Which generation's fault?


Full Member
Dec 1, 2011
Thought that this deserved its own thread. Peak boomer here. Historically, republics seem to devolve to oligarchies in 300 years or so--typically due to bankers. So, here we are. Early financialization of the 70s culminated in the repeal of Glass-Steagall under Clinton. Financialization took off like a house afire after that. We have the best government money can buy.

As far as who voted for whom? It probably doesn't matter. We went from a pro-business Republican party and a pro-worker Democratic party in general balance to a pro-money, pro-war uniparty. Rather than watching where the money goes, we allowed ourselves to be distracted by black vs white, straight vs gay, pro-abortion vs pro-life.

There are two functions of government: tax/spend and sanctioned violence. They will not be denied.
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The hoodwink and slow grind to the bottom started before the boomers. The boomers did see the steepest part of the slide.

For the USA, look to the foundations that established policies in finance, politics, education, and religions in the latter 1800s and early 1900s.

The finance behind the slide is coming from old money from across the pond. They have been positioning for this global move since the fall of Babylon. As civilization has become more advanced, so have the levers of control.
Thought that this deserved its own thread. Peak boomer here. Historically, republics seem to devolve to oligarchies in 300 years or so--typically due to bankers. So, here we are. Early financialization of the 70s culminated in the repeal of Glass-Steagall under Clinton. Financialization took off like a house afire after that. We have the best government money can buy.

As far as who voted for whom? It probably doesn't matter. We went from a pro-business Republican party and a pro-worker Democratic party in general balance to a pro-money, pro-war uniparty. Rather than watching where the money goes, we allowed ourselves to be distracted by black vs white, straight vs gay, pro-abortion vs pro-life.

There are two functions of government: tax/spend and sanctioned violence. They will not be denied.

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The people who didn't listen to McCarthy sure as fuck didn't help. Having said that I think the 4D chess board was being set up quite a bit before that. Can't ever pin point one moment in time.

It's everybody's fault...
Who taught the current generation that you no longer need to work to earn a living?
Very valid, but I ask who, or how was this allowed to happen. I'm a tailing end Boomer, 58', and am feeling some heat and I don't know just what the fuck I did.
We did not have kids, but can say, my high school sophomore wouldn't be pulling into the parking lot in a brand new car, nor would he-she have a bankcard drawing off my account.
The more I think about it, though not an option in my day, but I know goddamn good and well, I would have been far more productive working from home.
Who taught the current generation that you no longer need to work to earn a living?
The same fuck sticks who told mom in the 50's & 60's she needed to go to work to buy XXX. Which lead to other people raising (aka indoctrinating) their kids. Most farm kids could see it during Jr high & high school, in the city kids we knew for years prior.
What we know as the Federal Reserve had been trying to set up in the colonies and states from nearly the get-go. They went to Pres Lincoln with the plan of printing and selling money to the USA. Lincoln declined, preferring to print USA money.

And so he was shot in the head in public, next to his wife.

Pres Kennedy vocalized a desire to get out of the Fed and print USA money.

And was shot in the head in public, next to his wife.

Pres Reagan toyed with the idea of getting out of the Fed. Problem was the detail that day was not in on it and he survived, barely. And after that, no more talk about disengaging from the Fed.

Having read a few books on the secret service, John Hinkley, Jr could only get that close to Reagan because someone in the secret service wanted him there. Because these events are planned and they know who is going to be that close to a president.
You are caught up in their line of bullshit to take attention away from the true culprits.
Your mentioned "generations" have been the victim of these programs and ideals.
Most are surprised to see how far back they've inched their way into/onto the levers of power.
Incrementalism isn't so incremental anymore.

Replace your gens with skin color and see if you recognize any pattern.

As alluded to up the page.

It's not so much about a generation as it is a function of technological complexity AND shear size of a civilized society. The more advanced a society becomes, the easier it is to obscure corruption, gift, and the prison walls one is building up around it's citizens.
probably started shortly after...or maybe even during Washington's term. lincoln wasnt who they teach us he was. definitely accelerated during woodrow wilson. Eisenhower warned us......Kennedy got wacked because of it. LBJ definitely turned up the dial...as did clinton, bush, and obama. truth is, they all turned up the dial, some more than others is the only difference.

everything we have been "taught" is a lie to one degree or another. and i have more bad news....... We aint the good guys. our government has their filthy fucking fingers in just about every shitty thing going down. rich fucks trying to play games to amass money and power. and they dupe us in order to use us as pawns. and if you don't know this to be absolutely true.....then you havent been paying attention in the last 9 years.

