Went from being well tuned and pretty much dead reliable with my match centerfire and with my Vudoo to, giving me estimates as much as a full Mill High.
Next week, I’m going to go to prince, set up targets at known ranges *easy to do at Prince, and get some firm, true data. then true the Kestrel to this data. I had to do this when the unit was new, not rocket science).
As said, trued it before and until yesterday, with the 6GT and 105 Berger Hybrids as well as the Vudoo, with SK Standard Plus and Long rifle Match dead reliable. Had an issue with my practice 6GT and Berger 105 VLDs at 800 yards, but these other two rifles are solid or at least were. . Now, bonkers. Example. Vudoo, proven data 250 yards, 9.4 mils, This was given by the Kestrel last week. Today, same Kestrel, Same everything excepting 10 degree cooler weather and very low humidity, recommended 10.9 mils. Guess what, tried both, 9.4 mils was on target.
After issues yesterday, I reloaded the rifle data, from my iPhone where proven data is stored. No change from yesterday’s too high recommendations.
Any other ideas.