Sidearms & Scatterguns Why you DON'T like Glock.

Functional excellence aside, I simply don't like the grip angle and the aesthetics. The ergonomics can be easily overcome with training, but I shoot lots of other handguns which I will not stop doing. So one group or the other will be "off." While I own a Glock, I don't intend to replace everything with Glocks.

As for the aesthetics? Well, it is what it is. Should it matter? Probably not, but to me it does, at least a little.
I love my Glocks, but there are some cons and double edged swords:

1) Lightweight design is good for carry, but does not handle recoil as well as a heavy, steel framed gun.

2) Great duty trigger, but I am more accurate with a single action trigger.

3) The sights that come with the gun could be better.

4) Glocks have big grips compared to other pistols. The small handed may struggle with them.

5) Polygonal barrels and soft lead do not go together (although hard cast lead is actually fine).
Shot 1st generation Glocks. Wasn't impressed. Perhaps the later generations have overcome the problems of 1st gen., but there are much better auto-loaders, 1911 A-1 comes to mind. All auto-loaders will eventually malfunction. 1911 A-1 does it less often than most, and gets the job done. Does go:BANG, when you pull the trigger. Have carried others, but always go back to this. Of course, this is just my opinion and opinions are like a-------, everybody has one. If it comes to trusting my life to an auto=loader: give me a 1911 A-1.
Bought and sold several Glocks before I finally developed a love for them. I have shot revolvers and 1911s for years and the Glock definitely had a learning curve. Now, I carry one and feel good about it. I don't use it for a target gun, but for defense. I have at least 3 (maybe another, can't remember) and the G35 is as much a part of my daily wear as my belt. It is light, accurate enough and I have confidence in it.

I concede they are ugly as a mud fence.
Started shooting a pistol at age 11 . A Ray Shockey custom 1911 owned by my Father for NRA Target comp. My Instructor / Father won ive Natl. Championships and was a Grand Master. He sent me a Ps9 H&K to carry in Nam , and I've used Berretas , also .
But when it comes to the defense of my home , my wife , or my family ? Really ?.....Seriously ?

I'll take my GLOCK 22 , EVERY time . It's a gun , for God's sake . Not a paper-punchin , "Range-Queen". It is designed for combat , and for KILLING. Maybe that's why I don't load anything in mine but 180 JHP's.
The grip is blocky and it's fugly. I carry one because it works. "Grip angle" and "feel" is a training issue.

We've got "training" Glock 22's that are pushing 7 years old with tens of thousands of full power .40 ammunition through them. Poorly maintained and run hard and put away wet and they just plain work. Found some that had the slides pretty battered and only one with a cracked slide. Most of these guns have never even had a recoil spring replaced and the mags are so worn that the polymer is de-laminating from the feed lips but they keep on working. Mags are only removed from the training cycle when they fail to function.
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I can't stand them and yet even though I always got rid of them in the past, I have been carrying a Glock 19. Terrible to shoot but a joy to carry...and that's what I do with it most of the time.

19/2011s for the range for me.
My Glocks kick sand in the face of the .40 M&P sluts I was forced to carry for five years!

I've had more jams out of my Gen 4 21 than i've ever had out of my M&P 40. Which it's not a huge margin, the glock has jammed once the M&P never lol. YMMV.

I don't mind glocks per say just not really a huge fan of them and it's really just that they're not comfortable handguns. The grip angle is pretty horrid for me, there is hardly no rear tang to get up on the gun, and the grips for the larger calibers are far to big for my medium hands.
Something negative about Glocks...

I like the trigger, but I don't like it as much as my '89 P220's single action or a good 1911.

If I carried one I'd be a tad concerned about Plaxico Burressing myself. The trigger is pretty light to have no other safety in my opinion.
Your not supposed to put your finger inside trigger guard until you are fully un-holstered and pulling up to target at moment you are starting to acquire your sights. While un holstering, it wont go bang if your finger is not on the trigger, period!!!

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-It's hard to find colored frames models.
-They need single stack models.
-It's hard to find threaded/raised sight models.
-Ambi controls would be worth looking into.

I'm a Glock guy. I'm not going to lie. I like my 1911 and SP01 Tactical but my Glock gets shot the most because 1.It works with my hands, 2.It's the same gun I carry, 3. It's cheap and reliable. 4. No unnecessary safety's, 5. They are relatively accurate. I really wish they had more offerings though or some sort of speed shop so you could order a build factory Glock.
I understand that this where we are all supposed to rally around the common cause of not liking Glock.

Truth is, I like mine. My Glock 23 fits easily and comfortably into an appendix carry with my raven concealment holster.

