What is Reno Nevada like? (Update: Looking for a rental)

Mister Ridge

Full Member
  • Aug 15, 2011
    I'm looking into finally moving out west. The company I work for (warehouse stuff) has a facility in Reno. It's farther north than I really want and I have little faith that my company would actually let me move to that location, but I figure I should at least look into it. Is Reno a decent area to be for a young gun/car guy with no family?

    Update: My original company was not willing to move me out there in a reasonable time table. I might be able to get hired on at another compnay though. Anybody know a good rental company or agent to work with?
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    Reno is a typical city BUT tahoe is nearby so skiing, lakes, hiking in the mountains. Plenty of places to target shoot. I like carson city area myself.

    Also expensive but so is everything else these days.

    If you’re a grumpy boomer with lots of money Prescott Arizona is an idea. It’s Phoenix but not as hot.
    i was out there (reno/tahoe) a lot on biz 5-10 years ago. really liked it. tons of public land to shoot, ride (dirt bike trails galore), ski/snowboard ,, snowmobile, etc. absolutely beautiful esp tahoe. scheels and cabelas there, sportsmans warehouse also. decent range of temps, low humidity. reno has all the city crap you want (retail, eats, etc) but quick and easy to get outside of the hubbub.
    @168BTHPM , your presence is requested

    Reno has everything you'll ever need, including the dirt, drugs and debauchery.

    Prefer Carson City / Minden / Gardnerville when we get out of Tahoe for the necessaries.
    Washoe County in general sucks ass. It has been overrun by Kalifornians and their gang banging kids. Every day in the downtown area there is a shooting. The state in general is in the toilet since the Democraps took over.
    I just drove through/spent the day in Reno last weekend. It's just as I remembered it from a few years ago. A little run down looking and nothing too remarkable about it. As is just about every gambling town. None of them live up to the glitz and glam of Vegas. Even there, you get a block or two off of the strip and it's disheveled. Having lived in Vegas, it's the nature of the population. There are a lot of transients.

    I could probably live and work there. But just about every weekend I'd be out in the desert or up in Tahoe. Tahoe is only 30-60 minutes up the hill depending on what side of the lake you're going to.
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    They look to have a well trained and equipped PD. Bet they take care of business
    Reno is a typical city BUT tahoe is nearby so skiing, lakes, hiking in the mountains. Plenty of places to target shoot. I like carson city area myself.

    Also expensive but so is everything else these days.

    If you’re a grumpy boomer with lots of money Prescott Arizona is an idea. It’s Phoenix but not as hot.

    That's about what I figured

    Washoe County in general sucks ass. It has been overrun by Kalifornians and their gang banging kids. Every day in the downtown area there is a shooting. The state in general is in the toilet since the Democraps took over.

    And tat's about what I was worried about.

    I would try like hell to not live in Reno proper. Prefer to be about 30-45 minutes out but I fully admit I'm not one of the Hide's big money guys. I ain't in the position to look at lakefront property. Probably renting an apartment, actually.
    That's about what I figured

    And tat's about what I was worried about.

    I would try like hell to not live in Reno proper. Prefer to be about 30-45 minutes out but I fully admit I'm not one of the Hide's big money guys. I ain't in the position to look at lakefront property. Probably renting an apartment, actually.
    look in Fernley, Fallon, Dayton or Gardnerville. It’s still in NV where the Democraps are out of control.
    Nevada has a 200% income tax rate( you have to pay money to live there!), airborne HIV, and it never gets above -20 degrees all year.

    Look to Wyoming.
    Thankfully we keep having late April blizzards that drives away anyone who actually listens to these comments and gives Wyoming a try. They puss out and move back to Vegas with their tails between their legs, because more often than not fair weather is more important to them than freedom. See California for confirmation.
    young gun/car guy with no family?
    Just re-read your post and depending what you mean by "car guy" I would make sure you get a place with a secure garage if you plan on anywhere in the Reno/CC area.

