Rifle Scopes witch rifle would you use?

zach "lapua"

Jan 10, 2011
new england
witch of these rifles would you use for a extra long shot, lets say a 1600 yard shot in the mountains of Afghanistan near the sha-i-cot valley, lets assume there all in .338 lapua mag and all toped with a nightfource nxs 12-42
1) accuracy international AE (not arctic warfare)
2) blaser tac2
3) sako trg 42
id pick the blaser my self
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zach boutot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">witch of these rifles would you use for a extra long shot, lets say a 1600 yard shot in the mountains of Afghanistan near the sha-i-cot valley, lets assume there all in .338 lapua mag and all toped with a nightfource nxs 12-42
1) accuracy international AE (not arctic warfare)
2) blaser tac2
3) sako trg 42
id pick the blaser my self </div></div>

Seriously? Is this a hypothetical question? Have you ever shot the Blaser? I don't mean this to be rude, but I don't think you are in the correct section, and not a whole lot of people care to answer hypothetical questions.

So hypothetically, is it hot, cold, angled, cold bore, cold clean bore, drunk, sober, windy - full value, half value?

What is the Density altitude?
Do I have a rear bag?
Did I trim my finger nails?
Am I bear with a green beret?
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HDC-Deadly</div><div class="ubbcode-body">well the AE doesnt come in 338, but i would pick the AW </div></div>

+1...and +1! AW without a doubt. Now, put the keyboard down and go back to playing COD already!
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zach boutot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">witch of these rifles would you use for a extra long shot, lets say a 1600 yard shot in the mountains of Afghanistan near the sha-i-cot valley, lets assume there all in .338 lapua mag and all toped with a nightfource nxs 12-42
1) accuracy international AE (not arctic warfare)
2) blaser tac2
3) sako trg 42
id pick the blaser my self </div></div>

Guys beware, link takes you to a NSFW site.

Is this you dude? Peeing...seriously? Marine sniper huh?

Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would pick this rifle HERE </div></div>
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would pick this rifle HERE </div></div>

HA!! Mike for the WYN (ooops...I mean WIN)!!!
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ninja Pirtle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Is this you dude? Peeing...seriously? Marine sniper huh?</div></div>

I don't even wanna know how you found that.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ninja Pirtle</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zach boutot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">witch of these rifles would you use for a extra long shot, lets say a 1600 yard shot in the mountains of Afghanistan near the sha-i-cot valley, lets assume there all in .338 lapua mag and all toped with a nightfource nxs 12-42
1) accuracy international AE (not arctic warfare)
2) blaser tac2
3) sako trg 42
id pick the blaser my self </div></div>

Guys beware, link takes you to a NSFW site.

Is this you dude? Peeing...seriously? Marine sniper huh?

http://www10.imagefap.com/profile/zboutot?fan=1 </div></div>

Hahahaha, I don't think I've ever laughed that hard at a new guy before.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

hey sorry if im new to the site and didnt know that people dont like hypothetical questions
and the allegation that i have a account on a porn site is just discussing im 14 for crist saxes!!!. i thought this was a desent site were i could voice my ideas about shoting with a like minded community obviously i was wrong very very wrong. asides from the fact im sure as hell not recomending this site to any one that wants to skip the inappropriate bantering and actualy learn something. i may be just a kid but i some times think im more mature than most adults. this just added to that belief
Re: witch rifle would you use?


I would refrain from verbalizing anything about learning with your grammar and spelling habits.

Sentences start with a capitol letter.

"I" when used to indicate yourself is always capitalized.

We don't mind that you have curiosity or even an opinion or two if you can come up with some experience to back the opinion up but we do draw the line at questions that have no basis in reality. Some of the gentlemen here may have been to that particular place in Trashcanistan, we don't talk about what we wanna' have when we're old enough to buy a gun we discuss what happens with the rifles we own and operate. If you'd like to learn we are not against teaching if you are willing to listen.

Might want to think about that.


Re: witch rifle would you use?

Zach, you might want to try reading the forums before you start posting. I'm not trying to be an a-hole but I spent around 4-5 years lurking around this site and learned a ton of info to answer all of my questions and also learned alot about the site members who frequent here often.

