Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

The time is right. I've kept everyone in suspense. Reason I was asking what time 6.5BR made the call. Well. if one goes to The Bats Web Site,one will find they accepts calls ONLY after 3:00 PM Pacfic Time. As to E- Mails ,their box could be full. In my veiw the pictures looked suspicious,in the world of precision cutting tools ,what would a Dermel tool be involved? Any way,my 2 cent.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

Pics looks suspicious? The pics are what they are, whether a dremel tool or similar was used I don't know, but the damage is not supposed to be there, lest the mfg. failed to disclose.

Crazy Dog, you and others try giving an explanation as to this and that, the fact is the action never should have left the mfg. door IMHO, but you may disagree and that is your right.

KY, spoiled? No sir, I work hard for my money, and when I save enough coin when I choose to seek out and 'ATTEMPT' to buy the best, I not only expect quality, I demand it, otherwise I could shoot a Remington for 1/3 the money.

McKinney, I have no need to post Bruce's email, nor prove anything here, you want to justify shoddy work, and make excuses for what happened.

Bruce did make a comment there was 'NO way' the lettering could be messed up due to how it's done, and had yet to see it. Well it was. He was in denial it were possible it was blemished. He never apologized for me receiving a bad action, nor did he say he would replace it asap. He also never called me, after I repeatedly requested for him to call, and he clearly could have, but chose NOT to do so. That in my book is B.S.

Would BAT have if possible tried correcting the feed ramp? Perhaps. Would BAT have made a new action to replace mine? Possibly, but as to how long that would take, was never mentioned, and there was NO time line given, NOR Sense of Urgency to the matter, and that was not what I expected. Had I wanted to WAIT, I would never have went to a distributor to buy one in stock. Had I rec'd a PROPERLY made product, as Jim Borden made and shipped to me, then I would have been happy, but that did not happen. Bottom Line: Borden Delivered....QUALITY. The other mfg. did not. I have trust, faith, and confidence when I give Jim Borden my money. In exchange, I get what I want, a HIGH QUALITY WELL MACHINED ACTION.

You don't have to worry however because my headache/action was disposed of asap, and my money back in hand, and I have a WONDERFUL Borden action to build, and 3 more coming! Life is Great!
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

This whole thread is funny, I did see his for sale thread on 6mmBR.com and thought it was odd. I do not have a dog in this fight, but is it that much of a big deal? Were these deep gouges or surface scratches? Why not just polish them out and move on? Life is too short to worry about shit like this...
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 375-06 JDJ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'd offer to let the manufacturer/distributor make it right </div></div>

A normal human being would have
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

I just wanted to stop by and kick the dead horse again...nothing more.
I bought a ball point pen from a garage sale this weekend, the tip is f'ed up. BIC pens suck and they will never get my hard earned money again...bastards ! I also stayed at a Holiday Inn express....
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

I work at a Honda dealership. Every time someone brings their car in for a problem and we give them the "bad news", I hear, "I bought a Honda so this wouldn't happen". Exactly why does Honda and every other car manufacturer give you a warranty? I wonder how many of those people would still buy the car if no warranty was offered and you just had to trust the reputation. Amazing how such minor inconveniences can ruin someone's entire perception. I often wonder how they will react when something truly horrible happens...I'm sure they will still post it on a forum somewhere and blame someone else.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 6.5BR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
BTW Jeremy, just send me YOUR BR action and a dremel tool to REPLICATE what you see. and I will be HAPPY to make YOURS as good as MINE! ..........I am waiting.......... </div></div>
Anyone here would have sent that action back right away and either gotten their money or a new action back, and most likely not said a word about it here. Instead you bitch on several sites and even try to sell it for the full price, which leads me to believe you CAN'T send it back because YOU did the damage! I might be wrong (don't think I am though) in which case I offer my deepest apology.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

257, you call me a liar, well you are wrong, the facts are what they are, and I was not about to take a loss on the action.

Have a great day.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

Wow, I am way to lazy to read this whole post. I wish I saw it earlier.

6.5br, I am on my sixth BAT now and have to say I probably know more than most on how they opperate. It is hard to get in touch with them. They typically use a small window during the beginig of the week to take or reply to phone calls. Once I learned this fact I got over it.

I own both of the VR models and can only tell you that you made a mistake by getting rid of it. BAT would have fixed those marks. I would have fixed those marks. Your experience doesn't change the fact that their actions are the best in terms of fit - finish and tight tolerances.