    Locals are nice enough, my friend that moved there (Minden) a couple of years ago bakes and receives cookies all year round, and paints little rocks for the kids to discover around the neighborhood, but Reno attracts the wrong crowd and they avoid it as much as possible.
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    Growing up in Tahoe then Carson City, I never really liked Reno much. I graduated from UNR, and even through that, Reno never really grew on me. That being said, as Reno has pushed out further to the fringes, I see some value there as an adult. Reno is a big city, sometimes we have to go there to get what we need, if they don't have it in Carson they sure as hell wont have it in Minden. Of the areas near Reno, Minden/Gardnerville is the prettiest and has the best community and political climate, but you will pay dearly to live there, and its not a fun commute to Reno. Downtown Reno has always been pretty gritty, I still don't see it as a bad or dangerous place, and I regularly go there for breakfast, and work at sites in Reno/Sparks 3-4 times a week. If you are ok with city living, then you will find a place that works for you in Reno. The outdoor stuff far outweighs any urban shortcomings.
    Reno has been left of center for the 10 years I've lived here (Carson) but in the last three years, they've made a hard left to stupid ville. Politics are Dem, school board definitely hard left, socialists, non-profits have bent over backwards to enable everything that's excess in CA: drugs, homeless, crime, cartels, illegals, organized crime, and the taxes are being held back by a single law. Every session the legislature tries a work-around to get the property taxes "where they should be." Housing costs are at an all time high; I think median is $450k or so but I could be wrong. If you like the desert, we got some. If you like mountains with trees and big lakes, CA has that so don't bring your guns or your politics west of the border. Crime is increasing, even for us rurals and heroin and Fent are easy to get. That only stays that way if the addicts can find enough to steal and sell to have the money to buy drugs. So far, no problem.

    Visit but don't stay.
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    I'm looking into finally moving out west. The company I work for (warehouse stuff) has a facility in Reno. It's farther north than I really want and I have little faith that my company would actually let me move to that location, but I figure I should at least look into it. Is Reno a decent area to be for a young gun/car guy with no family?
    OP. If you can swing the move with your company I would say give it a go. Some of the areas, at the north end of town near UNR, have many of the same problems CA has. Same with some of the casino areas.

    The whole area has really grown and the warehouse/freight industry has been a big part of that growth so even if it does not work out with your current employer you should be able to find work. Lots of places to shoot but I cant help you with cars too much. As has been mentioned Carson City and south are nice places but most of the work you mention is in the Reno/Sparks area. And the commute to Sparks from south can be a bear. The section called "the spaghetti bowl" is always a mess during prime commute times.

    Nothing holding you back. Make the move.
    I'm looking into finally moving out west. The company I work for (warehouse stuff) has a facility in Reno. It's farther north than I really want and I have little faith that my company would actually let me move to that location, but I figure I should at least look into it. Is Reno a decent area to be for a young gun/car guy with no family?
    Gardenerville, Genoa, and some others along 395 from the CA border leading you to Reno. Lots of beautiful land up there.

    Tahoe is beautiful, but fuck California.

    - Born/Raised California Boy

    I moved to Lake Havasu, AZ because I'm a desert rat. I like boats, off road shit, guns, and women than might (likely) stab me 🔪 🗡

    @Dirty D @TheGerman
    Gardenerville, Genoa, and some others along 395 from the CA border leading you to Reno. Lots of beautiful land up there.

    Tahoe is beautiful, but fuck California.

    - Born/Raised California Boy

    I moved to Lake Havasu, AZ because I'm a desert rat. I like boats, off road shit, guns, and women than might (likely) stab me 🔪 🗡

    @Dirty D @TheGerman
    I woud actually prefer Arizona. The only reason I'm looking at Reno is because I might be able to stay with my current employer and I think it would be slightly easier moving 3000 miles if I already have stable employement when I get there.
    I live in Reno. Housing is expensive with all the commiefornia asshats moving here. We will likely move to Fernley in the next few years. Lots of places to shoot and lots of matches in the local area if shoot competitively. It is the desert, very dry. We like it here but choose where you live wisely. We picked the NW for the schools, but now that the kids are grown we are looking to get out of Reno proper.
    It was better when it was a gambling town. Now many of those casinos have converted their hotel rooms to apartments for California Refugees. Used to have Hot August Nights which was a great car show. Last time they tried that they had gangbangers and fights.

    I'd rather live in Carson City. Quieter.
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    The reason my friends moved up there (from life-long residence in Brawley, CA) was because the crime where they lived was out of control. They also had to drive over 2hrs to SD for any significant healthcare.