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I'm not in the "generational fault" camp. It seems to me that it has been all generations, throughout the history of time - people for the most part just want to live their lives and tend to look the other way most days so as to make their life easier and not cause waves that do not contribute to them feeding themselves and their families. It is this shortsightedness that has caused the problem again. Nothing new under the sun, we are just in the process of reliving what our predecessors went through since government of any type was established. Add to that the collapse of social morays (again), and you wind up with what we have. Once a majority of the people fall into this trap it's a done deal.
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Thought that this deserved its own thread. Peak boomer here. Historically, republics seem to devolve to oligarchies in 300 years or so--typically due to bankers.

Folks will of course fight me on it because they have been so indoctrinated by (those who know, know), that they love their own enslavement.

There was an important reason God banned his people from charging interest on loans to each other, because that is how the "bankers" wind up owning everything and everyone.

You CANNOT have interest on loans at the basic level and not eventually wind up in an end sum game where the "bankers" have everything.

Woodrow Wilson was compromised and bought and paid for before he ever got into office (thanks of course to an evil greedy woman as usual).
He signed off on the installation of the evil that was to enslave and eventually destroy this country.
The 2 worst (among many others) were:
Turning over the money of the country to "bankers" and making the country have to borrow it's own money.
Convincing the "good folks" to enable the government to turn them into tax slaves "to make the rich pay their fair share"

The average person is pretty stupid and easily swayed by propaganda.
Even in here, folks are easily swayed by whatever "righteous propaganda" is blathered about.

Hence why a very tiny group of Global Elites are able to and have for a long time been able to dominate and control humanity and use them as serfs, slaves, property and playthings.

The "good folks" are simply not as cunning, smart, ruthless, dedicated and willing to plan generations ahead and stick to it, as the evil folks are.

So who is to blame is pretty simple, ALL the generations are to blame.

Even the supposedly "great" generations, like the ones that fought the revolutionary war or as we are told to believe WWII, they each voted in their own enslavement and the destruction of the country.

Each successive stupid generation is made to vote in more enslavement and more destruction for "some good cause" or to "stop those bad people doing things you don't like". It never ever fails, the propaganda "news" or whatever gins up some "public outcry" the "solution" is presented and the stupid people toss yet another freedom or safeguard onto the bonfire and the global elites laugh as the government becomes ever more tyrannical.

Almost nobody actually wants true freedom, almost everyone INCLUDING most "good people" actually want freedom to do what they want and then the heavy boot of government and threat of violence, force and death to be used against people they don't like or don't do what they want.
That makes it so easy for the Global Elites to divide and conquer.

Take a look at how the politics in this country flip back and forth for who is in charge
Each time the party in charge gets their supporters to destroy some freedoms and liberties and give the government more power to:
"Get those other people you hate"
Then it flips and repeats, but the pattern is ALWAYS the same.

There is no real hope the only hope is always a crash and burn and destruction and hopefully a bit less evil for awhile.

Governments ALWAYS wind up bad, evil and tyrannical.
Because good men always eventually go weak, or were weak, greedy and selfish to begin with.

It isn't going to stop until humans are no longer the ones in control of humanity.
Dumb premise to begin with.
Every form of government goes through stages that end up causing the replacement of the form of government they had. All these dumb fucks attempting to erase history are just speeding the demise. Don't worry. Very brief Socialism followed up by a harsh and brutal Dictatorship is what's on the agenda. Pretending one generation vs another is the cause of this entire mess is just wasting precious energy that could be better spent doing something productive - like counting the number of cars that go through the closest intersection in an 8-hr time period.
I don't think any one generation can be held as the culprit for the shitstorm that's coming...

Prior generations sent kids to college with absolutely no guidance on which degrees to pursue. Parents just seem proud their son or daughter went to college and chose feminist dance theory as a major. Then came out radical socialist owing 200k in student loan debt. Sure it's easy to point the finger at the federal government, but for the last 30 years, we sent multiple generations into college without any accountability to the children that were going.
Parents treated the local school systems as a daycare. If not for covid, many parents had absolutely no clue that their child was being taught critical race theory in school, or that their elementary aged child was being shown pornographic material. Many students cannot read or write on their grade school level and parents are content to do nothing about it.
Fathers aren't holding their sons or daughters to the roles they need to play. Boys need MMA desperately right now. They need to go through actual adversity, they need to be punched in the face and shown they can get through it. They need to be getting a job at 16 with a shit boss. My best motivation with choosing a degree in IT was I never wanted to go back to working with a boss who treats his employees like the dirt he walked on insulted his very presence.
Daughters need to be taught that true happiness comes from being a mother. That submitting to a husband who loves her and will take care of her is far more "empowering" than submitting to boss demanding the spreadsheets at 5. She needs to be taught how to cook and clean and be raised in a soft life antithetical to boys.

