What's you're life expectancy?

Fuck that scumbag. Getting beat to death was the best thing he has ever done in his life. He will earn more money getting dead than he could steal in his next three decades of crime and drug dealing. If this piece of shit would have followed any of the painfully simple instructions the officers were giving on the night he died, he would now have required a beatdown to get him under control.

In closing, the cops are heroes and this piece of shit deserved every punch and stomp.
He might have been a POS. Hell, he might have been the POS that stole my Catalytic converters, in which case, I applaud the cops.

However, they didnt know if he was a POS or not. What we all witnessed, is that he got the death penalty for not following directions. Seems a little stiff for the crime, especially when the next time it might be your loved one. I KNOW.....everybody here has "fantastic" kids that obey lawful orders.....

I guess Ive come to see LE, in Wades eyes over the last few years. Keep writing those speeding tickets fellas!!!!! Woot woot!

Whiy did the stiff legged cop with the white soles get under my skin so bad????...did he need to drop a duece or what?
He might have been a POS. Hell, he might have been the POS that stole my Catalytic converters, in which case, I applaud the cops.

However, they didnt know if he was a POS or not. What we all witnessed, is that he got the death penalty for not following directions. Seems a little stiff for the crime, especially when the next time it might be your loved one. I KNOW.....everybody here has "fantastic" kids that obey lawful orders.....

I guess Ive come to see LE, in Wades eyes over the last few years. Keep writing those speeding tickets fellas!!!!! Woot woot!

Whiy did the stiff legged cop with the white soles get under my skin so bad????...did he need to drop a duece or what?
Tubby pulled a hammy putting the boots to a defenseless citizen subject.
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He might have been a POS. Hell, he might have been the POS that stole my Catalytic converters, in which case, I applaud the cops.

However, they didnt know if he was a POS or not. What we all witnessed, is that he got the death penalty for not following directions. Seems a little stiff for the crime, especially when the next time it might be your loved one. I KNOW.....everybody here has "fantastic" kids that obey lawful orders.....

I guess Ive come to see LE, in Wades eyes over the last few years. Keep writing those speeding tickets fellas!!!!! Woot woot!

Whiy did the stiff legged cop with the white soles get under my skin so bad????...did he need to drop a duece or what?
Broke his foot or pulled a hammy
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I haven't followed this story much because frankly I don't care too much.

However, in the last few years I have seen a mother letting her kids play on an outdoor playground arrested because she wasn't following the governor's covid orders.

I have also seen a person get charged with a misdemeanor for having a garage sale, once again, in violation of the governor's orders.

Both times, the cops could have just walked away and let the non-issue just go away, but no, they wanted to be tyrants.

Most cops don't believe in liberty. They believe in their own power, their own promotions, their own paychecks, and their own pensions.

So I don't think that highly of them anymore. A few actually believe in what they claim to support, such as @pmclaine.
This is how we end up here….

‘Functionally Illiterate’ Officers Recruited by London’s Met Police to Increase Diversity

Cue gangs of ‘Met officers chopping people’s heads off with Machete’s and stabbing Guardsmen on July 4th.

Just ‘sayin.

You want an army of unthinking third world thugs to turn the West into third World Banana Republics, this is how you’ll do it, right Mayor Akbar of London.

All by design.

This is how we end up here….

‘Functionally Illiterate’ Officers Recruited by London’s Met Police to Increase Diversity

Cue gangs of ‘Met officers chopping people’s heads off with Machete’s and stabbing Guardsmen on July 4th.

Just ‘sayin.

You want an army of unthinking third world thugs to turn the West into third World Banana Republics, this is how you’ll do it, right Mayor Akbar of London.

All by design.


They use a bit of legalese with the wording. Technically under the current regime they are giving the illegals the right to work while they are waiting for their court date.


They use a bit of legalese with the wording. Technically under the current regime they are giving the illegals the right to work while they are waiting for their court date.

Because those Mexican PoPo's are so... trustworthy and dependable.

Especially when the first breath these future Barney Fife's draw on American soil is taken while in commission of a felony.

Fuck that scumbag. Getting beat to death was the best thing he has ever done in his life. He will earn more money getting dead than he could steal in his next three decades of crime and drug dealing. If this piece of shit would have followed any of the painfully simple instructions the officers were giving on the night he died, he would now have required a beatdown to get him under control.

In closing, the cops are heroes and this piece of shit deserved every punch and stomp.
Which is it, let the law take it's course? or Judge, jury and executioner in the streets?

Don’t know why this would get locked.

Pretty obvious that they need to go to jail.

All hired between 2017 and 2019… wonder if there was a “turn your life around” hiring program around then?

Look up Rampart Scandal.

I remember Philly hiring felons . What could go wrong . And yeah they really fuckin did , openly .
How the fuck does a cop felon get a fuckin gun ?
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It was just a few decades ago that almost every arrest came with a mandatory ass kicking by the police
Good ol hickory shampoo .
The Nickel Ride .
Hell Mayor Frank Rizzo had his suites altered to fit a scaled down night stick . If someone guilty of something particularly heinous or violence against a Cop he would pay a personal visit .
These guys bought this 100 percent . And if the kid hadn't resisted and gone nuts he'd be alive .
Considering that they are handing out asylum papers to anyone crossing at a checkpoint there could be any nationality. OTM's are the majority crossing the border.
Because those Mexican PoPo's are so... trustworthy and dependable.

Especially when the first breath these future Barney Fife's draw on American soil is taken while in commission of a felony.

I have re-assessed and they might do good in prison as enforcers. Anyone can swing a punch but it takes skill and dedication to keep it up after you are tired and the opponent is down. See the job through to the end.
Because those Mexican PoPo's are so... trustworthy and dependable.