The weapon breaks down easily, without too many moving parts.

It's a Glock, so I have enough rounds (13+1) to negate the need to carry a spare magazine.

I bought my last glock after watching some fellas on YouTube. One guy filled a Glock with mud and sand. (Price:around $400). His buddy filled a new Vickers 1911 with mud and dirt (price: I never even looked cause I can't afford it anyway)

The Glock was fired and performed exceptionally well.

The Vickers still looked really pretty, but wouldn't fire a round until it was thoroughly cleaned.

Glocks are reliable. There's a reason that LEO/military units all over the world issue them. Several reasons. I just listed them.

So, while the BBQ-gun-1911's are really pretty, I'd rather have my Glock's protection with my life or with my family members' lives on the line.

Hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings, but some people just invest themselves too much into "daddy's gun".
I was going to argue with that too but thought "Whatever makes him happy ...". One of my instructors does a 6x6 (draw, shot 6 rounds, mag change behind cover, and then another 6 shots) in less than 4 seconds with all A zone hits at 7 yards. I would call that pretty fast.
Jerry Miculek did 12 rounds in under 3 seconds with a revolver
I own six or seven, plan on buying another 17 since this one is so old. In contrast, I only own one other semi auto: A Smith 1006 10mm. Interestingly, the other four handguns are all Smith revolvers. Most rifles are AR's. I guess I like interchangeability of parts, similar manual of operations and the inherent reliability built into those platforms. At my age, I doubt I'll change.

But what don't I like about Glock? Well, where to start. First there's the 4th gen. fiasco, releasing a bunch of shit that wasn't tested. Ambi mag releases falling out on the first try with an empty mag. Not seating. Them trying to make me pay for shipping it back, a brand new pistol (I had to pull chains to get them to send me shipping info). Doing away with the 2nd gen grip really pisses me off. I'm okay with the rail in front, it doesn't get in the way if you don't wanna use it. But you can't get rid of the damn finger grooves. Those bullshit sights never fooled me either: they sell 'em knowing GOOD AND DAMN WELL that no American will use those goddamn things. They always get changed. But that's a way to keep the price down a good $50-$100. I mean, come one, who the fuck else uses plastic sights? I bet Hi-Point and shit guns like those even use metal. Finally, as a testament to their rapid release of untested gear, I present the .40 KABOOM fiasco. In their rush to beat Smith to the punch on their own round, Glock cut a feed ramp that had little support for such a high performance load. Glock has silently changed the angle of the feed ramps for years, even between generations, so as to "hide" the issue and prevent a recall. Apparently it worked. But to this day, .40 Glock is one round I DO NOT reload OR handload unless it's for mild target ammo, and even then I get the occasional hot one and Glock Smile. Even some factory ammo causes this! 10mm doesn't have the same issue, btw.

Other than that, it always go bang, fires whatever I feed it, I always carry one and I've been doing so long enough that it's about as comfortable as it's gonna get. And having three safeties, none of which I have to fuck with upon drawing, is a huge plus. It's a simple tool and it's merits should be judged as such. You know, it gets called "fugly" a lot, but what you are seeing is a weapon that's one of the few that wasn't over-engineered. No lines exist where they don't add function. No controls exist that don't add performance. It's accurate enough for a handgun (surprisingly accurate given how it's made) and that only takes a back seat to reliability. After all, in a handgun, reliability does come first. Them all being high capacity is/was a big plus too.

Now a nice Ed Brown 1911... That's my dream pistol. But out of the 1911's I've owned, all were finicky and had problems. It's just an old design best left to the experts if you ask me. In this day and age, a reliable tool is what we need. But if I had $5000 to drop down on an Ed Brown, you'd best believe I'd carry the piss out of it --no safe queens around here.
i will shoot any gun , but i can not bring myself to spend good money on a plastic gun no matter who makes it.
it is worth 50 dollars max no matter if it has a S&W ,HK, FN, or glock written on it.
The bads for me -
1. Gripping surface - did not feel there was enough 'texture'... sooo I stippled it and shaved it, undercut the trigger guard and stippled some more.
2. Trigger- the Glock trigger out of the box just plain works. That being said I believe most would again its terrible. So, again, I fixed it. I dropped a lightened trigger spring and a 3.5# disconnecter and then did the .25 cent trigger job.
3. Not really a problem but more of an enhancement. - I added a TLR-2 to the front of my Glock 19 which is my everyday carry and it helped quite a bit to balance out the pistol and helps with recoil management.
I could go on and on, but I have a metric shit ton of rounds through this my G19 (we are talking 10,000+) without a single cleaning and it still functions 100% of the time, including when the girlfriend limp wrists it.
I love my Glock. I actually have small hand and use the large backstrap because that allows me to get more of my left hand (I shoot right handed) on the frame which also helps with recoil management.
I went into my LGS a couple years ago, determined to buy a Glock 17. Held & dry fired a couple of different striker pistols. Bought a Springfield XD9 4" instead. It just felt far more natural in my hands. Now I have an XD45 keeping it company and I'm eyeballing a 3".