Fix the issues at home, fix the issues of raising children, and many of societies problems will disappear.
I don't generally fall into the camp that I personally believe it's any particular generation(age group), religion, nationality, or skin color's "fault" for the slight that you're alluding to. I also don't think the "good old days" were as good as we'd like to romanticize. I would say though that the fluctuations of our currency/purchasing power do in a large part point back to the establishment of the Federal Reserve (which is a private entity for those that don't know that).

I also feel that a plan of some sort moving us towards globalization slowly was introduced while the Baby Boomers were coming of age. While they (arguably) saw tremendous growth and opportunity beyond previous generations, I can't say that it's fair to blame them for that action and it'd otherwise be accurate to say that generations that followed just didn't reap the same rewards/growth and that hostility was intentional and why you hear so much about arguing Boomers to Gen X to Milenials to Gen Z, whatever made up term you follow. These arguments of generations, just like the arguments of religion 'x' vs religion 'y' (which held lots of status during my father's generation but not so much now), age group 'x' vs age group 'y', skin color 'x' vs skin color 'y', heck even political party 'x' vs party 'y', those diversion tactics aren't anything new. We used to have in our past arguments about Nationalism and why Country 'x' was better than their neighbor Country 'y' but somehow throughout time, we're now arguing the micro components, tossed all of the macro arguments and are arguing MOA vs MIL as if it was it's own social class, North vs South of the Mason Dixon Line, Pro vs "anti" Ukraine (I feel like many of the anti's here more accurately align with being neutralists that it isn't our fight to dick around with or fund) or lastly and most recently the maskers/vaccine advocates vs the informed "masks don't do anything"/" 'vaccine' is untested and could be poison" groups. I could go on and on but my point is- I believe that this is all by design.

There's a vocal group here saying/preparing for the next Civil War and I can't help but feel that they've had their opinions formed by decades of propaganda but fail to see that the propaganda is global rather than national. So we'll keep "rattling our sabers" against our neighbors because of these slight differences in order to align with our clan of choosing. Meanwhile, the noose gets tighter and tighter and our 'clans' feel like they're gaining ground fighting amongst themselves while they're losing substantial ground to the forces unknown that are pulling these globalist strings. And yet there are some in even this community that mock me for asking for 19th century Civil War stories as if that isn't relevant in the 21st century and not a repeat of ignoring all of the lessons learned over 150 years ago.

TL/DR: Keep arguing against the trannies and pesos if you feel like that's a productive use of your time. It's the Bear Pit so if you'd want to continue arguing against political parties, religions, color skins, nationalities, whatever group that occupies space in your head, have at it. If that's how you perceive the world than frankly you're a cuck but that's still ok and we can still be friends eventually. I think our politicians have long since been 'bought and paid for' and the continental shift likely occurred as "Baby Boomers" were coming of age (it's often missed on these 'arguments' how many of the early ones were drafted to fight in Vietnam) but I'd agree a shift occurred. American's purchasing power soon diminished and productivity/aka 'jobs' left this country during that time period but those plans weren't put in motion by even the earliest of the "Baby Boomer" generation, they were put in place by someone/some entity with deep pockets to start buying politicians (in my assessment starting at the conclusion of WWII, of which I haven't started a thread on yet much to the disappointment of the flying monkeys here, but there was a noticeable power shift/vacuum a that moment).

Since then all of the politicians have been bought and paid for- all of the mainstream media has been purchased and everything has been propagandized on how the vast majority of people should think (Globally) in almost 100 years time since WWII. But hey, for the about dozen here that live off of meme's and childish insults, have at it. That's my two cents.

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Thought that this deserved its own thread. Peak boomer here. Historically, republics seem to devolve to oligarchies in 300 years or so--typically due to bankers. So, here we are. Early financialization of the 70s culminated in the repeal of Glass-Steagall under Clinton. Financialization took off like a house afire after that. We have the best government money can buy.

