You asked for stupid

all depends whether you're using a set trigger or not...

kidding aside, 90% of us, maybe more, have no need to use coriolis. you're talking ELR with big flight times, not 1200 or 1500 we may get to shoot on a normal basis

someone who play around past 2k/2miles will probably chime in.

do you have an ELR gun and shoot at these distances and running into issues? or just looking for info?
Hahaha no offense taken, I guess I deserve that. I saw the title of the thread and just had to ask a "Stupid Question"; but I do wonder if "reverse" rifiling would have some effect counteracting the pull?

No I don't shoot ELD, theres no opportunity around here. My Fifties are set up for short range heavy targets.
Hahaha no offense taken, I guess I deserve that. I saw the title of the thread and just had to ask a "Stupid Question"; but I do wonder if "reverse" rifiling would have some effect counteracting the pull?

No I don't shoot ELD, theres no opportunity around here. My Fifties are set up for short range heavy targets.
@Lowlight goes into left hand rifling in several of his podcasts and their benefit regarding this and recoil impulse
So here goes, at what range does the Coriolis Effect require sighting compensation? And what is the adjustment ratio as you move further north or south from the equator? Oh and does a left or right hand twist add to or cancel (some of) the effect?

See I told you...

I love the edelweiss. I have a few placed on the sleeves or rank tab on some my field jackets
Other than information already shared above spend 60.00. Get Bryan litz's Applied ballistics for long range shooting. Pg. 113 to 118 too much to post or explain even if could. And he gets into the relationship with coriolis effect barrel twist and spin drift have a fun read.
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