Especially when the first breath these future Barney Fife's draw on American soil is taken while in commission of a felony.

Haaahhhhaaaahhhaaaa this will epic when cartel members become cops and escort their drug shipments into the country 🤡
Would love to see an honest autopsy. While the victim didn't earn the beating he got, something sure seem amiss in his behavior.

Two wrongs etc....

Also apparently this was a new unit meant to combat violent crime, so why are they doing traffic stops?
Would love to see an honest autopsy. While the victim didn't earn the beating he got, something sure seem amiss in his behavior.

Two wrongs etc....

Also apparently this was a new unit meant to combat violent crime, so why are they doing traffic stops?

Not sure if it was here, but someone said that they are reporting that the dead dude was boning the GF of one of the cops.

Would this surprise anyone?

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Fuck that scumbag. Getting beat to death was the best thing he has ever done in his life. He will earn more money getting dead than he could steal in his next three decades of crime and drug dealing. If this piece of shit would have followed any of the painfully simple instructions the officers were giving on the night he died, he would now have required a beatdown to get him under control.

In closing, the cops are heroes and this piece of shit deserved every punch and stomp.
I bet you are pussy that has never confronted anyone in your whole life . Not even mom when she makes you come up from the basement even when its not feeding time .

"He shot her in self defense" he said.

She was the one that called them..

Fucking retards.

That guy was a retard and his coworkers knew it and did not like him being an officer. But it was the mayor that pushed him through, pure politics. Even the chief did not want that retard on the job, but was forced to take him. The mayor forced him into 5th precinct because of the Somali population growing in the uptown neighborhoods.

The mayor threw the chief under the bus and fired chief. Then the mayor lost reelection because the city was so pissed. That one retard was a disaster from the beginning and the retard mayor has blood on her hands. You can bitch all you want about all cops are bad blah blah blah but literally everyone said this retard is a ticking time bomb and should not be on the job. That was 100% the mayor's fault.

EDIT TO ADD: Basically this case was the real world consequence of what @sirhrmechanic posted above
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He is a typical statist gov man. Devoted his whole life to this criminal gov’t. It’s a goddamn cult.

How is your one man revolution going? Did you grow a pair yet? What will you do now that your gay prostitute buddy got arrested attacking Pelosi's husband?

Maybe you can share you retard level logic on how working for a public utility and selling a cunt like your affordable electrical power and drinking water is stealing your tax dollars.

Tell us again how you are working to free the country from the evils of public utilities and fend off those guys driving garbage trucks. Or maybe that story about how super skilled and tactical you are without ever serving a day in the military because you are a gutless cunt who hates America, we love that one.

For all the wind you blow, why are you still in America? There has to be another country dying to get a pile of shit like you as a citizen.
Blacks kill blacks... So it's ok? WTF?

People are upset in this case because of the badge.
People will still riot, because while these ones were arrested there are tons more and they get away with crimes against civilians 95% of the time.
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If that piece of shit had made even a 2% effort to comply with those assholes he might be alove today.

Ah, there we go - just comply with the state's attempt to use violence and everything will be OK.

Might work in some other notable situations, but I'm convinced these cops were out for blood and there's absolutely no amount of compliance by the victim that would have saved his unfortunate ass from their tyranny.

Given that most murders in the civilian world involve a victim and perpetrator that know each other, I wonder if the same can be said for police-involved shootings. Wouldn't shock me in the least if some number of those were score-settling.

But you go ahead and keep licking that boot and cheering on Big Brother when he's murdering people that you don't like. Given your love of state-sponsored violence and your hatred of traditional family values, you're truly doing some heavy lifting for the communists.
Too long.
Dad died at 56, my goal was to outlive him. Unlike him, I don't drink soda, eat fast food, or candy. He was diabetic. Now I'm about to turn 59, Dr freaks at my labs work, just about perfect every time. But my body is wore out, my feet, ankles & knees kill me. If I knew I'd live this long I would have taken better care of my body...
Fuck that scumbag. Getting beat to death was the best thing he has ever done in his life. He will earn more money getting dead than he could steal in his next three decades of crime and drug dealing. If this piece of shit would have followed any of the painfully simple instructions the officers were giving on the night he died, he would now have required a beatdown to get him under control.

In closing, the cops are heroes and this piece of shit deserved every punch and stomp.

Did you see the video?

They straight up booted him repeatedly after he was in cuffs.

Take a boot to the face and see how coherent you are. Then another couple, few to the kidneys, then some more punching to the face.

He was banging the wrong chick, and they beat him far beyond "teaching a lesson" when he died of organ failure.
View attachment 8059670
Getting prepped up for the mostly peaceful demonstrations.
My favorite part of the country. Practiced medicine in the County seat, have some very good friends about 10 miles north of there, to this day.And lots of friends in Lakeview to the south. Lots and LOTS of public lands, great camping and hunting, Hot springs nearby, caves with seriously old Indian archeology, and some of the finest people anywhere. and the fricken forest circus.
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Second degree murder my ass! That was premeditated from the very start. All 5 cops knew who the guy was and killed him exactly the way a street gang beats a rival. Also, gotta love the odd race narrative. No mention of the cop's races, but plenty of mention of the victim's.
I saw incompetent men, filled with rage at not being obeyed instantly.

The dead guy failed to "respect" their Authoritah... and they lost their collective shit.

Every officer involved had too much "street" in him, and this lack of respect could not go unpunished.

As is almost always the case in liberal run shitholes like Memphis... poor selection of officers, combined with poor training of them, and almost certainly... poor supervision all the way up the entire chain of command.

Most of the people who live there are idiots.
They keep voting for liberals that inevitably cause the degradation of their cities.
They (and the decent folk in the area) end up paying the price for their stupidity, but come election time... they'll vote liberal again.
And so it gets worse...
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