You be the judge.

I bet if it was your family or your life turned upside down you wouldn't be so fuckin flippant. Regardless of intent, how fuckin helpful did that look to the situation? I bet the folks there were tickled to death for the help. Not like they had anything pressing going on.
ah so you still can’t let it go. If I lost everything I wouldn’t care about someone else’s tents getting blown over on accident. The piles of stuff weren’t destroyed, there’s multiple angles, part of it was blown around mostly because of the unsecured pop up tents from the looks of it.

The helo was trying to help and were dealt a shit sandwich of LZ’s and immediately aborted when shit started happening. Applying collective and throttle which are required to fly unfortunately make the air move around it’s completely unavoidable unless you’d rather it fall out of the sky and crash land, probably burning all the supplies.

Maybe the crew have been working crazy hours compared to normal helping people and wanted to unload even more supplies instead of posting online?

It’s crazy how the right is turning into a leftist style rage machine. You see part of a video posted by someone already exaggerating claims “security sweep” with no real info and they just run with it and then stick by it to try and save face when the story isn’t what they thought.

We are doomed, and it’s both sides fault.
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ah so you still can’t let it go. If I lost everything I wouldn’t care about someone else’s tents getting blown over on accident. The piles of stuff weren’t destroyed, there’s multiple angles, part of it was blown around mostly because of the unsecured pop up tents from the looks of it.

The helo was trying to help and were dealt a shit sandwich of LZ’s and immediately aborted when shit started happening. Applying collective and throttle which are required to fly unfortunately make the air move around it’s completely unavoidable unless you’d rather it fall out of the sky and crash land, probably burning all the supplies.

Maybe the crew have been working crazy hours compared to normal helping people and wanted to unload even more supplies instead of posting online?

It’s crazy how the right is turning into a leftist style rage machine. You see part of a video posted by someone already exaggerating claims “security sweep” with no real info and they just run with it and then stick by it to try and save face when the story isn’t what they thought.

We are doomed, and it’s both sides fault.
So, you think it's funny too. Says more about your lack of empathy than my ability to "let it go". Guess I just don't see the humor in the whole situation. I'm the asshole. Got it.😉
So, you think it's funny too. Says more about your lack of empathy than my ability to "let it go". Guess I just don't see the humor in the whole situation. I'm the asshole. Got it.😉
Never said it’s funny. This quote is an example of trying to save face by the way, and a leftist style strawman argument.

Good job

It’s funny how the “NCHillbilly” is online rage posting while not knowing anything other than what he saw on TikTok of all places(owned and ran by the CCP) instead of doing search and rescue or delivering all those supplies.
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Never said it’s funny. This quote is an example of trying to save face by the way, and a leftist style strawman argument.

Good job

It’s funny how the “NCHillbilly” is online rage posting while not knowing anything other than what he saw on TikTok of all places(owned and ran by the CCP) instead of doing search and rescue or delivering all those supplies.
It's got nothing to do with "saving face", of which I have no need. It's the fact that I get to see, daily, video after video after interview with people whose lives have been completely destroyed. I personally know MANY people who have been in the thick of the rescue and recovery efforts there, and it is story after story of heartbreak and utter despair. If you go back and read my original post instead of acting like a dick, I simply asked people to judge "whether it was hindrance or malfeasance". BTW, there's no shortage of news sites that have covered the same story, so no, I don't need to do any research.

As far as "rage posting", you're godammned right I'm upset, because a fine group of people are fighting to survive up there, and there is no shortage of stories of how official types are making it more difficult for them to do just that.
It's got nothing to do with "saving face", of which I have no need. It's the fact that I get to see, daily, video after video after interview with people whose lives have been completely destroyed. I personally know MANY people who have been in the thick of the rescue and recovery efforts there, and it is story after story of heartbreak and utter despair. If you go back and read my original post instead of acting like a dick, I simply asked people to judge "whether it was hindrance or malfeasance". BTW, there's no shortage of news sites that have covered the same story, so no, I don't need to do any research.

As far as "rage posting", you're godammned right I'm upset, because a fine group of people are fighting to survive up there, and there is no shortage of stories of how official types are making it more difficult for them to do just that.
Here we go again, now you’re the victim… “I, I, I”

“I personally know MANY people who have been in the thick of the rescue and recovery efforts there” but your on here trying to start some outrage and instead of doing something because you care so much, you just know some people who are helping.

Keep posting things where you don’t know what you’re looking at, get mad when people see what’s actually happening, then get defensive and instead of admitting the video was wrong.Your dumb-ass doesn’t even know I have people who live in the vicinity of all this. I was almost born in NC, but you know everything…I’ve also been through many of bad hurricane and as a first responder with experience doing many LZ’s in urban areas, fuck me right? Lol

No preconceived bias in this post of yours:

For all the shills out there claiming that tales of .gov hindrance and malfeasance is a lie, watch this and decide for yourself.”

