Apparently I am very bad, mean is a word "some" out there are throwing around. I wouldn't say I was angry but they mentioned I might be getting a certain amount of glee from my bad attitude. That needs to be explored, is it just too entertain to troll someone ?
You sir, have an attitude problem and Dan, is gonna bring me down.
Had I known about the all the bad reviews online regarding my behavior I might have been apt to correct it, but really, it's too late now, I am set in my ways. too old, too tired, too full of not giving a shit.
The question becomes, when someone pops into SH and steps on their Dick right out of the gate, should we continue to mock and ridicule, or should we attempt to pick them up, brush them, and help them on their way?
That is really the questions, at what point does stepping on dick go too far, the point of ripping it off... well in a normal conversation I would it's pretty far down the line. In a public gun community that line I feel is a lot closer. Does the question even matter ...
is it being mean, or not suffering fools ?
These are the questions for today, as Dan is very upset he was banned, and will be going out of his way to make sure nobody ever uses SH again.
The End,