Year's ago, I was in a Louisiana titty bar with my air crew looking at some dismal women and drinking piss warm beer. So we are sitting watching ugly women dance poorly to shitty music and swing their flapjack boobs off count to the music. About two pitchers into it, a guy walks over and claps me on the shoulder and says, "Where you guys from?" I reply, "Mather AFB, California." Not even the truth but who fucking cares.
Well the fucker steps back and says, "How about I beat your ass?" I gave him a second to be sure and said, "If you want a shot at the title, go for it", and stood up. I'm 6'2", 230 and spent my formative years working at a 500 seat bar in Florida, so yeah I've fucked up a few drunk assholes in my life. Mr. 5'7" is taken aback at this prospect and says, "My friend is going to kick your ass too." Now he is not looking so willing to kick my ass. His buddy is 6'3" 275 pounds and looks soft, I'm still good to go. He buddy shouts over, "Man, I got no problem with you, do what you need too." So asshole is all quiet now, then he apologizes and heads quietly for his chair.
The flying assholes sitting across from me are staring at me wide eyed. I asked them no to sit in the dead ass middle of the room with their backs to every redneck in the place. I told Captain America sitting across from me that if that fucker or any other cocksucker in this bar walked up behind me and crack my skull with a beer glass, pitcher or bottle and he did not yell a warning before it happened I'd beat his ass all the way back to California, even if we were not from there.
So yeah, in this and any other time in history, I sit where I can see the doors, fire exits, kitchen doors and/or restrooms if at all possible. I anticipate doing this until I am so old I cannot fight back and am simply hoping for a meal or two before I die.