I used to use stones, and they are BETTER. But for the amount of time they take, I prefer these:
Trizor XV if you have a lot of knives.
If you only have 3 or fewer knives, this 15 degree sharpener is very good, doesn't last forever.
Trizor XV if you have a lot of knives.
The Best Knife Sharpener
Easy to use, reliable, and able to put a razor edge on almost any type of knife, the Chef’sChoice Trizor XV is the best knife sharpener for home cooks.
If you only have 3 or fewer knives, this 15 degree sharpener is very good, doesn't last forever.
MAC Rollsharp Ceramic Knife Sharpener | Cutlery and More
Shop for MAC Knife Sharpeners at Cutlery and More. We are your source for everything MAC Knives with FREE shipping on orders over $49. We are experts in kitchen knives & cookware.