Re: Zero Dark Thirty
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Huber Tuber</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It wasn't government supported; no mil support like "Black Hawk Down", no government support, all open source. </div></div>
I have to question this, because I recall both having support on them.
With 'Zero', support came from the White House.
With 'Black Hawk', DOD did have a role in it.</div></div>
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I was trying to say that BHD did have support..."like Black Hawk Down". ZDT didn't get mil support and there's still no evidence that they got any govt support. The film makers and studio have said over and over again that they worked from open source info. There will be an investigation it sounds like but I doubt them being cleared will stop the speculation by folks who want to believe thay Obama ordered CIA and JSOC to tell them everything. </div></div>
As well there have been several senators who have protested the film (ZDT) as they denounce that torture was used in procuring any information that led to the killing of OBL. It will be relegated to the realm of fascist mythos by some of those guys.
Everything is a conspiracy with you guys, just kidding, well not really. It's rare that the mil or gov agree to support any Hollywood narrative with info or help.
And Dogtown, please dude, what would anyone in po-dunk Wellington know about filmmaking. Haha, just playing. I have a feeling I know who this is. Finally saw Hobbit last week, very nice, congrats!
Now as far as the film goes (ZDT). I thought it was ok, not best picture status at least. Kinda drags on as the director really wants the audience to feel the depths of disillusion and pangs of defeat that the protagonist feels. But like all good Hollywood endings the bad guy guy gets it in the end. Oh I'm sorry, did I just ruin the ending for everyone?
Id wait for the DVD.
I thought that it dragged on a little as well, its 2:36 long. I was hoping for more of a action flick aka Act of Valor. But the story line certainly makes the lead CIA caseworker look good. As to if that's deserved or not. Only those in Langley know for sure.
IMO any accusations that the film is designed to make President Obama look good are way off line. I don't think that its out to brag up the CIA either as it depicts its missteps, in-fights, etc. along the way.
This is a movie of the chase for Bin Laden, with the Seals a chapter at the end. A story more about the work of the CIA in the hell holes of the world and the biggest sh**hole, Pakistan.