Re: What Makes a Sniper
OK. I agree with KraigWY on the point that being a "sniper" just to have a title is BS. That, in my opinion, is what the OP is looking for. Not a good candidate. However, we are still in disagreement on the DC shooters being called snipers, but that is a matter of opinion.
Some say LE shouldn't be called a sniper. That is their opinion. The training courses LE attend are "sniper" courses and their job title, or at least for most, is a "sniper." LE could also be called sharpshooters or designated marksman. Does their mission change? No. Is the job pretty much the same as a military sniper? Yes. I agree that military snipers have more training. I also agree that some LE snipers are unsat. But just because a basic LE sniper course is 2-3 weeks, compared to a military course, does not mean the training stops there for the LE sniper. They continue to train and attend different schools, along with monthly training.
Yes, first round hits are always the goal of any shooter, but as we all know, there will be misses in the field for a sniper. It is much different from a civilian shooting competition. Snipers must shoot from different positions in the field, there will be a limb not seen by the shooter, range estimation could be off, mirages, 2-3 different wind speeds at different ranges, etc. It is not shooting in perfect conditions wiu known ranges. All I was saying is if you shoot out to 1k, it is most likely be a body shot and missing a "skinny" is acceptable, as long as a civilian is not hit. The purpose of the spotter is to get the shooter on target with the follow up shot. For the LE sniper at a closer range, the miss is not acceptable. The hostage taker could kill the hostage before the entry team can even make contact with the suspect or a round could go into the hostage. You think either individual will be perfectly still? No. That's the difference between sniping and shooting in a controlled environment. But, call LE whatever you want. In my opinion, there isn't much difference between the titles. Would a sniper be offended if he were called a designated marksman or a sharpshooter? No. In my opinion, being a military DM is a prestigious title.
We are pretty much in agreement on this thread, with some very slight differences.