As far as who voted for whom? It probably doesn't matter. We went from a pro-business Republican party and a pro-worker Democratic party in general balance to a pro-money, pro-war uniparty. Rather than watching where the money goes, we allowed ourselves to be distracted by black vs white, straight vs gay, pro-abortion vs pro-life.

There are two functions of government: tax/spend and sanctioned violence. They will not be denied.
When countries fall, it doesn't really matter who's fault it is, because it's likely the cycle will just start over, and those that caused it, and those that suffered under it, will all be dead anyway.

Government now, is all about power. Why would somebody who's dominated the business world, and made more money than they'll ever be able to spend, decide to enter politics.....it's all about power, and government is all the power. When you're in the government, you have the most powerful law enforcement agencies to use at your disposal to absolutely destory anybody you don't like, regardless of how much money, influence, or power they have.

The only way to end that cycle, is term limits, and the only way to get term limits, is to get those that would be bound by that law, to vote for that law for themselves....and it'll never happen.

We virtually have no choice but to hold on for the ride, and hope that the "leadership" merely drives us into a ditch, rather than off a cliff. Rest assured though...we're all gonna pay for all of it.

Since 1776 America has had a portion of the population that absolutely HATES this country and they have worked for generations to destroy America. Now, they are called Democrats. Over the years they have been called all sorts of things but first and foremost they are British loyalists to the crown, a gutless, mindless group of cunts who require a slave master to worship and a King/Queen or some sort of overlord to tell them what to think and how to act.

They were the part of the "Greatest Generation" who openly supported Hitler and Stalin and if they served in WWII is was in so rearguard position or as civilian oversight for a government project and when it came time to get the benefits offered to those who served, they jumped to the front of the line. They raised drug addled shit bag children of the 1960's who ran away and shit the bed when it came time to serve in the military, much less Vietnam. They came home and snorted coke or smoked dope all the way thru the 1970's and fucked their herpes filled leftist whores, pumping out a 2nd generation of post war drug babies.

This is the pure shit that is Gen X, parents were dopers and herpes whores who got grades for simply attending college classes, they abuse illegal drugs, enjoy gay sex and interracial ass rape during spring break. They pumped out a 3rd generation of drug addled, mindless crybaby leftist scum babies, more and more generation drug use, lowering education standards and increased use of pedophile and homosexual sex to groom them into becoming the playthings of their parents leftist friends a family members.

We are five or six generations into this cycle since WWII. Increased use to legal and illegal drugs to numb the minds and force the compliance of their weak minded followers, the leftists are winning. They offer the easy way out. Free drugs, no birth control and your failure of a live is subsidized by the government paying your student loans and welfare checks. All you have to do is mindlessly follow their orders. Does anyone else wonder how EVERY late night TV show manages to gargle Chinese Communist balls and spit out the same fucking jokes against Trump or Republicans, all on the same night and side by side? How does EVERY news story repeat word for fucking word on five channels? Leftist group think is amazing.

What really concerns me is EXACTLY who is in charge? Who or what is it that tells these mindless cunts what to think and say and how to act? There is the real power. Someone tells the left what to think and within minutes they are reprogram themselves and jump on their computers and in front of their TV cameras and say it, mindlessly, unquestioning and with all the conviction of a true believer.

Who is really in charge?????
What we know as the Federal Reserve had been trying to set up in the colonies and states from nearly the get-go. They went to Pres Lincoln with the plan of printing and selling money to the USA. Lincoln declined, preferring to print USA money.

And so he was shot in the head in public, next to his wife.

Pres Kennedy vocalized a desire to get out of the Fed and print USA money.

And was shot in the head in public, next to his wife.

Pres Reagan toyed with the idea of getting out of the Fed. Problem was the detail that day was not in on it and he survived, barely. And after that, no more talk about disengaging from the Fed.

