Come SHTF, lets say a nuclear missile hit. Oooh people will do things that they thought they will never do to survive. Pictures this:
There's chaos everywhere and the Pharmacies have all been looted and there's no way to get inhaler for you daughter... she has been have short breath, on an off.
You remember you neighbor also has asthma and he probably has a few inhaler in the house. you spoke to him and he has refused to be of any help to you and you daughter...would you:
A. Beat the shit out of your 72yrs old neighbor
B. walk away.
i know a lot of people would say, if i was 72yrs old, and i could help a little girl feel better, i would. but i have met some elderly people that would do some shocking things. So what say you wisemen and women of the HIDE.
Perfect time to get rid of the burden, the sickly only serve to slowly bring everyone down with them.
People that say that, often don't fully understand how that works & I don't think most people actually are mentally prepared for what that actually entails.
One may feel that they are morally justified in taking from someone else because of their emotional based evaluation, but when it really comes down to rationing done by somebody with enough force at hand to keep people in line and doing things objectively, many will be surprised.
Now you may say it is right to take by force some 72 year old's meds, to keep your young daughter alive but would you feel the same if the powers that be decided to take by force your young daughter's meds because the 72 year old was more valuable to society in their eyes & they decided they should be kept alive instead?
So you are left with either you respect everybody's individual choices to prepare & share or not share on their own self interest, or you have to be prepared for a very harsh reality of what happens when he who has the most force starts deciding who is most valuable to society to keep around.
Even with individual force, that 72 year old may have an idea that young thugs will be coming to get their stuff & may have decent weapons and the will to use them... so do you try or not?... Remember without working hospitals, even if you win the fight, you might die suffering later if you get shot in the wrong place or even badly cut. The 72 year old may be of the persuasion that your little brat is not more important than them, if you couldn't be bothered to prepare enough.
If your plan is to become a thug and a robber then you are not really one of us. We understand that desperation can drive people to do things they would never consider in normal times. The fact that today you are planing this when you could just as easily be planing not to need it make you someone I don't want to know.
If society and supply lines ever totally go belly up on a more long term basis, it's going to be more dying than most think because of what people will do and what will have to be done to bring back order even in small areas. I'd suggest that when faced with needs that mean life or death, many people will be willing to do anything. Even some of the more honest members here have admitted their stated plans that their group will have no qualms about forming raiding parties to take what they want at gunpoint or kill people over, if said people don't hand over supplies they "need" in quantities and at rates that they want.
It's going to be a really bad time to be a Police officer around the start of things. Eventually any community that wants to survive will have to have plenty of weapons and people willing to use them. The law will probably change to things nobody cares about and things you'll get shot on sight for during those times.
In my area, my actual biggest initial worry is these "Militias" or "Decent neighbors", or "Good well prepared freedom loving types", deciding that their gun(s) is/are what gives them the right to anything they "need". I'm not sure we'll make it to the stage where I'm fighting off government police/troops that are coming to raid your stuff for the public good. There is a pretty good chance there will be few enough folks left that they wont have to.
Venezuela continues to be an object lesson in how it goes. Now as the power grid fails and the hospitals can't treat the sick. People not caring about the law much any more and taking what they need to survive.