That’s saying you know the truth, watch the video and see for yourself it’s not actually saying think for yourself. You’re saying anyone who doesn’t agree is a shill before you even know the full story. Obviously you should have done some research. I don’t need the news to tell me what I’m looking at, but apparently you eat whatever they serve you.
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If you are only given so many places to land you don’t really have much choice but to try, they pulled off as soon as a tent flips.

They aren’t in a 100acre empty lot, it’s a retail location surrounded with obstacles they have limited options and it’s out of the ordinary circumstances.
This, 100%.

I think the Cajun Navy and some others have done some good work but it is a super sucky move to take something that had good intent and turn it into a mission to wreck their own stuff. Total bullshit move by those stirring that video into a purposeful sabotage.

Super limited areas acceptable to use as an LZ. Whoever coordinated that staging area was a dumb fuck for not partitioning off a dedicated spot for big birds to land and unload. They put an awful lot of people and supplies in an open field when they could have pushed most of that to the edge up and around trees to make room at the initial setup.

The freakin NCNG bird had supplies (I heard generators and consumables) and was simply trying to get it on the ground. If they fly over to the next ridge and unload where it is a super PITA for the workers to retrieve, they would have been shit on again for "purposefully making it difficult" or similar. Assholes sensationalizing any failure during an honest effort by others just to stroke their own hero complex is just being cunty.

I disagree with the grounding and review of the crew.
The NG is trying to generate as many sorties as possible with limited resources. Sidelining a capable crew that is in short supply just further limits their ability to respond. Their brass and governor had to do something for show just to appease the hell raising being posted over social media that was unfounded in the first place.

This is the type of shit that make’s people not take us seriously
For sure. If I have to fight somebody else in order to assist, are they really on my side? Either way, they certainly aren't pure with their intentions.

@NCHillbilly, dude I don't think anyone is being flippant or joking about our brothers and sisters that are struggling just to make it another day in that area. If I was you, I would be totally pissed that some egotistical assholes are creating shit storms out of nothing just to stir up emotions at the cost of those struggling.

Would I be aggravated about supplies or equipment being blown around? Yes.
But, that was not intentional and it was done while actually trying to assist. So it was an accident and not a malicious act.
What was a malicious act was posting video and spinning it out of context for their own cause. That is going to harm the effort to get assistance to those in need. THAT should piss you off.
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This, 100%.

I think the Cajun Navy and some others have done some good work but it is a super sucky move to take something that had good intent and turn it into a mission to wreck their own stuff. Total bullshit move.

Super limited areas acceptable to use as an LZ. Whoever coordinated that staging area was a dumb fuck for not partitioning off a dedicated spot for big birds to land and unload. They put an awful lot of people and supplies in an open field when they could have pushed most of that to the edge up and around trees to make room at the initial setup.

The freakin NCNG bird had supplies (I heard generators and consumables) and was simply trying to get it on the ground. If they fly over to the next ridge and unload where it is a super PITA for the workers to retrieve, they would have been shit on again for "purposefully making it difficult" or similar. Assholes sensationalizing any failure during an honest effort by others just to make their stroke their own hero complex is just being cunty.

I disagree with the grounding and review of the crew.
The NG is trying to generate as many sorties as possible with limited resources. Sidelining a capable crew that is in short supply just further limits their ability to respond. Their brass and governor had to do something for show just to appease the hell raising being posted over social media that was unfounded in the first place.

For sure. If I have to fight somebody else in order to assist, are they really on my side? Either way, they certainly aren't pure with their intentions.

@NCHillbilly, dude I don't think anyone is being flippant or joking about our brothers and sisters that are struggling just to make it another day in that area. If I was you, I would be totally pissed that some egotistical assholes are creating shit storms out of nothing just to stir up emotions at the cost of those struggling.

Would I be aggravated about supplies or equipment being blown around? Yes.
But, that was not intentional and it was done while actually trying to assist. So it was an accident and not a malicious act.
What was a malicious act was posting video and spinning it out of context for their own cause. That is going to harm the effort to get assistance to those in need. THAT should piss you off.
Even great groups have some retards in their ranks, unfortunately for the Cajun navy theirs posted some dumb shit online for the world. Including the “free swamp tour” shit which we are all aware of what that means open death threats for a situation that person was too stupid to understand 🙄
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You know, now that I think about it, who's doing a K9 security sweep of a parking lot full of bottled water, diapers and canned goods? What were they looking for?
You know, now that I think about it, who's doing a K9 security sweep of a parking lot full of bottled water, diapers and canned goods? What were they looking for?
That's just it.
They aren't.
They are contributing exactly zero to the effort.
In fact, worse than zero because they are consuming while not contributing.

