ZEISS Presents All-New LRP S5 - FFP Riflescopes for Long-Range Precision Shooting and Hunting

Yes, I do understand what site I'm on. I disagree about my entries adding zero value, "but whose to say" and I agree w/injecting a "little levity" or even a lot of "levity" into a discussion, and you may have thought the clip was in jest, and if you mean that, I appreciate it, but I can assure you what you did, may not come off that way to everybody.

When someone close to you, or a good friend, suffers from those kinds of challenges, I will suggest to you that you will feel anything but levity.

I talked about the surgeries because I thought it tied into my decision not to buy a 3-4k top tier scope unless my surgeries gave me the ability to "pick up" the detail/nuance/clarity that you buy these scopes for. My eyesight was getting so bad that any optic/scope I bought, no matter how bright, no matter how clear, was going to look dark and fuzzy.

At age 70, your pupils have shrunk down to 2.5mm and when you add cataracts and astigmatism you'll need one of those magnifiers/or glasses to pick up txt that's extremely close, and the additional issue of are you getting the benefits of the scope you've paid all this money for.

In any event, you seem to have made a gesture, so we'll agree on declaring peace, and leave it there.
We actually would like to keep this thread on topic, which is this offering from Zeiss, and not photography, your career, or your differences w other objecting members of the board.

You can understand that, right?
No fight and no disrespect intended but seriously your walls of text adding zero value to this thread were getting "old"

And like you said, we can ignore it you don't care either way....I chose to use a little levity...You do understand what website you are on right? Hopefully you stay clear of the bear pit.... the clip was in jest calm down guy and take your blood pressure meds and also prolly reconsider the Zeiss so you don't need a mkm turret magnifier to see what settings your turrets are on without your readers...
Huskydriver asked if I was "seriously quoting myself"

So hold it. Let's be fair.

After I told Huskydriver the "fight was over" and he was off topic, he talked some more about the "back and forth" in an earlier part of the discussion, and I don't have a problem responding to something he brings up, but he brought it up not me.

Someone else brought it up after I was through w/it, so ask him that question.

If that isn't fair/accurate, then go ahead and ban me because I'm on the wrong forum.
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The plate and what everyone saw
Thanks for posting all this info Frank. Haven't had one on hand but on paper it looks like a terrific scope. I ordered a new 6mm rifle from Badrock and needing a new scope will be looking at this scope carefully. I'll follow your lead on this, you having a lot more experience with these optics than most all of us here.

And also thanks for putting up with all the bullshit from the optical engineer wannabe bitches! I bet none have ever even tested an optic, or even know how they are tested. I've tested a number myself and know how to test them, mostly telescopes and binoculars using airy disks, strehl ratios and RMS wavefront errors.

This "theory" that Zeiss manipulated the demo is so ludicrous that I am glad you made a point to hand out a burn. It falls on it's face on so many levels but mainly because Zeiss brought all these other scopes out VOLUNTARILY! That takes guts, stupidity, or supreme confidence in the knowledge of having a superior product. I will pick the latter.

Haven't been following all the drama, but I can say Zeiss is about... 10 years late to this party? They have pretty much been putting inferior reticles and turrets on scopes with otherwise excellent glass and construction for a long time. It's nice to see them finally recognize that no serious shooter has taken their scopes seriously in a decade and get with the program.
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Wonder why they waited this long to put out anything not hunting related? I always figured they were fudds that had no respect for other applications. I also find it strange that they refuse to market it as a tactical scope even though it really is. Anyhow, I'm not gonna be a test dummy for their first scope in this class when everyone else has been making them for years.
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And, just like that, the thread got de-railed...

I have not yet received the LRP, but most of the other scopes I will be using for the comparison are here. A little later today, I'll be setting up the S&B, Steiner, USO, TT and ZCO on my tripod fixture. Just waiting for the Zeiss and March.