It truly is a great learning base and these guys and gals do know what they're talking about, but it pertains to real life, not hypothetical scenarios. If you've ever read any thread about "hypothetical" questions similar to yours you would've noticed that the OP's get thrashed unless there is some reality behind them. For instance, you assumed three rifles were chambered in 338LM and one of which isn't even offered in that chambering. This raises a red flag immediately and lets all of us know what you know which appears to be very little.

Do ALOT of research before posting a question, and make sure it's well written because it is likely you will be disrespected for bad grammar and spelling.

Take your time, learn your shit, use the search function whenever you have questions(hint*=click on my sig!), and then post a mature and well educated question and you'll be treated a lot better.

Edit: Oh, and for God's sakes, learn the appropriate place to post things! It's pretty straight foreward.

Best wishes,
Re: witch rifle would you use?

thank you doc and dylan
im sorry to have disrespected any body out there
im just having a bad day and thought some good firearm talk mite make it a litle better
i guess ill learn the workings of the site first
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zach boutot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">thank you doc and dylan
im sorry to have disrespected any body out there
im just having a bad day and thought some good firearm talk mite make it a litle better
i guess ill learn the workings of the site first
You may want to start with some good firearm talk and not some BS. There are some great threads on here on some very intersting and educational topics but you have to expect everything you got after that question.
Now if you were to have asked whick of those rifles would you pick for shooting up to 1600 you may not of had the replys you did. People on here dont come to talk about what could be in a day dream , most of us could give a damn. If you spend some time around here you will see that most of us are very serious about our sport.
Good luck to you.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zach boutot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">thank you doc and dylan
im sorry to have disrespected any body out there
im just having a bad day and thought some good firearm talk mite make it a litle better
i guess ill learn the workings of the site first

Like Doc said, there are some real world operators who have been in the place that you refer to, so we don't normally care to answer questions like this.

Secondly, the rifles you have listed are the ones that typically show up when you type in Sniper Rifles in google. The AI AE does not come in 338 LM, only the AI AWSM comes in 338 LM.

Third, for Christ sake kid learn to spell. Finally, is this you????

Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HDC-Deadly</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Finally, is this you????

http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=100000790048774 </div></div>


Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zach boutot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">thank you doc and dylan
im sorry to have disrespected any body out there
im just having a bad day and thought some good firearm talk mite make it a litle better
i guess ill learn the workings of the site first
Whenever you get that itch for some "good firearm talk" just send me a PM; I love talking about guns and wouldn't mind sharing some knowledge with a fellow enthusiast. I can answer *most* any questions you might have or think of.

I understand having a bad day as does everybody here but you just can't let those get to you.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HDC-Deadly</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sergeant First Class in the USMC?????? </div></div>

And 1st recon! (Probably thinks its the best, as opposed to 3rd etc. . . )

I guess they invented that rank just for him. To hell with all that gunny s**t.

And by the way kid, posing as military in a place full of current and ex is usually a really fast way to find yourself forever on the outside. Men work very hard to become "snipers" and "recon" and don't really like random turds claiming the accomplishment.

Anyway, hopefully when you get older, you will understand.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lazy21</div><div class="ubbcode-body">this is wat i would youse if i was in that sitchuation


The orange tip on the end lets you know its super cool
Re: witch rifle would you use?

He may be telling the truth. He's on his school's track team, so he probably kicked ass in ARS. Those boys at Little Creek probably never knew what hit 'em. Lucky for them, RIP schedule clashed with Spring Break or he would have REALLY turned some heads.

And (per his profile) he's also into something called "relading", which is probably so "Tier 1" that you guys don't even know what it is.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

Or he just got a little overexcited playing his litle video games and wanted to "flex his mighty gun knowledge"
at this point i just want to get the lawn chair and popcorn and watch the rants unfold
Re: witch rifle would you use?

