I have been telling them "NO" for 49 years. They don't fucking care - don't pay yer SS and Medicare? Go directly to jail, no pass go - no $200. Accumulated a bunch of cash and property? It now belongs to "them".....how exactly do you think we tell these ASSHOLES *No!*?
It's pulled out of my/yer paycheck before you have shit to say about it. And my employer/your employer is certainly not gonna not withhold/report that and have their Corporation shut down for non payment of SS and Medicare. There is no Way to tell them *NO*. Vote 'em out?
Wake the fuck up. We are owned and operated and controlled and will be assimilated. My line in the sand is when they turn off my SS - Sell it all, house, guns, vehicles and take my savings and investments and flee the fuck right out of here to "Who the Fuck Cares this Republic *is* cooked".
Start saying no?.....fuck you. We been saying *NO!* for 50 years and they just laugh at US. Vote for a Republican, vote for the Democrat - both of them work for the .01% and they Want. Yer. Assets. How do you intend to tell these cock suckers no? Oh I get it....you want me to do it! Sorry...I'm old and affluent and I'm not looking for a fight. You wanna liquidate the US?
I'm out. I'll be touring the EU and living in a "3rd World Nation" with a higher Life Expectancy and Nationalized Health Care and free transportation passes for Seniors and you can stay here and tell these assholes *NO!* until they take yer shit and jail ya.