Fair warning: once I have everything here, it will be a long ass video and likely a pretty long write-up. I am sort of a detail oriented guy.

I hope this doesn't derail further, but how do you think the new march WA stacks up with the current crop ZCO, Tanget, S&B and Minox along with the new LRP?
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And, just like that, the thread got de-railed...

I have not yet received the LRP, but most of the other scopes I will be using for the comparison are here. A little later today, I'll be setting up the S&B, Steiner, USO, TT and ZCO on my tripod fixture. Just waiting for the Zeiss and March.

Fair warning: once I have everything here, it will be a long ass video and likely a pretty long write-up. I am sort of a detail oriented guy.

Please add the amg for my curiosity. I will certainly watch it no matter how long lol.
For example; if "Full multi Coating" is indeed as expensive & difficult to properly achieve as we hear, what could be the harm in at least disclosing some general information on the cost involved?
If I knew that coatings were say 25% of the cost of a $4000 optic, I would be far happier when handing over the money. As it is at the moment, we are all just told that top tier optics are expensive to design & manufacture but, we're all clueless as to what the comparative general cost break down is. This glaring lack of information leads me to assume that the true costs may not be as high as they are happy for the consumer to believe.
If I were to guess at the situation today, I think it more than likely that engineering, computer & technological improvements have considerably reduced the relative expense of these same manufacturing costs & created a legacy price in the minds & memories of the consumer. So long as all the players in the industry keep their mouths shut, the consumers remain none the wiser & pay a premium based upon a legacy. I firmly believe this to be at least part of the situation at the present time.
We can observe tell-tale signs of this situation from certain recent scope company start-ups with what could only be described as true industry insiders at the top, creating totally new brand names with what appears to be fearless abandon.
There is something that they know that we don't &, as the saying goes, if you want answers "follow the money"

This is one of the most utterly idiotic things I have ever read in my 26 years in the manufacturing business

You are Dunning-Kruger at its finest.
This is one of the most utterly idiotic things I have ever read in my 26 years in the manufacturing business

You are Dunning-Kruger at its finest.
I can only assume that your reading comprehension is low or you just like complaining.
If we compare buying a vehicle to buying a scope, on the strength of a comparison of the technical information available concerning what the buyer is getting for their money, would have thought it was obvious.
With some digging, we can find most technical information on the various systems in a vehicle which gives the buyer a general idea about what they get for money they have to shell out. Car makers have the same kind of slick advertising but, the discerning buyer is well able to compare one vehicle to another in terms of engineering differences which, the vehicle manufacturers seem well able to make available. The car dealers use this information all the time to highlight the difference between brands with a similar price point or, when called upon to substantiate price differences in models.
Scopes are quite the opposite. The buyer has virtually no access to technical information.
Occasionally, scope manufacturers point out one or two differences. One famous example is Schmidt & Benders comparison graph of the percentage of transmitted light in their T96 range.
That is all I was saying.
I can only assume that your reading comprehension is low or you just like complaining.
If we compare buying a vehicle to buying a scope, on the strength of a comparison of the technical information available concerning what the buyer is getting for their money, would have thought it was obvious.
With some digging, we can find most technical information on the various systems in a vehicle which gives the buyer a general idea about what they get for money they have to shell out. Car makers have the same kind of slick advertising but, the discerning buyer is well able to compare one vehicle to another in terms of engineering differences which, the vehicle manufacturers seem well able to make available. The car dealers use this information all the time to highlight the difference between brands with a similar price point or, when called upon to substantiate price differences in models.
Scopes are quite the opposite. The buyer has virtually no access to technical information.
Occasionally, scope manufacturers point out one or two differences. One famous example is Schmidt & Benders comparison graph of the percentage of transmitted light in their T96 range.
That is all I was saying.

The technical information that you think you get about automobiles is about the same depth as what you get from scope manufacturers.

What you are not being told, and what you will not be told in terms of technical information, is like the mass of the iceberg under the water.

