I'm just getting around to playing with all the features. It seems as of now when using the vectors as a stand alone device, you must manually change wind direction. It doesn't "capture" the wind to a certain azimuth then calculate with DOF. Which is pretty lame, hopefully they can add that in an update.
Now with a kestrel connected, it will use the captured wind and your DOF to give you an accurate solution. In fact it uses everything from the kestrel. Wind speed, wind direction, the gun profile selected in kestrel, atmospherics, etc. The vectors give range, DOF and inclination then display the solution in the vector HUD.
There is a glitch while using target card with my kestrel connected. It gives me wild values on the first few targets. I have a service request in to Vectronix to see what's up with that. Could be a weird setting on kestrel but I doubt it.