For the last batch of rifle brass you scrapped, how many firings did it last? I'm going to break the poll down into standard and magnum cartridges to get a bit more insight into the results.
If you don't scrap the whole batch, you could answer with when you noticed you had to start tossing a bunch of cases with loose primer pockets, incipient case head separation, split necks, etc. even if you continue to load the remaining good ones until they also show signs of failure.
I know - the answer to this question is different for every combination of brass brand, cartridge, powder charge, amount of brass sizing, type of sizing, annealing process, and on and on. Even in the same rifle I've had different brass/loads last 4 or 10+ firings.
What I'm curious about is the distribution of people's actual recent results, not the hypothetical debate that is often repeated.
Feel free to chime in with more details - more info is always appreciated. If I could add more options in the survey I'd break it down further.