Having read a few books on the secret service, John Hinkley, Jr could only get that close to Reagan because someone in the secret service wanted him there. Because these events are planned and they know who is going to be that close to a president.
yes,the role of the SS in the kenedy kill (s) has never been real deeply explored. their help was not needed with malcolm x or mlk. i guess i can MAYBE understand the willingness of some to trade their life for some "elected" emperor. but,that's a reach. are there people that i would voluntarily trade my life for? yes 8,maybe 10, 8 are blood relations. risking life for a cause? yes and a very admirable sacrifice many,many have made. unfortunately that has been manipulated for millennia with very mixed results and benefits not usually going to what/who the sacrifice was for.
probably started shortly after...or maybe even during Washington's term. lincoln wasnt who they teach us he was. definitely accelerated during woodrow wilson. Eisenhower warned us......Kennedy got wacked because of it. LBJ definitely turned up the dial...as did clinton, bush, and obama. truth is, they all turned up the dial, some more than others is the only difference.

everything we have been "taught" is a lie to one degree or another. and i have more bad news....... We aint the good guys. our government has their filthy fucking fingers in just about every shitty thing going down. rich fucks trying to play games to amass money and power. and they dupe us in order to use us as pawns. and if you don't know this to be absolutely true.....then you havent been paying attention in the last 9 years.


Been doing a lot of study on this lately. Lots of opportunities to read when you are retired.

Andrew Jackson is where the ball really got rolling.
Thats also about the time the SCOTUS were given the keys to the kingdom.

I think we misinterpret the words of Franklin when he answered, "a Republic, if you can keep it"
I'm starting to believe he said it with a smirk.
What really concerns me is EXACTLY who is in charge? Who or what is it that tells these mindless cunts what to think and say and how to act? There is the real power. Someone tells the left what to think and within minutes they are reprogram themselves and jump on their computers and in front of their TV cameras and say it, mindlessly, unquestioning and with all the conviction of a true believer.

Who is really in charge?????

Pretty much exactly like in 1984, the official script changes and instantly all the "talking heads" and "influencers" stop mid sentence and pickup the new line.

I hate to break it to you but Vietnam was NOT a "good war" and the draft was a very evil and bad thing.
Vietnam was designed from the get go by the Global Elites to destroy America's forward momentum and bring about "change" and all the "good folks" totally swallowed the propaganda line.

As to who is really in charge, well those that know, know.
You aren't allowed to talk about who exactly that is, but if you do enough of your own research you'll understand.
But this might clue you in, The Illuminated One is real, his dedicated servants that actually see him, exist.
The foreboding prophecies of the Bible will come true, and all those who think they will magically skip the main event...
The ones who are making it happen, are the ones who rule the world, and have done so for a long time.
They glory in telling you what they are going to do to you, and watching you not believe it.

We are at the final stages of a very long plan.
Since 1776 America has had a portion of the population that absolutely HATES this country and they have worked for generations to destroy America. Now, they are called Democrats. Over the years they have been called all sorts of things but first and foremost they are British loyalists to the crown, a gutless, mindless group of cunts who require a slave master to worship and a King/Queen or some sort of overlord to tell them what to think and how to act.

They were the part of the "Greatest Generation" who openly supported Hitler and Stalin and if they served in WWII is was in so rearguard position or as civilian oversight for a government project and when it came time to get the benefits offered to those who served, they jumped to the front of the line. They raised drug addled shit bag children of the 1960's who ran away and shit the bed when it came time to serve in the military, much less Vietnam. They came home and snorted coke or smoked dope all the way thru the 1970's and fucked their herpes filled leftist whores, pumping out a 2nd generation of post war drug babies.

This is the pure shit that is Gen X, parents were dopers and herpes whores who got grades for simply attending college classes, they abuse illegal drugs, enjoy gay sex and interracial ass rape during spring break. They pumped out a 3rd generation of drug addled, mindless crybaby leftist scum babies, more and more generation drug use, lowering education standards and increased use of pedophile and homosexual sex to groom them into becoming the playthings of their parents leftist friends a family members.

We are five or six generations into this cycle since WWII. Increased use to legal and illegal drugs to numb the minds and force the compliance of their weak minded followers, the leftists are winning. They offer the easy way out. Free drugs, no birth control and your failure of a live is subsidized by the government paying your student loans and welfare checks. All you have to do is mindlessly follow their orders. Does anyone else wonder how EVERY late night TV show manages to gargle Chinese Communist balls and spit out the same fucking jokes against Trump or Republicans, all on the same night and side by side? How does EVERY news story repeat word for fucking word on five channels? Leftist group think is amazing.

What really concerns me is EXACTLY who is in charge? Who or what is it that tells these mindless cunts what to think and say and how to act? There is the real power. Someone tells the left what to think and within minutes they are reprogram themselves and jump on their computers and in front of their TV cameras and say it, mindlessly, unquestioning and with all the conviction of a true believer.

