From email i just received from NAGR about Alan Gottlieb.
“Compromise” is a dirty word here at the National Association for Gun Rights.
We’re in the business of protecting and defending your right to keep and bear arms, not cutting back-room deals to trade your Second Amendment rights away.
Last year, during the Toomey-Manchin Expanded Federal Background Check fight in Congress, NAGR made it clear there would be no compromise of your rights.
You may remember our slogan: “No Gun Control, No Deals!”
Unfortunately, the gun rights community isn’t always in lock-step when it comes to “compromise” and cutting deals.
Some of our so-called “friends” literally want to give the gun-grabbers exactly what they want.
It’s really just a preemptive surrender.
And that’s the main reason so many gun owners sense we’re always losing ground on our gun rights.
During the fight last year, Second Amendment Foundation (and CCRKBA) President Alan Gottlieb bragged that he and his staff had written the Toomey-Manchin gun control bill:
“I and our CCRKBA attorney lobbyist had a hand in influencing and writing parts of it.”
Instead of drawing a line in the sand and opposing a “compromise” of your rights like we did here at NAGR, Gottlieb looked to cut a deal.
Thankfully the grassroots pressure applied by NAGR’s more than 3.5-million members and supporters stopped Gottlieb’s bill dead in its tracks.
But he hasn't given up.
Just recently, Gottlieb was captured on video once again calling for gun owners to “compromise” and support a new expanded federal gun registration bill.
Click on the video below to watch for yourself.
Alan Gottlieb Supporting Compromise of your Second Amendment Rights - YouTube
With Barack Obama and Harry Reid needing just a handful of votes to pass a gun control bill before the 2014 election, Gottlieb’s willingness to “compromise” is a danger to the Second Amendment rights of every American.
If he can convince enough Republicans in the House and Senate to go along with one of his gun control deals, you and I could be looking at the biggest victory for the gun-grabbers in nearly two decades.
That’s why you and I can’t take any chances.
Gun owners can’t go to sleep or cease to be involved in the fight to protect our rights -- we must remain vigilant, especially when the surrender monkeys start their siren cry: “we’re going to lose”.
If we draw a line in the sand and fight it out, we might lose -- but our rights are always the loser when we cut deals with the enemy.
We know what anti-gunners want -- the gutting of our Second Amendment rights by federal and state governments . . .
The more the Alan Gottliebs of the world seek to help them do that, the harder our fight will be.