Rifle Scopes Why we spend so much on scopes

I notice how people spend too much on scopes. A person would have to be insane to spend a thousand dollars on a scope when I just bought one that is as good as any other one. I can see really easy to past 800 yards and it went to zero very easy.
I am going to try and shoot 300 yards pretty soon the glass is amazing and the turret clicks are audible and it dials right every time. I didn;t have to spend a thousand dollars either only about seventy five dollars. Don't be fooled by all those scopes that charge too much! Amazon has some great prices so yall should check them out. They have a huge selection of tactical scopes. Mine even came with a laser for night shooting.
“A fine piece of glass is like a fine piece of a$$...both are gonna cost ya”
Don’t know where that quote came from but I like it

Most the guys here have anywhere from 1-5k rifles and I just can’t see anyone putting a 75 doll hair optic on it.

I know you don’t have to spend a lot in this sport to take part in it but I take a lot of pride in my rigs and I want the best no matter what it costs me. That’s my opinion. I skimp where I can and splurge where it’s important and those areas are different for everybody, I understand that.

I could sell my 5-25 atacr and proli wouldn’t even loose 75 bucks on it
I joined SH so I could stay in the know on the latest and greatest. Most guys on here are on the cutting edge of this sport

If you really want to sell it for $75 I might would just buy it.
I was looking for a Unertl to put because I want to make it a m40, but they hard to find. Optics planet don't have them and Europtics, and sportsman guide, none of them. Where do you get those?\

The Vokul looked pretty close so that's why I got it. It looks really good with the thick barrel.

I need to put a Bell and Carlson m40 stock so I can compete with guys like yall I guess.
Markie you been had. Everyone knows a paper towel tube with Saran Wrap over the ends held with rubber bands will take you to 1500 m easy. Cost like 3 bucks. :)
I notice how people spend too much on scopes. A person would have to be insane to spend a thousand dollars on a scope when I just bought one that is as good as any other one. I can see really easy to past 800 yards and it went to zero very easy.
I am going to try and shoot 300 yards pretty soon the glass is amazing and the turret clicks are audible and it dials right every time. I didn;t have to spend a thousand dollars either only about seventy five dollars. Don't be fooled by all those scopes that charge too much! Amazon has some great prices so yall should check them out. They have a huge selection of tactical scopes. Mine even came with a laser for night shooting.

Been down that road, high dollar rifles and cheap scopes. I have a bench of cheap scopes, they worked for a while and then they failed. Save up and get one that is right and works for you. Cheap is not always better.
DAMN, I just bought a Vortex and I could have had all of this...:mad: OOOOh, in colors too......

How in the F? Do you adjust the elevation turret?

That's a pretty sick scope. Can't believe Lowlight banned him.

I mean come on, that thing packs a fucking laser. A LASER. None of my scopes have lasers :( Not even my $2000 ones.

I feel so foolish spending that kind of money on a non-laser scope, that doesn't look like an Unertl.
I used to do this on ClubSI. It was a Civic forum. My friend and I would join and challenge them to race our riding mowers.

It was a lot of fun for us. Not so much for them lol.
In reality he was on to one thing, ownership might imply something to some, but nothing to others. Years ago I watch a bunch of tacticool set ups get their asses handed to them via iron sights, at a match to 400yds. A few of us RO's knew the irons guy an just laughed an said this will be good. The price of admission was worth the show. Most had all kinds of cool shit on their sticks, but in the end the irons guy that knew what he was doing an had the last laugh.
We all spend lot of money and a lot of things, new iPhone, laptop prices are always increasing. As new model scopes and technology are out on sale. We tend to take the plunge and give it a try. It’s a thing of curiosity to discover what’s next. Not about the money spent.