Over the years, Sniper's Hide has done a ton of group buys. Some of the older members will still go that route, like
@bohem did from Patriot Valley last week.
Group buys are a great way to engage the community, highlight your service or get a new product off the ground. Some notable first time group buys include Glen Seekins, the very first Seekins were released on here via a group buy.
A few things have changed over the years. In the past people didn't mind ordering it upfront, or helping them craft the product to build. Like the McMillan A5 stock that was designed on here, it became one of their most popular stocks to date. The members here over the years have asked companies to take a risk on their ideas and often they have worked out for all parties. The A5 bottom metal is one example, we launched it here to see how it worked.
I wouldn't mind seeing a few more, bigger projects, etc, every now and then someone will ask a question about it, but when they hear about changes to the model, they often say no. Guys what stuff now, nobody wants to wait, which is unfortunate as something do take time and resources. If you have them, a group buy can still work, as well to conduct market research. How will your idea be received, do people like it as is, or should you modify it ? All solid questions a company today might ask.
I have a small group buy in the works right now. This is an old school one that came back around as part of a request. So I wanted to drop a few breadcrumbs to show you what we have in mind, how we want to drop this buy, and what extras we're are putting in.
First off,
Documenting the project as you go... we started off with a question on the forum, the next step is making chips.'
Right you have to make stuff, and I need some rings, QD that wins a majority of the Army tests. Sure they might drop a competitor on top, but when you look at the numbers, this is no holds bar champ out there. Don't let em fool ya, they can replace smaller parts, bipods, slings, and mounts so the contract winner isn't always the contract company. On top of that, if they swap it out for a cheaper brand they can keep the difference.
If you ever want to an Alaska Precision Rifle class, we check scopes. Every class we check scopes. Why because scopes, mounting, came be a problem that shows up downrange. Knowing your stuff works, comes on and off correctly is important. We don't damage control the scopes too much when we see an issue, no time. Instead we swap them out and our main mount is this one.
So here is an example of the mounts. I have a very long relationship with GDI going back to Rifles Only Days.
They was the Prymid from a few years ago, the version Marco is release is going to be the PROM which is the full sized model vs the smaller option.
The mounting system is really the claim to fame here. These mounts are perfect for in the field, You lock them one, you can secure even better with a 1/4 turn on the slot screws and they have near perfect return to zero.
In about 3 weeks' we'll announce a group buy, discounts for SH Members, Branded T Shirt, fast shipping. Standby