Who is really in charge?????
well for an example,see the reaction and control of the communist flip flop after the non aggression pact was signed between hitler and stalin. the international communists freaked out and had to rush the pro nazi propaganda past the previous anti nazi ravings. had to go back after barbarosa. read hoffer "the true believer".
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Been doing a lot of study on this lately. Lots of opportunities to read when you are retired.

Andrew Jackson is where the ball really got rolling.
Thats also about the time the SCOTUS were given the keys to the kingdom.

I think we misinterpret the words of Franklin when he answered, "a Republic, if you can keep it"
I'm starting to believe he said it with a smirk.
There is a lot of truth to the damage Andrew Jackson did.

Though us boomers and the early X-ers (I am a very late boomer) raised a generation of pussies that is hard to top as the most useless Americans ever created. Worse than the Greek faggots and Roman pervs who let those empires crumble.

Permissiveness and catering to childhood whims. Spare the rod... fuck that shit.

Think technology - culprit! Then think Roswell, NM. Think Aliens - culprits! Aliens are at fault.

Quit blaming me - my family (Mother, Father and 12 aunts and uncles were Democrats (1940s - 2008, then they all switched) - I’ve always been a Republican born 1947.😎
Think technology - culprit! Then think Roswell, NM. Think Aliens - culprits! Aliens are at fault.

Quit blaming me - my family (Mother, Father and 12 aunts and uncles were Democrats (1940s - 2008, then they all switched) - I’ve always been a Republican born 1947.😎
1/2 of mine were D's the other half R's. When I became smart enough to know the diff, went Ind, and have never looked back. 1947 here as well
Reagan was a self-described FDR dem and became republican.

Trump was a dem for most of his life and became republican.

It is weird how some of the strongest republicans used to be dems. Then, again, dems don't give up, ever. Their saying is "die with the lie" and they mean it.
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Who taught the current generation that you no longer need to work to earn a living?
If I were born about a decade later I probably wouldn't bother working either.

The vast majority of young people have no hope of finding a well paying job, let alone a career.
Buying a house is just never going to happen.
Why spend your life slaving away to line someone else's pockets, be it a landlord, a big corporation, or even the government, when as soon as you step out of line you'll be out the door and replaced in a heart beat.

I'm an older millennial and am in a very fortunate position compared to many many other, sure I might have worked hard and taken some risks to get where I am. Even then I'm not sure it's all worth it all said and done.

The powers at be really screwed up during Covid as they showed the majority what little agency they had over their own lives. Why would the average person go back to doing what they were before, when it could all be taken away again at a moments notice?
Reagan was a self-described FDR dem and became republican.

Trump was a dem for most of his life and became republican.

It is weird how some of the strongest republicans used to be dems. Then, again, dems don't give up, ever. Their saying is "die with the lie" and they mean it.

Who better to see the hypocrisy of a system than folks who were neck deep in it and had a revelation?
If I were born about a decade later I probably wouldn't bother working either.

The vast majority of young people have no hope of finding a well paying job, let alone a career.
Buying a house is just never going to happen.
Why spend your life slaving away to line someone else's pockets, be it a landlord, a big corporation, or even the government, when as soon as you step out of line you'll be out the door and replaced in a heart beat.

I'm an older millennial and am in a very fortunate position compared to many many other, sure I might have worked hard and taken some risks to get where I am. Even then I'm not sure it's all worth it all said and done.

The powers at be really screwed up during Covid as they showed the majority what little agency they had over their own lives. Why would the average person go back to doing what they were before, when it could all be taken away again at a moments notice?
It's called hard work. Sometimes, a person breaks a sweat and gets dirty with sore muscles to do some work. It's not like "The Office" where people sit around and make jokes.

Young'ns today don't want any part of that. Our labor force for construction is aging out and their children are NOT following in the footsteps of dad. They will do anything to avoid picking up a shovel.
It's called hard work. Sometimes, a person breaks a sweat and gets dirty with sore muscles to do some work. It's not like "The Office" where people sit around and make jokes.

Young'ns today don't want any part of that. Our labor force for construction is aging out and their children are NOT following in the footsteps of dad. They will do anything to avoid picking up a shovel.
Many of us had this conversation in the late 70's to mid 80's Back then I worked the floor, for 14 bucks an hr flat rate. When they ask us why no new blood was walking in the door the answer was easy. Would you do what we do for 14 bucks + an hr while having to own 50K in tooling to do it, while being greasy all day?. Or would you rather set behind a desk, worried about a paper cut being your worst injury all day. Plus never having to own a single tool to do the job making almost the same money & not having a 300 buck monthly tool bill?
It's called hard work. Sometimes, a person breaks a sweat and gets dirty with sore muscles to do some work. It's not like "The Office" where people sit around and make jokes.

