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We're not going to make it

Re: We're not going to make it

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BugSniper</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 396chevy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Ok first off calm down I meant to say WAS not SAW if you had read my comment more carefully and kept it in context it may have made more sense. <snip/> Oh and I will correct my first post so that no one else gets confused. </div></div>

Dude, I can read, and was doing so carefully enough that I caught your typo and found it to be hilarious, enough so to tease you as if you underwent some sort of pedo-aversion behavioral therapy. Lighten up. After all, we're not going to make it. </div></div>

HAHAHA wow I guess I just took that at face value, I will take your advice and try to lighten up. Thanks
Re: We're not going to make it

In my early teens, I was an unbearable wiseass (some say I may still be...), and Mom would basically tell my bigger Brothers to clean my clock as conditions warranted.

As they were ten and eleven years older, and each had easily 50 pounds on me, I ended up becoming rather scrappy, and eventually, they began to get leary of bringin' it. There were times when both of them together coudln't control me in a pair of wrestling holds. Obviously, lethal measures were tacitly avoided; but only lately, now that my heart has deserved me, have I ever even given any thought to being faced with situations that might put me at a significant disadvantage.

The experience served me well as a relatively intellectual Northerner NCO set down virtually alone within a company of Deep South Marines. Folks soon learned that I didn't flinch, I didn't back down, and that trying force with me could be spectacularly unproductive. In 'Nam, in Company boxing matches I went undefeated, despite the fact that at 6 1/2' tall, and weighing 145lb, I looked like a scarecrow pushover. Never got any disfiguring injuries in the process. For the most part, I fought in a weight class where my reach gave me a decisive advantage, and smarter fighters who would try to get inside my reach soon discovered that I had been trained by my Brothers in how to use my elbows to wicked advantage in close quarters.

Following my service, a senior computer operations partner would give me guidance and practice in a few Korean martial artforms that involved combining movement with deception and misdirection to close the gap to an opponent. Actual contact involve swift and massive kite strikes. His philosophy was that against the type of training he was giving me, the man with a gun was at a didsadvantage due to overconfidence, and once disarmed, was typiclaly unprepared for unamed combat. He proved it to me on several occasions.

Getting back to domestic disciplinary issues; problems in the home stayed in the home, and anyone looking to intrude and intervene would be met with a united opposition regardless of underlying individual differences. And that's the way it ought to be.

On several occasions, I've politely but firmly advised uniformed police at our door that they needed to go away, and now. If they balked, I had the numbers of Watch Commanders, Precinct Duty Lieutenants, Narc Bureau Commanders, Night Command Post Supervisors, and IA Deputy Chiefs memorized; they being treasured friends and former Scout Leaders of mine. Such confrontations normally ended when I handed the phone to the responding officer so he could discuss matters with a superior. I do not fear Police because I have no cause to. It's not an unbearable hardship to confine one's action within lawful limits.

Re: We're not going to make it

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: eddieo</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Downzero</div><div class="ubbcode-body">18 is not a kid. When I was 18, I was wearing a uniform and serving my country. If someone, even my own family, decided to bust me in the mouth, rather than hit them myself, I'd call the police and let them deal with it. </div></div>

Even if you deserved it would you ? </div></div>

Nobody deserves to be a victim of a battery.

I got my ass kicked regularly as a kid by every asshole man my mom brought into the house.

People should have gone to jail over it. That's no kind of way to bring up a kid.
Re: We're not going to make it

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Given your life experiences it may be hard tell the difference, but they are different. </div></div>

Given that I'm going to law school, and I've studied common law battery, you just might be surprised.
Re: We're not going to make it

The law was black and white to me when I was in law school too. Simply because the government can do something never means that it should do something. There is a common sense component to justice. Your average legislator has no idea what is in that new criminal statute he just passed. He figures that it is just another tool in the box that he has given to law enforcement (police and prosecutors) to "do justice". He would be appalled to learn that the cop on the street was forced to kill a gnat with a bazooka. For instance, the legislature of the State of Delaware has made an assault on anyone 62 or older a felony (a very laudable position). They never expected that a 75 year old woman who smacked her 73 year old husband for throwing the tv remote through a window would be arrested for a felony and that a term of her bond, being "no contact", would make her homeless despite her husband's plea not to arrest her in the first place. No, I wouldn't be surprised at what you know, but then again I'm not surprised at what you don't know. You'll learn.
Re: We're not going to make it

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nobody deserves to be a victim of a battery.</div></div>

I disagree. I used to run across people quite often who deserved it, and being a hot-tempered asshole I usually obliged them. Of course ... some days you're the bear. Some days you're the salmon. Either way, a little dust up every now and then can be good for the soul.

(My therapist says I have anger management issues. But fuk him!
Re: We're not going to make it

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Downzero</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Given your life experiences it may be hard tell the difference, but they are different. </div></div>

Given that I'm going to law school, and I've studied common law battery, you just might be surprised. </div></div>

No, because you are the rape victim saying no means no, always. It's a BS stance. It sure sounds like people in your life should have been jailed. In this case, the granddaughter should be jailed as part of a douchebag scared straight program, but she's 18 and it won't happen.

We're no better than dogs, really. Even the Dog Whisperer, the biggest non-aggression proponent out there (well, he uses non-violent dominance, or rather non-painfull, but essentially violent dominance) says there are a few bad ones out there that need to be put down because they have been ruined or are messed up in the head. Since we don't have the put-down option for people, sometimes extreme violence is the only deterrant. Also, the mild dominance crap is not as well received by most problem individuals, especialy if they are male. Those individuals need to be put on their backs and forced into submission just like dogs need. Yes, that means a battery must ensue to ensure future peace in the pack. The battery is still a psychological conflict as much as physical, but sometimes talking smack doesn't correct behavior.

For kids, the battery is simply spankings. They aren't bad in general. Hell, a high percentage of women actually crave them later in life, even seeking out good distributors. What you received seems clearly different... unless of course you're bitching about vanilla spankings causing a high monthly dominatrix bill, because that would be in line with what you said, that there is no difference to you. Again though, I think your experience was markedly different, though you don't admit it.

Personally, it took me about six years to learn the value of a good spanking. After that, I pretty much stopped misbehaving and needed no more than an instructive glance to fall back in line, wherever it is appropriate to be polite. There was one time around age 10 I got a quick slap to the face outside a restaurant, but seriously, that's all it took. I have excellent control of my temper, because not controlling it was not an option, not from day one, not ever. Would I be that way without battery? Seriously unlikely. In fact, I'd say proper battery pretty much ensured my never going to jail for inappropriate battery.

Discipline, and being reprimanded is not automatically abuse. Some of us need more of it, more often, and later in life than others. A rare few are born angels. A very rare few. No law can ever accomodate all instances.