead to very bad outcomes. The best example of this was Jefferson putting the nascent America into huge debt with the Louisiana Purchase. Did he abandon his liberal beliefs? He had spoken directly against the Federal Government sustaining ANY debt, but rather said that the government had to live within the means of tariffs on foreign trade exclusively (not his only departure for sure).

Just keep in mind (like some other posters touched upon) that in the final stage communism there is no government, just like in the final stage libertarianism. Really the only difference is that according to Marx all the people are motivated to work together for the betterment of mankind by an altruism towards the state which creates a utopia without a government, and in libertarianism everyone is motivated by their own self-interests which magically all work together to create a libertarian utopia.

A great book to understand why any utopia is automatically dystopia is the "The Giver" by Lois Lowery. Human beings form governments by interacting. Only one person can exist alone without government. Once one person interacts with another a simple hiarchy and government is formed. They can be complex or simple. There has never been an attempt at a utopia that did not end in hell. Government can't "fix" most of humanity's problems, and it certainly cannot remake man into Soviet Man, or Uber Mench. Government is a reflection of the people who inhabit it, and ours was designed for a just and moral people. It seems like the most unjust and most immoral are the ones who want to throw it away in favor of a utopia where they have an answer for every problem, but if you listen you will find it is the same answer no matter what the problem or question. When someone has the same answer for everything it is a sure sign that they actually have no answers for anything...
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