Nemain, most manufacturers are already working at max capacity, and have been for some time now. Takes a good bit of time to get new people trained up for most of the manufacturing tasks in this industry, and that becomes a problem. Typically, peaks like we're seeing now only last for so long, and then are followed by a major crash. People take stock of just how many primers they're sitting on, how much powder, how many cases of rimfire ammo, etc., and they quit buying. That means that all those new folks who have been hired, and (expensively) trained over the previous months or years, now have to be let go due to lack of orders. Most who have been in this industry for any length of time have seen this time and again, and most of the CEOs who run these operations are not only aware of it, they're leery of repeating the process. Trust me, been there, done that, seen it many times.