He might have been a POS. Hell, he might have been the POS that stole my Catalytic converters, in which case, I applaud the cops.Fuck that scumbag. Getting beat to death was the best thing he has ever done in his life. He will earn more money getting dead than he could steal in his next three decades of crime and drug dealing. If this piece of shit would have followed any of the painfully simple instructions the officers were giving on the night he died, he would now have required a beatdown to get him under control.
In closing, the cops are heroes and this piece of shit deserved every punch and stomp.
However, they didnt know if he was a POS or not. What we all witnessed, is that he got the death penalty for not following directions. Seems a little stiff for the crime, especially when the next time it might be your loved one. I KNOW.....everybody here has "fantastic" kids that obey lawful orders.....
I guess Ive come to see LE, in Wades eyes over the last few years. Keep writing those speeding tickets fellas!!!!! Woot woot!
Whiy did the stiff legged cop with the white soles get under my skin so bad????...did he need to drop a duece or what?