I had a small issue with one of their actions a while back. I sent them the action back before I even called. That night I left a message telling them to expect my package and the issue. I checked in a few days later asking if they recieved my action, their responce was "You mean the one we fixed and sent back to you this morning". Got it back and all is well. Thats what you should have done.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

I may be the first to point it out, but those look more like "idiot marks" than something caused by machining. I wonder if it wasn't a case of owner error? No matter, the handling of the matter was exceptionally poor...at best.

Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> "DELIBERATE INTENTIONAL OVERSIGHT"</div></div>

I'm not slamming anyone or anything but the above statement makes no sense. The only thing a vendor in this business has is their reputation and BAT has a reputation for providing high quality products, they worked hard to gain that reputation and it would be foolish to risk that reputation by deliberatly and intentionaly sending that receiver out the door. By definition it can't be deliberate, intentional and an oversight at the same time by the way. You are correct, that receiver shouldn't have shipped in that condition and I doubt BAT would argue with that.

It also makes no sense to insinuate that the buyer of the receiver was somehow a cover for BAT to get that action off the street. They could have offered you a refund if they wanted it off the street and you would have been happy and we wouldn't be reading this.

Your analogy of the $50K car with the dent in the door must be taken in conjunction of your accusation that the damage was deliberate an intentional and therefore the analogy modified to read that the $50K car was intentionaly dented by the manufacturer and then concealed until you got it. Then the car manufacturer didn't offer you a refund but had an undercover agent buy the car to get it off the street. Again, it makes no sense.

What it looks like is BAT made a mistake. You were correct to expect a perfect product but your reaction to the imperfection has been way over the top.

You asked in the original post for opinions, it would help us to get a solid idea of what really went on if you would post the content of the email BAT sent you. In the absence of their email it seems that people are of the opinion that you are the bad guy here, and before you say you don't care what people think remember, you asked people what they think; don't be pissed off when they post what they think.

I'm glad you are happy with the Borden receivers, I've never heard a bad thing about them.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

Woah! My Bat action is popular! Im the actual new buyer of this action.

Being my build is still waiting on a Mcmillan stock, I bought the action from 65br and it has been repaired by Bat. The outer "inc" was a piece of small tape needed removed, and the feed ramp to be buffed/polished. Action is repaired and now on the way to Robert Gradous for my build.

Ordering an expensive action and receiving it not properly finished would suck! Im sure 6.5br hoped for a better finish after paying $1050.00. I needed the action and it worked out for both of us.

Thanks 6.5br for the sell and thanks to Sniperhide for making my Bat the most popular talked about action ever before! 3800 views, Wow!

Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Night poacher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Woah! My Bat action is popular! Im the actual new buyer of this action.

Being my build is still waiting on a Mcmillan stock, I bought the action from 65br and it has been repaired by Bat. The outer "inc" was a piece of small tape needed removed, and the feed ramp to be buffed/polished. Action is repaired and now on the way to Robert Gradous for my build.

Ordering an expensive action and receiving it not properly finished would suck! Im sure 6.5br hoped for a better finish after paying $1050.00. I needed the action and it worked out for both of us.

Thanks 6.5br for the sell and thanks to Sniperhide for making my Bat the most popular talked about action ever before! 3800 views, Wow!


Oh my! The mental anguish you must have gone through to get the action repaired had to be legendary. Happy it worked out for you.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

Mathew you seemed strongly biased on BAT, wonder if you ever tried a Borden? I have no doubt BAT has built good actions but it's funny how some come to the rescue BAT justifying a poor product is excusable because of a companies reputation.

I am sure Stoney will ultimately have a good rifle, as I SHOULD have had, in that BAT. It did not work out for me that way, and I chose a Borden, and I have 100% faith and confidence when my build is done, it will take no back seat to a BAT or any other action, it is VERY WELL MADE and came to me that way, the first time, Void of any flaws/defects/blems. I expected nothing less, and BORDEN delivered, as expected/promised.

There are many good products out there, but when I pay a premium price for a touted 'best in class' product, I DO expect the mfg. to 'get it right' the first time, or jump thru hoops to fix it asap. They did in Stoney's case, as by the time he bought it, the mfg. decided it was important enough to jump all over the situation. In MY experience, they dragged their feet. Obviously it seems the level of service was not consistent before vs. after this situation, but I am sure BAT will do a good job going forward in QC and in customer service, just as Borden has done all along in my experience.

You guys have a great day.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

Stop the idiotic rants and move on.
You have posted some outright insane claims and ignored requests to back them up.
YOU did the wrong thing and CONTINUE to as MUCH of the community has pointed out. Many of those replies were reasonable and quite nice, trying to help you wake up a bit. In return you ranted and raved at the posters.