    Now in Minden, and as they are retired, there is no "commute" to worry about. Just road closures due to weather, which they had never experienced before. :ROFLMAO:
    I've gone to Reno for work every year for the past 7 years. The first thing I do is try to avoid time actually in Reno, unless you're into a white trash version of Vegas everywhere you go. Tahoe on the other hand is fricking gorgeous.
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    I've got family in Reno/Stead/Sparks. My daughter is a Senior at UNR. More family in Fernley, Silver Springs, CC, Minden, Yerington and a brother in Wellington. Point is I know a little bit about Reno. Prior posters have covered it all. It's a gritty city in much of it. But good areas dot around. It has gotten expensive. Lots of areas to explore and do things. Weather can get extreme. From hot in the summer to cold winter. Wind through the Reno passes through Verdi will make Wyoming laugh at you. (Has been measured over 100 mph).
    It's far from the worst area but definitely has its warts. Visit and do your own research before you settle.
    I live in Reno. Housing is expensive with all the commiefornia asshats moving here. We will likely move to Fernley in the next few years. Lots of places to shoot and lots of matches in the local area if shoot competitively. It is the desert, very dry. We like it here but choose where you live wisely. We picked the NW for the schools, but now that the kids are grown we are looking to get out of Reno proper.
    The Pyramid Lake shoot is pretty good.
    I live in a rural valley southeast of minden/gardnerville. Home prices are ridiculous. As a born/raised in Los Angeles kid, id pick reno any day over that.

    Most everything has been covered, but i can add some. This state is second only to Alaska in public land. Its a wet dream for long range shooters, hunters, fisherman, and off roaders. It is NOT all desert, there are mountain ranges all over. Tahoe is a tourist trap, and other than the big lake, you can do better at a dozen other places. Winters are mild imo. No restrictions on owning NFA toys. The govt is blue but amazingly they’ve accomplished little. Could have something to do with the fact that the govt only convenes every other year. As a former cali resident, it feels like we’re decades behind them in shitty laws.

    Work in reno, just live somewhere else.
    I swear this motherfucker right here is going to figure out how to put lipstick and tramp stamps on a scorpion.
    Negative. Tramp stamps are mehhh. I'm all about the sleeve, thigh, and underboob + fake boobs.

    Trust me, that's not even being picky. The ThotCakes reel 'em in.

    A word of caution: the hot chick with NO tattoos who hangs out with the tatted crowd.... she's the sleeper stabby. She gives no warnings.
    Washoe County in general sucks ass. It has been overrun by Kalifornians and their gang banging kids. Every day in the downtown area there is a shooting. The state in general is in the toilet since the Democraps took over.

    Reno! Well...It's kinda like Salt Lake city on meth, and throw in a trashy tattoo, you get the picture.

    I was just in Reno a month ago and I couldn't believe I was the only person in the grocery store not wearing a mask. It's crazy how weird that town has become, it's defiantly become more Cali-fuck-cated! There's nothing there for a car guy, honestly LA or SD would be way better if you are into cars, But LA would drive you nuts with the Libs, SD is way better in that respect. Sure Reno is close to Tahoe, but that can get boring unless you really like to ski. Reno proper is a pretty run down city, but it's ok in some of the newer areas, it's grown a lot the past five years. If you like dirt bikes and guns/shooting that's Reno's only saving grace and that's Nevada in general. For scenery any of the towns south of there on the 395 going towards Death Valley are cool. People already mentioned the Basque towns, really cool. If you are a single guy then at least there's URN, the university that has a lot of girls hanging about, so that's a plus. As shitty as Vegas is, I would say it's got more to offer. It's really hard to say if you will like it as it's dependent on your personality. I lived a few winters in a row in Tahoe and if we wanted some trashy excitement and really bad strip clubs then Reno was the place.
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    I live just down I80 from Reno, Gold Country.

    Reno is definitely not what it used to be +30 years ago. Virgina St was the happening spot, Circus Circus and before Silver Legacy got put in.

    Many a nights at the Peppermill to boot.

    Now it's not a destination any more from Cali IMO, just another city that has lost it's roots to modern times. 'Tis a shame really.

    On the outskirts off McCarran Dr there are still some pretty nice ranch style homes with some "decent" property/neighbors.

    And new developments outside of Cabela's @ Verdi.
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