So I'm out running errands, have a bit of time to kill, so I stop at a local pawn shop. On the rack with the usual assortment of stuff is a heavy barrel Savage, marked 110V, in .223. I think long action with 223, and I've never heard of a "V" model, so I ask to see it. It's a got a long heavy barrel (I'm guessing 26"), blued finish, and internal mag wood stock, with stippling running from grip to halfway along the bottom of the stock.
So I figure, homemade custom job, but SUPPOSEDLY, it's original. The stippling is <span style="text-decoration: underline">pretty poor quality IMO</span>, the outline isn't even straight, so I give the appropriate half second pause to convey that I doubt what I heard, and resume looking over the rifle, before thanking him for the time and heading out.
So I look it up in my Standard Catalog of Firearms, and of course, no "V" model is listed, and searching online gives me a whole bunch of peoples custom varmint models, and a couple references to J actions.
At this point, I would normally say, BS, sounds made up,
BUT, google images found this for "Savage 110V", and the stock stippling is the same. So now I'm wondering, am I looking at this exact rifle (pretty slim chance), or did Savage crank out 110V's with goofy stippling in this configuration?
So I figure, homemade custom job, but SUPPOSEDLY, it's original. The stippling is <span style="text-decoration: underline">pretty poor quality IMO</span>, the outline isn't even straight, so I give the appropriate half second pause to convey that I doubt what I heard, and resume looking over the rifle, before thanking him for the time and heading out.
So I look it up in my Standard Catalog of Firearms, and of course, no "V" model is listed, and searching online gives me a whole bunch of peoples custom varmint models, and a couple references to J actions.
At this point, I would normally say, BS, sounds made up,
BUT, google images found this for "Savage 110V", and the stock stippling is the same. So now I'm wondering, am I looking at this exact rifle (pretty slim chance), or did Savage crank out 110V's with goofy stippling in this configuration?