Accurate, reliable, and so easy to field strip & clean, even a dinosaur can do it.
I love my Glocks, that being said I have yet to shoot the perfect firearm. Through years of working at a range, instructing, shooting and carrying I have seen a few shortfalls. First the plastic sights are less than useless, mine get a set of Meprolight green front and orange rear nightsights before the first magazine is loaded. The 3.5# trigger is a must for range work, I also put a Hogue slip on grip on my Glocks as well. I have very large, constantly sweaty hands so the grip has to be a bit larger and a lot tackier than the slick feeling polymer of the Glock frame. Second they are not very forgiving to limp-wristed shooters, that is a form problem not a gun problem but it is magnified by the flex of the Glock's frame. Third, now that I have been shooting Glocks for years the XD and M&P families of pistols feel very un-natural to me. I still shoot them fine, but they just don't seem to point as naturally as my Glock does. The above withstanding I must admit the only firearm I own that I haven't made any changes to is a 1954 Soviet Tula SKS (my first center-fire rifle, I love that thing). My 1911, which shoots great, has far more hours of labor in it as well as money in parts so that it preforms just the way i expect it to. There are positive and negative points to every tool and piece of machinery I own. The most important thing is to find something you are comfortable with that fits your needs and practice, practice, practice. As affordable, reliable, functional and durable as they are you can afford to buy a case of ammo, a few spare mags and some range time. Then you can get out and practice until you are very proficient with it. I have found, for me, the recipe for accurate marksmanship, whether rifle, pistol or shotgun is muscle memory, consistency and practice. Oh and at that same range, we were not notorious for our rental gun maintenance, we had a first generation Glock 17 that had been going for 10+ years with a minimum of 750,000 rounds through it, all that was ever replaced while I was there were recoil spring assembly's, a trigger spring and a firing pin (striker) spring. All less than 5 minute fixes and the gun was back up and running. Just my $.02....
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I hate gLoCk's for a number of reasons.

- The grip angle makes them point unnaturally
- gLoCker's are typically the loudest and least experienced shooters
- They are the ugliest, most unergonomic pistols on the planet
- They are absolutely not as reliable as their reputation
- Their sights are crap
- Their triggers are actually pretty terrible, but don't tell that to a gLoCker
- The entire false economy of spending $500 on a pistol then spend another $500 on upgrades is annoying

That about sums it up.
They are accurate reliable and have ability to use 30 round mags. They just dont feel good to everyone.but the worst crime of glocks are they are now boring. And there is no personal attachment to them. Like a 1911,high end h&ks or sig or hi power. If i dropped my new emp 40 or usp or any 1911 i would shit a brick. I think ive got pissed and threw my glock on the ground before. It's a tool no more no less. I own a 23 that ive grinded stippled about to fill in the back strap with epoxy and its truly turning in to the first one where i like the grip i formed fitted it to my hand tested at the range and made changes. Most glock complaints are the back hump well alot of places can take that out. You can do it your self dremel em down get a pyro blade or a soldering iron to work a textured grip into. Its alot of fun and really hard to tear one up. You just start over. Coat it when its done. Do a trigger job its a fun weekend or two job
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You Guys ,

Do realise , that a few special units in Germany use the Glock 17 , like GSG-9 & some swat type units .

1 ) Due to current German Police specs/requirements , Police pistols , need to a) have a safety & b ) strip down with out pulling the trigger .
2 ) Due to the Police specs above , the ONLY Police units that can get away with buying & using Glocks are Special Police units that are not restricted to using a Pistol that complys with the BS requirements .

Glock realise that to be able to comply with the crazy German Police requirements , would basically mean a big redesign of there pistol , and although they would get German sales from IT , chose to keep their pistol the way it was originally designed , in simple terms IT would be not be a Glock any more .

I am SURE , GSG-9 , can use & buy anything they want , from Sigs , HKs etc , and they like other German units that are not forbidden from using Glocks , chose to use Glock 17s above all others .

At the price point of the Glocks , I see no other real contender , nothing even close , except maybe the plastic SIG .

