Hey Foul, I hear you, my brother always told me you'll never be a man until you start drinking it black.I have my flame suit on and am ready.
When I was young my Mother and both of my Grandmothers would never let my brothers or me have coffee and told us,"You have to be a grown-up or an adult to have coffee." That's what all of them would say. I think they mostly wanted it for themselves and didn't want to waste it on we younguns. All of them would be on a coffee Jones when they got up and the smell of that shit brewing would be the first thing we smelled when we entered the kitchen area.
My Grandfather was raised way out in the boondocks and coffee was a luxury they could not afford so he didn't drink it either. I learned a lot from him.
Over the years as I have aged in places like the Army and at work I always looked at all of the coffee drinkers and thought to myself,"This is what addiction is all about."
Making a long story short, I never became an "Adult", I have never been a "grown-up" as defined by my Mother and Grandmothers and I don't drink that vile smelling shit in order to get me going in the morning, I just get up and start cranking. I don't need it to make me shit.
Over the years I have observed many that just have to have their coffee, Joe, Mud etc. in order to get going for the day and in many cases I would prepare it for them or give them what they needed in order to get them off of their ass and on their feet so we could do what we needed to do, just like"The Pusher Man" and felt sorry for them that they needed that kick in the ass to get going. FM
I would rather have a can of stale beer and cornflakes for breakfast than a cup of that horrible smelling shit and be on my way.
Well, as I said, my flame suit is on and I am ready and I know I am not the common person and do know there are damned few others like me out there.
Well, I finally became a man,but while working in SF, Ca, the guys on the TBM would offer me a red bull or some other shit and I'd tell them if they needed that to make it they weren't much of a man. LOL