But that's not all you're ranting about. Let's not forget your rants about being disclosed what manufacturing costs are. You will never, EVER be told that for a multitude of reasons. Not even on a rough percentage basis.

And I won't even address your ignorance about manufacturing cost trends over the years. You could not be more wrong there.

You truly don't know what you don't know.
Wonder why they waited this long to put out anything not hunting related?
Because not every company chooses to run from one market segment to the next as soon as another trend appears?

I always figured they were fudds that had no respect for other applications.
Companies exist to make money, not to "respect other applications".

I also find it strange that they refuse to market it as a tactical scope even though it really is.
Maybe you should understand the political and regulatory climate in Zeiss' country first.

Anyhow, I'm not gonna be a test dummy for their first scope in this class when everyone else has been making them for years.
Cool story bro
Because not every company chooses to run from one market segment to the next as soon as another trend appears?

Companies exist to make money, not to "respect other applications".

Maybe you should understand the political and regulatory climate in Zeiss' country first.

Cool story bro
Someone's butthurt..

It's the most profitable market segment by a large margin lol. You really think soley profit chasers wait that long .

If that's the climate I wonder why S&B got away with it so successfully.
Someone's butthurt..

It's the most profitable market segment by a large margin lol. You really think soley profit chasers wait that long .

If that's the climate I wonder why S&B got away with it so successfully.
IDGAF I don't work for Zeiss

The fudd market outspends whatever you think yours does by orders of magnitude

You have no earthly idea about product profit margins
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The technical information that you think you get about automobiles is about the same depth as what you get from scope manufacturers.

What you are not being told, and what you will not be told in terms of technical information, is like the mass of the iceberg under the water.

But that's not all you're ranting about. Let's not forget your rants about being disclosed what manufacturing costs are. You will never, EVER be told that for a multitude of reasons. Not even on a rough percentage basis.

And I won't even address your ignorance about manufacturing cost trends over the years. You could not be more wrong there.

You truly don't know what you don't know.
You're full of shit you are. Bullshit generalized statements & you're a fucking expert.
If the profit margins shrink, as you say, how come every man & his dog is jumping in the market hocking the Chinese & Jap scopes? There's more scope brands now than there's ever been &, it seems every 6 months a new bastard jumps in the market, boots & all.
If the situation were as you say, they'd be leaving the ship like rats.
As far as new car information, I can only conclude that you must only read the slick brochure & call it good. Not surprising really.
If the profit margins shrink, as you say, how come every man & his dog is jumping in the market hocking the Chinese & Jap scopes? There's more scope brands now than there's ever been &, it seems every 6 months a new bastard jumps in the market, boots & all.
I never said the margins are getting thinner. I never even mentioned margins. Only costs. Nice try.

As far as new car information, I can only conclude that you must only read the slick brochure & call it good. Not surprising really.
I never said the margins are getting thinner. I never even mentioned margins. Only costs. Nice try.

Well, you can play semantics as you will but, there's only one reason why so many new scope companies are jumping on the band wagon &, it aint because they just can't help but sell scopes...is it?
So, did you stop by ZCO's Austrian factory yet?

Did you go in and tell them they can't open a scope manufacturing facility in Austria? Did you ask them who did they think they were?

not yet, even if i have only 4 hours to their place. covid and those things. but i didnt manage it yet. meybe i will first ask one trusty trader what he can tell me :ROFLMAO:
Well, you can play semantics as you will but, there's only one reason why so many new scope companies are jumping on the band wagon &, it aint because they just can't help but sell scopes...is it?

Dude, keep rolling. All you're doing is showing everyone how little you actually know about business.

BTW, it's not semantics. Costs, profits, and margins are not the same thing.

