Rifle Scopes ZCO & TriggerCam: Does it work?

Can anyone else comment on this? Does it work or not? Im in the market for both.
I have both. Like @SD Carpenter said, without any shims you can mount it on there, but you're metal on metal and you have to mount it a little further back than ideal due to the location of the magnification ring. Finding that I have a limited number of scopes that work with the triggercam.
So, I was messing with the cam yesterday. You can position the cam @ 9 o’clock and have 27x down to 8x available.

Obviously the image is recorded sideways. But that’s an easy fix in editing to rotate the video.

I haven’t ran it like this under recoil, though I’ll try in the next week or two. As mentioned, with the going price of gen 2 razors, I picked on up specifically to use with the cam once we are in full swing with video uploads.
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My TC 2.1 does work without shims. I run the camera at an angle so I can use pretty much everything above 8x. Then I get it upright in post.
I don’t think it’ll work with electrical tape cause as it is it’s a pretty tight fit. Maybe 1 layer if that. But I don’t think the metal on metal is that bad. My scope get more scratches from matches than the TC.
The triggercam works of you don't mind a little scuf marks on the eyepiece.
I used painter’s tape on the ocular housing to prevent that. Works well enough.

It’s clearly not a great fit, but I do get footage good enough to debrief, which is what I was looking for. Looking forward to a new gen though, hopefully with a bigger mounting diameter, better user interface, and more stable Wi-Fi connection.
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Well, it kinda works. It doesn’t actually fit properly, but it can be made to function. Expect tunneling of the FOV and the image, as the TC sits farther back on the ZCO than intended. Your eye relief is unchanged.
Well, it kinda works. It doesn’t actually fit properly, but it can be made to function. Expect tunneling of the FOV and the image, as the TC sits farther back on the ZCO than intended. Your eye relief is unchanged.
With minor cropping of the video in post you’ll never know the difference. Most scopes vignette a small little bit with a TC anyway so cropping the edges is never a bad thing.
With minor cropping of the video in post you’ll never know the difference. Most scopes vignette a small little bit with a TC anyway so cropping the edges is never a bad thing.
You're not wrong, but I offered the info lest anyone have expectations that will exceed reality. And some might not find the constraints acceptable at the price.

I also didn't list every downside, but here are the ones I've experienced:
- The M3-0.5 x 10mm clamping screw it ships with is barely long enough to clamp onto a ZCO, like only two threads of engagement; replacing it with an M3-0.5 x 14mm screw was much more reliable
- The downrange housing of the TC obstructs the zoom throw lever, so you either have to run at lower magnification (I compete at 20x and train at 27x) or rotate the TC then fix the video angle in post-processing
- The scope ocular housing doesn't fit all the way into the TC, as I mentioned above; not only does this increase tunneling of the shooter's FOV as well as the video, it also means the TC is more liable to be misaligned because the rigid portion of the mounting sleeve (the part that doesn't clamp to the scope) isn't aligning the device
- The device is also closer to the shooter's face than designed, which could make scope bite more likely on a heavy-recoiling, lightweight rifle; shooter needs to be cognizant of this risk
- As mentioned above, no plastic collar means you're metal-on-metal on your $4k scope unless you put something in there to protect the contact surfaces

Those are the ones that come to mind, I might've forgotten one or two. It can absolutely work, it does work, and I've used it and will continue to do so. But it's a bit specious to imply that a user won't know the difference when mating a TC up with a ZCO, especially if they've used it on a scope with a smaller ocular housing. You'll know the difference, because you have to futz with it to make it work, and your final product (the video) is diminished in quality; the extent of that diminishment is in the eye of the beholder. My preference is to let someone know what they're getting into, then let them make a more educated decision.

ETA: I probably could've saved myself most of this typing, as most of the downsides are already in this thread. Nonetheless, here we are lol
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You're not wrong, but I offered the info lest anyone have expectations that will exceed reality. And some might not find the constraints acceptable at the price.

I also didn't list every downside, but here are the ones I've experienced:
- The M3-0.5 x 10mm clamping screw it ships with is barely long enough to clamp onto a ZCO, like only two threads of engagement; replacing it with an M3-0.5 x 14mm screw was much more reliable
- The downrange housing of the TC obstructs the zoom throw lever, so you either have to run at lower magnification (I compete at 20x and train at 27x) or rotate the TC then fix the video angle in post-processing
- The scope ocular housing doesn't fit all the way into the TC, as I mentioned above; not only does this increase tunneling of the shooter's FOV as well as the video, it also means the TC is more liable to be misaligned because the rigid portion of the mounting sleeve (the part that doesn't clamp to the scope) isn't aligning the device
- The device is also closer to the shooter's face than designed, which could make scope bite more likely on a heavy-recoiling, lightweight rifle; shooter needs to be cognizant of this risk
- As mentioned above, no plastic collar means you're metal-on-metal on your $4k scope unless you put something in there to protect the contact surfaces

Those are the ones that come to mind, I might've forgotten one or two. It can absolutely work, it does work, and I've used it and will continue to do so. But it's a bit specious to imply that a user won't know the difference when mating a TC up with a ZCO, especially if they've used it on a scope with a smaller ocular housing. You'll know the difference, because you have to futz with it to make it work, and your final product (the video) is diminished in quality; the extent of that diminishment is in the eye of the beholder. My preference is to let someone know what they're getting into, then let them make a more educated decision.
All true and fair points. I merely meant they won’t know the difference from a video perspective when reviewing the footage. My ZCO footage looks better than my Tangent footage. Actually my ZCO probably looks the best of any scope I’ve used the TC on which is a lot of scopes.
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2.1+ doesn’t play nicely with the raised zoom lever on a ZCO 527. Interference unless the TC is mounted towards the shooter, and then it won’t clamp concentrically because it’s grabbing the ocular ring. I’m mounting it at 9-10:30 o’clock to keep 27x functional but with a tilted reticle. May just not use it on ZCO’s because of the integrated throw lever. Or take a grinder to the ZCO ;).