Later Chris
My family has a lot of ranching and rodeo in our blood so I grew up shooting revolvers and 1911's; wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I got a chance to get up close and personal with a Glock. I had to do my firearms qual for my department and we used Gen 3 19's. We had five days to train and qualify and on day three I qualified with a 98% and no misses on target. I stuck around and shot the shit with our instructors, and I believe the issues I did have are non existent in the Gen 4's.

Over a year ago I was looking for a good handgun and picked up the M&P .40; used it in a competition in which I scored nothing but AA's and AB hits. Only reason I didn't place higher was due to poor time. More time with the gun and I might have been a real contender. It was a great gun and I was sad to part with it when automotive troubles reared their ugly head. I then picked up a Sigma 40 and other than the stock sights and trigger break it's a beauty and my personal carry weapon. My experience is that the gun that fits the best shoots the best. So although the M&P and the Glock performed like laser guided missiles when I shot them, the Sigma is my favorite. Once I get a wraparound grip for my Tanfo Witness .45 though all bets are off.
If I had never started out shooting other hangguns other than a Glock I probably would love them. My not owning (I don't dislike them) is all down ergonomics.
Well they are ugly but appearance is not a major criteria for me though it does figure in in a small way. I do like my Mosin even though it is one ugly rifle.
I do have a dislike for the obnoxious Glock fan boys out there though.
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So much ignorance, urban myth and stupidity in this thread it would take 3 days to address them all.

Gunfighters choose glock. It's really that simple. They are a fighting gun, reliable and accurate. They are the standard that ALL handguns are measured by. People who have a very high chance of getting into a two way lead exchange..... usualy are shooting a glock and that is by choice.

The only other gun that compares (and even exceeds) is the USP in .45 and to a slightly lessor degree the HK45/HK45c. No one with a lick of sense or experince is using the shitty XD, M&P or any other poor glock ripoff's. Have fun with your $1K diamon plated sig lemon. West German or your pissing money down the drain. 1911's are cool range guns and would have went out to pasture long ago if not for instituional ignorance. There are some other good guns out there (Smith 3rd gens,CZ, 92FS,ect) but they all lack in critical areas that preculde them from being on the same level as Glock/HK. The VP9 is interesting, HK reliability with a PPQish striker fire......time will tell.

90% of glock problems are with .40's. Its a shit round, what do you expect? Most problems with HK's are related to .40's........ coincidence

If you can't shoot a glock your a retard. You can train to shoot just about any handgun.... they are fucking designed that way. It's not suposed to look pretty, feel nice or make your pussy wet. It suposed to work. Replace the factory sights, like you would with ANY real pistol, drop in a $14 tangodown ext mag release and stipple the fuck out of it. Anything else is a waste of money, time and will result in a more unreliable gun.

When they come back, ill show pics of my 19's, 26's, 17's, USP's and HK45c from their stipple jobs. They are what a gun is supposed to be. Ever tried to shoot in the rain or with blood on your hands? Let me know how that slick little gun works.

Accurate, Reliable and Usable.
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I went into my LGS a couple years ago, determined to buy a Glock 17. Held & dry fired a couple of different striker pistols. Bought a Springfield XD9 4" instead. It just felt far more natural in my hands. Now I have an XD45 keeping it company and I'm eyeballing a 3".

Accurate, reliable, and so easy to field strip & clean, even a dinosaur can do it.

Sorry for your loss, buying a gun beacuse of how it feels or based on price is why people end up with junk instead of quality.
Sorry for your loss, buying a gun beacuse of how it feels or based on price is why people end up with junk instead of quality.

I know I shouldn't buy guns that feel comfortable to grip and fit my hand perfectly. What was I thinking?

No losses here, just overwhelming XD satisfaction...three times over now. Hmmmm, did I even mention price as a criteria?

You go ahead and enjoy your guns and please, continue on with your arrogant 'everyone should be like me because I'm universally awesome and know everything' day.
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How it points feel's is a bad reason not to buy a gun? I would have thought that having a weapon be on target without having to make a conscious and time consuming effort would be one of the better reasons to chose one over the other.
I know I shouldn't buy guns that feel comfortable to grip and fit my hand perfectly. What was I thinking?

No losses here, just overwhelming satisfaction...three times over now.

You go ahead and enjoy your Glocks and please, continue on with your arrogant 'everyone should be like me because I'm awesome and know everything' day.

My most heartfelt apologies that I didn't care to spend MY money on YOUR favorite gun(s).

Just calling a spade a spade.. this is the kind of ignorance that causes people to make poor purchasing decisions.

Yes your money, but unwisely spent.

There is a reason not ONE decent size police dept/agency/sherrifs office use the HS2000 (xD is rebrand of a cheap $200 croatian pistol)

There is a reason that if you ask ANY reputable trainers out there who run pistol classes, they will all reccomend against xD's beacuse it is rare for one to make it through the class without failing.