Anyway, you'll never be given the information you think you're entitled to as a consumer.
Wonder why they waited this long to put out anything not hunting related? I always figured they were fudds that had no respect for other applications. I also find it strange that they refuse to market it as a tactical scope even though it really is. Anyhow, I'm not gonna be a test dummy for their first scope in this class when everyone else has been making them for years.
Don't worry. You are already late. And you just called Frank a test dummy! :rolleyes:😂
Don't worry. You are already late. And you just called Frank a test dummy! :rolleyes:😂
If I got to play with the cool shit Frank gets to play with, I'd gladly wear that title :cool:

And to go back to Ohioguy not wanting to test Zeiss' first "tactical" scope is just plain stupid. That is like accusing Porsche being late to the crossover/suv game and not buying one because others have been make them for much longer. It's still a Porsche and is still gonna be badass. Zeiss is a quality optic company, if you read where they make most of their money in the OP that started this thread, riflescopes are a small portion. Even if you aren't a shooter looking for a scope, you know of Zeiss lenses through photography or eyeglasses that are top tier.

Hell, do a quick google search of some of the top tier optic producers, Swaro, S&B, NF, ZCO. Zeiss has been making lenses since 1846, Swaro was the next closest at 1949. Zeiss has 103 more years of experience in producing/designing lenses than the next closest top tier optic producer.

Update after researching some more. Zeiss even has 50 years on Hensoldt but from what I've seen on here Hensoldt broke off of Zeiss and essentially became their military/tactical line of optics.
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Hell, do a quick google search of some of the top tier optic producers, Swaro, S&B, NF, ZCO. Zeiss has been making lenses since 1846, Swaro was the next closest at 1949. Zeiss has 103 more years of experience in producing/designing lenses than the next closest top tier optic producer.

but swarovski bought kahles, which i think produce the first rifle scope in the world.
but swarovski bought kahles, which i think produce the first rifle scope in the world.
Zeiss looks like its still got 50 years on Kahles as it exists today. As far as the first riflescope, that is debatable. Maybe the first modern riflescope as in what they resemble today.

"Kahles dates to 1898, when Karl Robert Kahles assumed control of a small optics shop founded 75 years earlier by Simon Plossl. Karl R. Kahles died suddenly in 1908, but his widow kept the business going until sons Karl and Ernest took charge. In the final days of WWII, the factory was bombed and young Karl killed. His widow, then his son Friedrich, rebuilt the enterprise, which in 1959 became the first to offer multi-coated lenses."

Source: https://shotshow.org/shot-40th-anniversary-blast-from-the-past-swarovski/

"Simon Plössl (September 19, 1794, Vienna – January 29, 1868, Vienna) was an Austrian optical instrument maker. Initially trained at the Voigtländer company, he set up his own workshop in 1823. His major achievement at the time was the improvement of the achromatic microscope objective"

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Plössl

"The first telescopic rifle sight was made in 1776 by Charles Wilson Peale, however his model proved unworkable as recoil forced the sight back into the shooter’s eye. The first successful attempt to combine telescopic technology with a rifle is attributed to Morgan James, of Utica, NY, during the 1830s."

Source: https://gunnewsdaily.com/rifle-scope-history/
Seriously, do people think that PRS is a dominate force in the firearms industry? I think @308pirate is right that the Fud market easily outspends our side of the house by a wide amount.

My only real hang up with this optic is the height of the elevation turret. It almost looks like it may be taller (for sure more girthy) than a Beast or MK 8. Does anyone have any comparisons?
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I'm waiting for the experts on this site to compare the Zeiss to all others, but come on......the name ZEISS is enough to know the glass in this scope is gonna be stunning. And yes, the turrets leave alot to be desired from 'sexy' look.
I still would very much like @koshkin take on subjective quality of the image. I’m looking forward to his report.

Again, I want to be very clear that I don’t think Tyler has his thumb on the scales, but I’m very skeptical that the very large difference in color saturation, brightness, and clarity between the Zeiss and ZCO and Kahles shown in pics in his thread is real vs an artifact of the setup and photog process.
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I still would very much like @koshkin take on subjective quality of the image. I’m looking forward to his report.