There IS an issue here and it's not with the MFR.
Grow up, get some help and move on. All you are doing now is ruining yourself in the community.

VERY few if ANY of the people reading this would not buy from this maker based on your posts.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

AUJohn, I feel the reasonable replies and suggestions are treated on the same plane as BAT by the OP; posters who did not agree with, or "treated" the OP right the first time are dismissed as unworthy. It is useless to try to talk sense to someone who expects perfection, first time every time.

Like I said before... I'm still waiting to see what happens when a Borden action he bought goes wrong... But of course since Borden did it right the first time, it cannot be faulted from now on and the OP will NEVER get a bad Borden action ever. Substitute "Borden" with any other brand, except BAT according to OP.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

Too funny guys, like I said, I am sure BAT can make you a good action, but I think there is alot of BIASED info on this forum, and not a balance of FACTUAL UNBIASED info. Surely some here like to push their favs for their reasons.

I have no gain at all, nor care what action you guys use, but its comical to me how some here are closed to hearing what the facts are vs. what they want to hear. The truth is what it is, and maybe some owners out there got their feelings hurt and want to defend what they own. Enjoy your rifles whatever they may be.

I will have to give Mathew credit on one thing, the 2nd owner of that action should be happy, as it is apparently NOW acceptable, at least cosmetically, but it was not when I received it. And for those out there who say it was fine, you never stepped up to buy the action as I received it. Why not? Interesting.

Unreal some of you, really. There are things I know about a smith who post on this site, which would likely fall on deaf ears too, yet many members here think he is grand, so not the case. Most don't know a thing about him or his past, nor what people who know him would say. I won't get started on another topic, but you guys who bitch at me I am sure expect no less for your money.

Like I said, shoot what you want, set your expectations where you want, and spend your money where you want, but to say I was not justified in not accepting crap is hillarious.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

Dude NO ONE said that you were wrong to be upset!!!!!!!! It is how you handled the situation that started this whole damned thread. Get off your high horse and come back down to Earth with the rest of us. It was a mistake! It would have been corrected. I neither own nor have I ever owned a BAT action, but I do know that they are one of the finest, if not the finest designed actions on the planet, period. You made yourself look bad in how you started this thread and how you continue to try to make people see you as being somehow "damaged" by this transaction. Get a life and learn how to deal with adversity. Shit happens in life. It is how you handle them that says what kind of man you are.

And what ever you may know about any gunsmith's personal life, is none of my business what so ever. I could care less what he does other than build great rifles. Not any of my concern or anyone else's for that matter. Over and out!
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 6.5BR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Too funny guys, like I said, I am sure BAT can make you a good action, but I think there is alot of BIASED info on this forum, and not a balance of FACTUAL UNBIASED info. Surely some here like to push their favs for their reasons.

I have no gain at all, nor care what action you guys use, but its comical to me how some here are closed to hearing what the facts are vs. what they want to hear. The truth is what it is, and maybe some owners out there got their feelings hurt and want to defend what they own. Enjoy your rifles whatever they may be.

I will have to give Mathew credit on one thing, the 2nd owner of that action should be happy, as it is apparently NOW acceptable, at least cosmetically, but it was not when I received it. And for those out there who say it was fine, you never stepped up to buy the action as I received it. Why not? Interesting.

Unreal some of you, really. There are things I know about a smith who post on this site, which would likely fall on deaf ears too, yet many members here think he is grand, so not the case. Most don't know a thing about him or his past, nor what people who know him would say. I won't get started on another topic, but you guys who bitch at me I am sure expect no less for your money.

Like I said, shoot what you want, set your expectations where you want, and spend your money where you want, but to say I was not justified in not accepting crap is hillarious. </div></div>

Do us all a favor.... take your Borden and go elsewhere. you are clogging up our bandwith with your crap stories and cry baby claims of mistreatment. No one on this site feels bad for you after the way you handled things with BAT and members of this shooting forum. Graciously excuse yourself and let this worthless thread die out.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

ODG!!! I am now dumber than before due to reading this DRAMA. But while i'm on here... I might as well BITCH about Coors Light. I drank a FEW the other night and woke up not feeling the best. Think I should call them up and rant and pon off the "survivors" or just switch to Bud Light?
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

Nothing wrong with a few "handling" marks on the inside I guess. I care less! Just as long as it looks goooooood in the cooler and my buddies don't point them out cause I wouldn't know where to start.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 6.5BR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Too funny guys, like I said, I am sure BAT can make you a good action, but I think there is alot of BIASED info on this forum, and not a balance of FACTUAL UNBIASED info. Surely some here like to push their favs for their reasons.