Wait, where did you guys get the "ex marine" shit? I never read anything like that in this thread... Did he post somewhere else that he was? If this is the case im going to loose my mind.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

Tell you what.
go down to the nearest gun shop in your neck of the woods ,pick up the cheapest piece of crap they got in .300 winny and some ammo,mount a cheap 6.5x20 or higher magn. scope and start shooting.
after you get done frying the crap out the barrel,lets say 1200-1500 rnds later,send it to one of the Smiths in the forum and tell him to build a BAD ASS rig out of it.

best advise i can give you.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: OFIS</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Can there please be an age limit stipulated in the registration from now on?</div></div> Isn't it 16yrs old?
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: good old lee</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ive got my lawn chair set up....I am now preparing for the soon to be thread of a life time!! </div></div> I'll bring the beer and Hula Dancing Girls
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zach boutot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">hey sorry if im new to the site and didnt know that people dont like hypothetical questions
and the allegation that i have a account on a porn site is just discussing im 14 for crist saxes!!!. i thought this was a desent site were i could voice my ideas about shoting with a like minded community obviously i was wrong very very wrong. asides from the fact im sure as hell not recomending this site to any one that wants to skip the inappropriate bantering and actualy learn something. i may be just a kid but i some times think im more mature than most adults. this just added to that belief </div></div>
Zach. If you want to be respected on this site, be honest, and let integrity be what you are made of.
Trying to be someone you are not ends up catching up to you eventually. (Like it did here.)
We are not mad but we are going to give you a little advice so you wont repeat this again (Hopefully! That choice is yours.)
Abe Lincoln said this wise quote;
"I tell the truth, so I don't have to remember what I said."
People will like you more if you are truthfull instead of a story teller.
Be proud of who you are, even while being 14 years old.
If you want to be a better shooter or more involved in the sport then hook up with some safe responsible shooters in your area and then learn and get some experience... It will take time.
You won't be Carlos Hathcock overnight.
......Take care..
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zach boutot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">hey sorry if im new to the site and didnt know that people dont like hypothetical questions
and the allegation that i have a account on a porn site is just discussing im 14 for crist saxes!!!. i thought this was a desent site were i could voice my ideas about shoting with a like minded community obviously i was wrong very very wrong. asides from the fact im sure as hell not recomending this site to any one that wants to skip the inappropriate bantering and actualy learn something. i may be just a kid but i some times think im more mature than most adults. this just added to that belief </div></div>
And this would be the reason kids are looked down upon these days. When you come to a site with the most knowledgeable people you don't ask questions like this. Do some research first. As many have pointed out the rifles you have listed do not even include the caliber you listed. Go buy a .22 and learn to shoot first. Lastly, when you do ask a question that was rather...well...stupid, do not act surprised when you get a response that you deserved. Sorry for the rant but I'm tired of people like this giving the younger generations a bad rep because they base everything off of what the see in video games and from b.s. stories people may have told them.

With statements like the ones you have said above, I'm going to have to disagree with you being "more mature than most adults."
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TheSmokeRolls</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zach boutot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">hey sorry if im new to the site and didnt know that people dont like hypothetical questions
and the allegation that i have a account on a porn site is just discussing im 14 for crist saxes!!!. i thought this was a desent site were i could voice my ideas about shoting with a like minded community obviously i was wrong very very wrong. asides from the fact im sure as hell not recomending this site to any one that wants to skip the inappropriate bantering and actualy learn something. i may be just a kid but i some times think im more mature than most adults. this just added to that belief </div></div>
Zach. If you want to be respected on this site, be honest, and let integrity be what you are made of.
Trying to be someone you are not ends up catching up to you eventually. (Like it did here.)
We are not mad but we are going to give you a little advice so you wont repeat this again (Hopefully! That choice is yours.)
Abe Lincoln said this wise quote;
"I tell the truth, so I don't have to remember what I said."
People will like you more if you are truthfull instead of a story teller.
Be proud of who you are, even while being 14 years old.
If you want to be a better shooter or more involved in the sport then hook up with some safe responsible shooters in your area and then learn and get some experience... It will take time.
You won't be Carlos Hathcock overnight.
......Take care..
......SmokeRolls </div></div>

THIS! There's nothing wrong with being the Noob for a while, hell, every "operator" out there was a scared, dumbass private once.. Nobody is going to flip you crap for wanting to learn..
Re: witch rifle would you use?

"and the allegation that i have a account on a porn site is just discussing im 14 for crist saxes!!!."

Gosh. You guys are discussing.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dismas</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"and the allegation that i have a account on a porn site is just discussing im 14 for crist saxes!!!."

Gosh. You guys are discussing. </div></div>

Yes we are, seriously discussing.
Re: witch rifle would you use?

Damn! Ninja Pirtle posted again! I now have to look at his moving picture/avatar/video thing for another hour! I... just... can't... stop!!!