
Dec 18, 2018
Is your goal really the goal?

Reflecting on the year becomes especially enjoyable when considering how annual cycles, suchas competitions and hunting went. As this year concludes, I’ve contemplated the learning,unlearning, and skill refinement cycles throughout the shooting seasons. There’s a discerniblepattern marked by waypoints that signify progress, serving as guiding lights in navigatingchallenges and steering toward future success. Let’s examine these waypoints to avoid losingour way along the journey toward our goals.

Start of the Season

Commencing a season typically involves having an idea of what we want to achieve. However,the first clear indicator of accomplished goals often involves establishing explicit, measurable,and achievable waypoints toward a larger destination. Successful individuals, myself included,tend to achieve higher success rates when considering both short-term and long-termobjectives. Short-term waypoints provide immediate motivation and...

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Goals regarding shooting. Last year was my first full year competing in the local 600 yard BR club. First week out I got small group award. The last match I got small group (5 shot .941 group) and also won the Light Gun match. The 5 matches in between were way too inconsistent. So my goal is to be more consistent in my loading, my bench set up and probably most important me and how I approach the match mentally and my mechanics.
Crush my enemies..
See them driven before me..
And hear the lamentations of their women..

Figure out who I am as a shooter? In the last 3-4 years I have shot prs, field matches, elr... Not focusing solely on any of them. Maybe just accept I am a jack of all trades, master of none? Perhaps my goal should be to be as well rounded a precision rifle shooter as I can be and have fun doing it.
Throw out any real plans for 2024, hope to survive with decent vision to 2025 and then take on a limited number of centerfire matches and getting into rimfire matches.
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Consistently be top 5 In PRS local matches and I'd be ecstatic to be top 20 in Central region after the finale. Software goals- be bolder on wind correction/ taking the time to actually measure a miss and apply that data on follow up shot. Learn to be more stable and not take a wobble shot. Use up more of the shot clock, I would easily leave 20-30 seconds on the clock.
As far as Shooting/2A goes:

1) Find a decent range, now that I've lost JTAC.
2) Acquire more ammo for strategic purposes (i.e. combat shortages, etc.).
3) Complete my other "builds."
4) Maybe a P-322 for plinking.
5) Start saving up for a DW CBOB 45.

Clint Smith of ThunderRanch applauds you! He wants his students to be students of weapon craft.

Somewhere along the line I became an accidental Mixed Martial Artist (rifle, pistol, precision, revolver, shotgun, AK, AR, etc.). I even dabbled in Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, grappling, and boxing.

It’s been fun.

My goal is to really focus on Natural Point of Aim and reading the wind.
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