Maggie’s What's Your View II

Looked kinda close in second pic, but aerial shows 400+ yards away.... Looks like a nice complex and fun place to shoot.

Yeah man, that place is actually really nice.

I don’t think I’ve ever see shotgun facilities as nice anywhere. They are actually THAT nice.

If they where in the woods, it’d be perfect.

Now, in for far as the food in the little cafe... don’t do it! Save you intestines!

People are great, and the facilities are second to none.

View’s pretty awesome too!

Sniff, only 200 yards, sniff
Not my view today....

My dad passed away Feb. 19. We just got home from his memorial service. This pic was taken near his elk hunting ground and was one of his favorite places on Earth. He taught me a lot of things, including my love of shooting. The world is definitely less bright today.... View attachment 7039972

That is a gorgeous place Brother. I mourn your loss with you, but know he's with you every day in love, spirit, and memory. He lives on in you. You'll continue to make him proud, just like you did sharing part of his legacy. God Speed Dad.
1j, that tree looks pretty cool with the others growing out of it.

Ya, it's pretty badass I think. There's a couple actually growing out of that big ole stump. I'm afraid at some point I'm gonna have to lop it off before it blows over onto the House. But it sure is unique ain't it? Some people mistakenly refer to it as a "Schoolmarm", when in fact it's not. It's just some trees piggy backing off a very old stump.

SchoolmarmTree that initially had a single trunk that later split into two separate trunks part way up the tree
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Not my view today....

My dad passed away Feb. 19. We just got home from his memorial service. This pic was taken near his elk hunting ground and was one of his favorite places on Earth. He taught me a lot of things, including my love of shooting. The world is definitely less bright today.... View attachment 7039972

Sorry for your loss. Those we love are always with us.

It's about an RCH right. 25yds, straight out of the box, off hand standing irons. It'll do for now. I told the wife if the Comancheros show up it'll save her scalp.

I went to the gun show of course. Bought something I need like I need an extra hole in my ass...

Breaking my rules lately about posting gun pics.
Not my view today....

My dad passed away Feb. 19. We just got home from his memorial service. This pic was taken near his elk hunting ground and was one of his favorite places on Earth. He taught me a lot of things, including my love of shooting. The world is definitely less bright today.... View attachment 7039972

Beautiful country and sorry to here about your dad amigo.
Yes sir.? East zero range with the east platform up above. Since RL26 turned into unobtainium I had to come up with a different powder for the 6.5-284.?
Haven't shot there but a good friend just joined and I was investigation vis their website and Google Maps. Looks like a nice facility. (y)
Haven't shot there but a good friend just joined and I was investigation vis their website and Google Maps. Looks like a nice facility. (y)

Really enjoy it there. 2nd year and I’ve yet to run into anybody that rubbed me wrong. Never even made it out of the truck in the parking lot at Ben Avery. Probably some good people there but too much of a zoo for me.
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