Security sweep only in their head.
Saying it out loud makes it true so they can justify being there.

In the mean time, they AND their dog are taking up limited resources that are dedicated to the true first responders. It's not a KOA campground and it's not a weekend outing that is 10 minutes from a well stocked WalMart. They need to get their asses out of the area.

I almost equate this to being trapped in a submarine with limited oxygen while some of the survivors are trying to fuck up the rescue.
That's just it.
They aren't.
They are contributing exactly zero to the effort.
In fact, worse than zero because they are consuming while not contributing.

Security sweep only in their head.
Saying it out loud makes it true so they can justify being there.

In the mean time, they AND their dog are taking up limited resources that are dedicated to the true first responders. It's not a KOA campground and it's not a weekend outing that is 10 minutes from a well stocked WalMart. They need to get their asses out of the area.

I almost equate this to being trapped in a submarine with limited oxygen while some of the survivors are trying to fuck up the rescue.
It’s worse than we thought…

She works for/with the sheriff(has sheriff shirts on anyway), they should know they have a moron in their midst. I had to visit TikTok for the first time ever to see this shit(didn’t watch any videos because fuck that)

She trains dogs, so she probably took it upon herself to do “security sweeps” for terries.

The horse/dog girl is definitely not the go to for helo info apparently.
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For all the shills out there claiming that tales of .gov hindrance and malfeasance is a lie, watch this and decide for yourself.

That is BS..... It was intentional. There was no reason to land in that area. SOAR would not have even tried to land a Blackhawk there with all of that stuff around.

That was some assclown from the Feds telling a NCNG pilot to land there...... willing to put money on that one.
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That is BS..... It was intentional. There was no reason to land in that area. SOAR would not have even tried to land a Blackhawk there with all of that stuff around.

That was some assclown from the Feds telling a NCNG pilot to land there...... willing to put money on that one.
They land helos in places like this all the time.

Hey everyone, he knows every detail about this situation with one biased video. We should just listen to him.
They land helos in places like this all the time.

Hey everyone, he knows every detail about this situation with one biased video. We should just listen to him.
Hey everyone, he is a retard and nobody should ever listen to him.

Unlike you retards, I am basing it off many years in MIL Aviation and that video was enough to tell me that that was not a good area to land (even in a hostile country under fire). Too much SHIT on the ground. It is called FOD. Here is what the FAA say about that. Since you are obviously too stupid to know what that is.

"FOD is any object, live or not, located in an inappropriate location in the airport environment that has the capacity to injure airport or air carrier personnel and damage aircraft."

Army Regulation 385-10 defines FOD (foreign object damage) as damage to an Army vehicle, equipment or property as a result of objects alien to the vehicle or equipment damaged. This excludes aircraft turbine engines defined as a foreign object damage incident.
Hey everyone, he is a retard and nobody should ever listen to him.

Unlike you retards, I am basing it off many years in MIL Aviation and that video was enough to tell me that that was not a good area to land (even in a hostile country under fire). Too much SHIT on the ground. It is called FOD. Here is what the FAA say about that. Since you are obviously too stupid to know what that is.

"FOD is any object, live or not, located in an inappropriate location in the airport environment that has the capacity to injure airport or air carrier personnel and damage aircraft."

Army Regulation 385-10 defines FOD (foreign object damage) as damage to an Army vehicle, equipment or property as a result of objects alien to the vehicle or equipment damaged. This excludes aircraft turbine engines defined as a foreign object damage incident.
had to setup a lot LZ’s for helos in tight spaces with no choice, I guess civilians are better pilots or something. Lots of people lived thanks to them. No one knows how stupid a lot of military procedures are, vets never mention it 🙄

You see a tight shot from a shit angle, again you know nothing about the big picture of this situation you’re making assumptions. Airport regs, but it’s a parking lot in a disaster area so there’s going to be foreign objects everywhere . They needed to unload supplies at the supply point. People do not ideal shit constantly, fuck them for trying to deliver generators where they were needed…bunch of dicks trying to be helpful. Whole towns are gone “OH NO MY UNSECURED POP UP TENTS AND SEVERAL BOXES OUT OF HUNDREDS!”

You don’t need to be a military pilot to use common sense.

Here’s the military not operating in tight spaces

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You know, now that I think about it, who's doing a K9 security sweep of a parking lot full of bottled water, diapers and canned goods? What were they looking for?
Perhaps. Are the dogs trained to sniff out CIA terrorist assets imported from Afghanistan?
There are.several on the lose around the US.
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