Re: Where has all the ammo gone?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone who is thinking this is a little speed bump probably didn't have parents who lived through the great depression and WW II, not to mention actually living through Jimmy Carter. This is not a USA problem, it is a world economic problem and when you add in Iran with nukes (and handing them out to USA sleeper cells), you have e receipe for a real shit storm.</div></div>
Since most have their heads firmly buried in the sand, we're probably doomed to repeat it.
I got in the habit of keeping a certain level of loading supplies on hand after the last go round during the Clinton years. I'm sure I fit someone's definition of a hoarder, but I don't consider it an insult.
This reminds me of an argument I had about sniping on ebay: A gentleman had bid on an item when it was first listed. For a week he watched and no one bid against him. Just before the auction ended, someone placed a bid and won. He was very angry. "It was mine until some lowlife came along at the last minute." I told him he had every opportunity to place a proxy bid for the most he was willing to pay and, unless the sniper was willing to pay more, he would have won the auction. He did not appreciate my input so I ended the conversation with "Losing sucks, eh?"
Made my annual visit to Wally World on Saturday. Plenty of .45, 9MM, .223, .308 and other calibers on the shelf. Just for grins I checked the price on .45ACP...slightly higher than a year ago.