<span style="color: #FF0000">Then quit. Leave, go away. Find some forum where your crayon style ideas and posts fit in.</span>

I have no gain at all, nor care what action you guys use, but its comical to me how some here are closed to hearing what the facts are vs. what they want to hear.

<span style="color: #FF0000">What "facts"? That you have lied, made insane claims and have some real issues which should be take off board and resolved between you and someone qualified to work through them with you? </span>

The truth is what it is, and maybe some owners out there got their feelings hurt and want to defend what they own. Enjoy your rifles whatever they may be.

<span style="color: #FF0000">What? You did not post the truth
You had a small issue, didn't let them fix it, lied about what has gone on, made shit up and posted it. Ignored the fact everyone was trying to point out you sound like you need help. </span>


Get some help. If you think what you are saying and your delusional claims are the truth then you NEED some help.

Why is it that you have refused to answer any questions about your delusional claims or which come back to the fact you have lied about this? Makes you wonder IF the action was like this when it arrived.....
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

You guys need to understand that we are not machines, we are human and we CAN EASILY make a mistake. Regardless of how good our shit is it WILL happen from everyone, even Borden. I have never met a person in any industry that has made everything 100% perfect and made everyone 100% happy. have you?

The real issue to a problem is how it is handled. Give the MFG a chance to make good before slamming them on a public forum.

BTW...I dont own a BAT but i know what kind of quality they turn out and its not shit..
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

heet, as I said, I am sure BAT can make good actions, if I did not believe that I would not have ordered one. It just happened the one I ordered was sub par.

Mistakes happen, things happen, I am in a business that sells $120k cad/cam technology that produces tolerances to 8 Microns (a micron is 1/1000th of a mm), if a customer has a problem they expect service asap, and they get it, all of them, equally, unequivocally. That's the way I roll and my company, and if it were not, I would have to get in another line of work.

I have little doubt BAT would have rectified the situation at SOME time frame, but I expect better communication after repeated request over a few days to have someone contact me on 3 phone numbers and lost any interest in what they might do about it, and on THEIR timeline of choice.

I DID give them a chance, as my patience was lost over a 3 day time horizon, even though I was sorely disappointed upon my inspection of what I received for a premium priced custom mfg. product.

Now back to more important things

Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

TAPE.......LMFAO The defect you were complaining of to the outside of the action was tape that was not removed.

Was that bit of info posted over on the fire?
If I did not have more important things to do I would go run that post to the top. I wondered why you had not posted pics of the defects to the engraving.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 6.5BR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They have yet to talk to me, the action is a brand new custom action I purchased sight unseen thru a distributor.

Why did you buy from a distributor instead of BAT direct?
Why did you not simply return the offending product to your "distributor" for an immediate refund or replacement?

For some reason, you did not contact BAT during your original procurement. If you had, you would have known that they are not easy to catch on the phone but when you do get a return call, you get professional attention by the very people that make the product. You would have also known for certain that the action came directly from them without any chance of going through other hands first.

When you buy most products through a distributor, you would normally go back to your point of purchase with an issue would you not?

You also talk about the other actions being perfect.
Did you fixture the actions and check runout, parallelism, thread spec, etc., etc. , . . . . ?
Or did you just think they look pretty and sparkly so they must be perfect?

This is not questioning Borden but rather the logic and facts behind your verdict. You mentioned your own business prowess but you have not reflected on your qualifications to make such statements.

Basically you started off with a product that somebody (BAT or somebody else)made unacceptable to not only you but most other potential purchasers. After that you decided you needed attention from the entire F*&^ING internet by spewing your self righteous victimization on every shooting forum in the free world. I don't have time to go on such bullshit but I bet you even update your FaceBook everytime you fart so everyone can pretend to care about your personal dramas.

We shall be on the edge of our seats waiting for you to Tweet your next whine and bitch session.

I apologize for the other readers for even posting onto this thread but no one has posed this to the resident victim.
Re: Would you pay $1,000 + for this action?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 6.5BR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Delusional? Lies? Neither Aussie.


Did you tell the people on these other forums that the engraving issue was a piece of tape that your far-sighted eyes overlooked, with the same fervor that you have tried to lambaste BAT, in all of these forums? I guess you have never messed up in your profession EVER?

No one needs to help you dig a hole for yourself, you are steam shovel operator deluxe! Any new dirt you want to try to sling about any one else (gunsmiths, action manufacturers, old girlfriends, old boyfriends, etc).