So whenever my wife is watching teenmomhouswifekardashianwhogivesashit I rock out on my kindle reading. Unfortunately, the suggested for you algorithm used by amazon sucks a big one and I am currently not sure what I should read next. I thought maybe we could start a 'hide reading list. Does not need to be shooting/sniping specific fiction/nonfiction I don't care.
Here are some suggestions off the top of my head:
Nonfiction :
I recently finished A Rifleman Went to War and the Emma Gees.
The easy day was yesterday
Counter strike: the untold story of Americas secret campaign against al qaeda
With winning in mind
Lions of Kandahar
The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership
The men, the mission, and me
How cops live, and why they die
In the company of heroes
The gift of fear
American Sniper
Starship troopers and Sixth Column by heinlein
The profession, gates of fire and virtues of war by pressfield
The Jungle Book by Kipling
The Sherlock Holmes books by Arthur Conan Doyle
All of Vince flynn's books
John Sandfords prey novels
So great minds of the hide..... What are you reading?(or what should I be reading)
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Here are some suggestions off the top of my head:
Nonfiction :
I recently finished A Rifleman Went to War and the Emma Gees.
The easy day was yesterday
Counter strike: the untold story of Americas secret campaign against al qaeda
With winning in mind
Lions of Kandahar
The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership
The men, the mission, and me
How cops live, and why they die
In the company of heroes
The gift of fear
American Sniper
Starship troopers and Sixth Column by heinlein
The profession, gates of fire and virtues of war by pressfield
The Jungle Book by Kipling
The Sherlock Holmes books by Arthur Conan Doyle
All of Vince flynn's books
John Sandfords prey novels
So great minds of the hide..... What are you reading?(or what should I be reading)
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