Again, I want to be very clear that I don’t think Tyler has his thumb on the scales, but I’m very skeptical that the very large difference in color saturation, brightness, and clarity between the Zeiss and ZCO and Kahles shown in pics in his thread is real vs an artifact of the setup and photog process.

I have not seen Tyler's pictures, so I can't make any specific comments. However, if you let the camera auto white balance and auto focus you can have all sorts of weird looking variations absolutely unintentionally. Together with slight variations in camera positioning, it is an absolute crapshoot. That's why I always warn people to now make too many conclusions based on through the scope pictures. It is really hard to make them consistent.

I have not seen Tyler's pictures, so I can't make any specific comments. However, if you let the camera auto white balance and auto focus you can have all sorts of weird looking variations absolutely unintentionally. Together with slight variations in camera positioning, it is an absolute crapshoot. That's why I always warn people to now make too many conclusions based on through the scope pictures. It is really hard to make them consistent.

So, I again feel the need to say that I do not think that Tyler is biasing his pics intentionally and indeed suspect the camera/photography factors that you referenced as the culprit.

Hence, my strong interest in the results you...an unbiased expert observer...see.

Here are some pics from his thread.

ZCO @ 10x (5x25)


Zeiss @ 10x (5x25)

there is quite a bit of difference in color saturation and contrast, in my absolutely uninformed o pinion and inexpert eye! haha
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However, if you let the camera auto white balance and auto focus you can have all sorts of weird looking variations absolutely unintentionally. Together with slight variations in camera positioning, it is an absolute crapshoot. That's why I always warn people to now make too many conclusions based on through the scope pictures. It is really hard to make them consistent.

I believe this says it all..... about what's problematic in considering which lens for how much, from a picture taken behind the optic.

The front of the image taking optic needs to be plano-parallel to the rear element of the scope, and the centerline optical axis of both optics need to merge as one straight line, which is what happens when you put the riflescope/camera up to your eye.

The disc-exit pupil looks like it's in a "sea of black" until you get the scope/optic at the right distance (via eye relief), then the centerline optical axis of your eyeball and the centerline optical axis of the riflescope merge as one line and then you see the image as it's supposed to be.

Also, taking a pic from cellphone where there's a gap between the cellphone and the rear of the other optic, and whether the surrounding ambient light is affecting exposure, which I would think possibly underexpose/overexpose the overall image, obviously changing the impression of whether the light coming through the optic itself would appear bright/dark.

I'm not knocking the folks here, they do a terrific job of putting a lot of work/sweat into trying to give folks an idea of what these riflescopes can do, and they give the due diligence caution that the gentleman mentions, but ultimately there's a point when you've got to look for yourself if that's at all possible.
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I am close to buying a another ZCO. I keep dragging my feet waiting on an in depth review of the Zeiss before pulling the trigger. I am not crazy about the turrets but am waiting to see how they feel and what they sound like.
Well, we’ll find out how this all goes…

Lowlight had indicated during his course that we attended in September he had been playing around with the scopes. I’m willing to give him a considerable latitude when espousing decent products.

Given that he didn’t have anything bad to say I’m thinking it’s worthwhile playing around with…

I have a 5–25X 56 model on the way; in fact it’s arriving on Wednesday.

We’ll compare it to a schmidt version of the same scope and a Schmidt 4-16X56 ultra bright.

I’ve got a buddy working on printing a three Picatinny rail holder for the scopes… @SierraLima

One thing I would love to say is that if the Zeiss 3–18 X 50 is anywhere as nice as the Hendsoldt 3-12 that once owned, it’ll be amazing.
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I have a 525 on the way. If the testing info that Zeiss puts on its promo materials is accurate these will also be tough optics. I really think some people are thinking Zeiss is completely new to the optics world. It's just a new product. People took a gamble on ZCO when they came out and that optic is a home run.