The only people that own them, are gun store morons who push the crap to other ignorants and those who do not shoot enough to know they own a timebomb. If they actualy shot their guns, they would be selling them.

Sorry to be harsh, but its the truth.
How it points feel's is a bad reason not to buy a gun? I would have thought that having a weapon be on target without having to make a conscious and time consuming effort would be one of the better reasons to chose one over the other.

It's ignorance. All guns are shootable with training (well those that work).

I and most people can stack rounds with a 1911. They "point" well and the trigger makes it easy to stack round on round. That doesn't change the fact that it is magnitudes more unreliable than most modern service pistols, costs a ton of money in time and maintance to keep running, is heavy, has limited capacity and has design features that can get you killed (grip saftey).

People think feeling a bunch of guns in a gun shop is how you pick a gun. This is wrong.

They way you pick a gun is to choose from the best options for the task. THEN you shoot them and do an analysis on reliability/reputation/parts availibility/parts pricing in conjunction with performance of the shooter. 99% of the time it is poor /lack of training on the shooters part. MOST of the time, you don't even need to shoot them.

When someone asks me what pistol to buy, I ask what for. The Vast majority of the time , I reccomend a G19 or G26. I have yet to find ONE person, who can not be trained to shoot that gun in a few hours. Even 22yr old women who are scared shitless of guns and this is their first time firing any firearm.

There is a reason you can take a dirt farmer and teach him to shoot a glock in a day or two.
There is a reason they are used by 90%+ police/federal agencies.
There is a reason it is the most common military sidearm in the world.
There is a reason the brit's just replaced the P35 (highpower which is similar to 1911 in feel) with G4 Glock 17's.

If someone wants to shoot something different, then cool. But don't pretend like its as good as, or better than or is even close to something that has been proven for the last 30+ years.
Just calling a spade a spade.. this is the kind of ignorance that causes people to make poor purchasing decisions.

Yes your money, but unwisely spent.

There is a reason not ONE decent size police dept/agency/sherrifs office use the HS2000 (xD is rebrand of a cheap $200 croatian pistol)

There is a reason that if you ask ANY reputable trainers out there who run pistol classes, they will all reccomend against xD's beacuse it is rare for one to make it through the class without failing.

The only people that own them, are gun store morons who push the crap to other ignorants and those who do not shoot enough to know they own a timebomb. If they actualy shot their guns, they would be selling them.

Sorry to be harsh, but its the truth.

LOL. I guess all facts flow from your're even more arrogant and insulting than I imagined. Keep up that good work! I hear it does wonders for making friends and impressing others.
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Love my G29's (two third gens); carry them, shoot them, never had an issue. Tried a G19 third gen and it kept throwing brass in my face, sent it back to Glock and it came back still throwing brass in my face. Ended up selling that particular G19 but it wouldn't stop me from buying another one. Will probably pick up a Gen4 G20 at some point and perhaps a G21.
LOL. I guess all facts flow from your're even more arrogant and insulting than I imagined. Keep up that good work! I hear it does wonders for making friends and impressing others.

They are FACTS.

You choose to stick your head in the sand and only believe what you want to believe.

I got plenty of friends and really don't give a shit what someone who is two proud/ignorant/unwilling to learn thinks. I am here for those that want to learn and to learn more myself.

If you have something that disproves my statements, then by all means take your best shot. I might not be your cuddly saftey blanket, but I will tell you what you need to hear.
Love my G29's (two third gens); carry them, shoot them, never had an issue. Tried a G19 third gen and it kept throwing brass in my face, sent it back to Glock and it came back still throwing brass in my face. Ended up selling that particular G19 but it wouldn't stop me from buying another one. Will probably pick up a Gen4 G20 at some point and perhaps a G21.

Yea man that sucks. I am fortuante enough to never have gotten one that did that (late 3rd gens and some of the early 4th and RTF guns) but my buddy did. Yea it was annoying, but the gun fired and fed well.

Glock punched themselves in the dick trying to save a few bucks and fix what wasn't broken. Notice how none of the guns that already had double/captured recoil assemblies had any problems with the migration (G26/G27).

If money is an issue, people need to look at old police gen 1-3 G17's, G19's and even 22/23's that you can drop a 9mm barrel into for cheap. No one can afford to shoot out a glock, and those police guns are usualy low round count, with metal NS (probally dim, but still servicable sights) and already well broken in. Change some springs and you have a hell of a gun. When you decide to do a chop and/or stipple, it makes that much more sense. Not to mention the older Tenifer finish was MUCH MUCH better and resitant than whatever the fuck they are doing now.