Young'ns today don't want any part of that. Our labor force for construction is aging out and their children are NOT following in the footsteps of dad. They will do anything to avoid picking up a shovel.
My father taught me a lot about hard work, I inherited a very solid work ethic from him which certainly has helped me get where I am.

But the biggest thing I learnt (indirectly of course) that hard work isn’t worth shit these days, you could be the hardest working mofo in the land as still be on the bones of your arse, be it from bad decision making, misfortune, or getting shat on by other people.
Im wealthier than both my parents combined now (and considerably better of than I was at their age) because I didn’t stupidly think hard work is all that matter. I started of my working life swinging a shovel, getting sore and dirty, if I was still doing that now I’d be earning a fraction of what I do, and working a lot harder for it.

Outside of being self-employed, getting sore muscles and dirty isn’t worth shit.
Maybe it was in my Grandparents age, and possibly my parents but not now.
Outside of being self-employed, getting sore muscles and dirty isn’t worth shit.
Being self employed just means you are supplying more funds to section 8 housing & all other tit programs than the average tax payer. All the while being a prime target for the IRS BTDT.
All this infighting between generations, races, etc is bullshit. We're allegedly on the same side but we're playing directly into the enemy's hands. THE enemy here is satan himself and we are only seeing the side effects of a spiritual war that has been raging since time began. The big dogs in power behind the curtain are mere puppets of the evil one himself. We did not vote our way into this and we sure ain't voting our way out of it. There is but one way to salvation, through Christ alone. All else is for naught.
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If I were born about a decade later I probably wouldn't bother working either.

The vast majority of young people have no hope of finding a well paying job, let alone a career.
Buying a house is just never going to happen.
Why spend your life slaving away to line someone else's pockets, be it a landlord, a big corporation, or even the government, when as soon as you step out of line you'll be out the door and replaced in a heart beat.

I'm an older millennial and am in a very fortunate position compared to many many other, sure I might have worked hard and taken some risks to get where I am. Even then I'm not sure it's all worth it all said and done.

The powers at be really screwed up during Covid as they showed the majority what little agency they had over their own lives. Why would the average person go back to doing what they were before, when it could all be taken away again at a moments notice?


When I retired, we couldn't get young operators.
30 somethings and younger dont want to put in 30+ years doing smelly "dirty jobs" for a good living wage, great benefits and a good retirement. They say they want it, but I never saw one that did.
In the 2 years before I retired, I saw no less than 5 twenty somethings, work less than 6 months. They wanted to sit in an office and watch lesser folk that didn't have their "degree", do the less glamorous tasks.
"This isn't what I thought it would be". Was a common lament.
"I'm just getting in the door, so when the monitoring job comes up, I can get that job."
Bad news scooter, you will be doing a job even i dont want. They aren't always in the office. You'll be done with that job too when you find out they inspect grease traps, when they aren't in the office. And you WILL inspect them. We don't have a special little gnome that does that shit job FOR you.
"This is dangerous!" Yeah, lots of real jobs are.
"How did you do this for over 30 years?"
"Will I always be on nightshift?"
I worked it for 29 of my 32+ years. Whether you do is up to you, but everyone starts on nightshift.
"If I dont get on dayshift pretty soon, I'm leaving." 🤣

What I saw they wanted was an instant gratification. We had people come in that thought they should be my boss cause they had a piece of paper( I had a piece of paper too, equal even to an environmental science degree) THEN, they'd expect me to teach them a complex job, while being paid above mid range pay, sometimes demanding MY salary.
They dont want a "job" they want to be rock stars, and follow their dreams.

Don't believe me?
Ask Mike Rowe what he is observing.
TLDR. Stop trying to blame someone else. Ever stop to consider the blame doesn't lie with the people? the whole political system is just that, a system. Many have gone in with good intentions only to end up part of the machine that doesn't look out for the best interests of the people it represents. Money is the bottom line. It may not make people happy, but it makes the world spin. The more you have, the faster it spins. the true problem lies in that money is man made and really is worthless to every other species on the planet. They al manage to eat and live without it, don't they?
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