"I Survived Scout" SH Morale Patch -- EXTRA PATCHES NOW AVAILABLE

Ok All... that moment we've been waiting for.

How to get your patches inbound!!!!!

I have all in-hand. They are in bubble-wrap envelopes. And I know postage costs.

So here we go. How to pay and get on the way!

Cost per patch was $4.36. Envelopes were $0.50 each. Shipping is .70

So for you guys to buy these at cost the total is $5.56 each. Even for a small patch, that's a stone bargain. Most places selling Morale Patches charge more than that for shipping. But multiplied by 100 (and a bit more) my out-of-pocket is $556. And to recoup that is 100 x $5.56.

But as we are going to use these to benefit the Marine Scout Sniper Association... I hope each of you will dig deep and give more than that. Dig deep, in fact. For a really unique patch celebrating our Scout experience (and, more importantly, escape!)

So here is what I want for payment: (THE IMPORTANT PART).

Go to: https://scoutsniper.org/donate/

And donate a MINIMUM of $5.56. I'd prefer you give more to the Association, but please, at a minimum, give this amount. In the TRIBUTE GIFT notes section of the donation page, please say that you are from Snipers Hide and you are giving on behalf of the Snipers Hide site. Remember, too, that your donation is tax deductible.

This is on the honor system. If you say you donated, I will take that at face value and will send you your patch. No proof is needed. You don't have to send a receipt or a screen shot of the donation or... nothing. This is a site of honorable people. You tell me you made your donation of at least $5.56 and I will trust you did it and send your patch.

Here is what I *DO* ask in terms of process.

When you make your donation, send me, via Private Message, your mailing name and your POST OFFICE mailing address (USPS!!!! NOT fedex, or UPS, etc. These will go First Class Mail. Not package service)

Also please tell me in your PM how much you donated to the U.S. Marine Scout Sniper Association.

I'll say again. I DO NOT CARE if you donated the minimum of $5.56 or much greater amount. I will not even check up if you gave nothing and told me you paid. And I will neither complain or expose to the world, under any circumstance, how much you donated or your ID or name. I trust you to make a donation... please trust me to keep your generosity private. But I want to keep a running tally of how much we raised for this great charity. I am hoping that I can turn an investment of $556 into something much, much greater for the Scout Sniper charity.

Of note, two people have donated already and "jumped the gun" and each donated something like $25.... But, again, while this level of generosity is appreciated, it is not required.

I have all the patches in envelopes and am ready to start addressing them. I have a list to check off of people who signed up and in a couple of days, if I have not heard from you, I will send a PM reminder. But I have everything ready to go!

So let the games begin! Hope we have someone at the SSA wondering "What the hell is going on here?" and thanking all you guys at SH for your generosity!

The first patches can go out in tomorrow's mail if the PM's come in tonight!



Just donated $25 with pp. Will do a screenshot of the email receipt later. Need to go load some ammo for the local match tomorrow...

Luky and Lash....

I haven't quite processed the transaction here in my head. But the Donation is great! Would you guys please PM me with the address to send the patch to? I have your donation and another as the first of, I hope, 98 more to the Association!

Cheers and thanks!


If The German aka Bavaria is still game, he can buy my patch, write my new signature line, and I'll gladly make a donation to the MSSA.

OK German and BadDog... let me know where the patch goes and who/what donation was made. I'll make sure Patch 100 goes to the right place. But want to make sure I have the paperwork right.

How ironic... paperwork and German. Just 'sayin.

Thanks, Bavaria for having fun with this.


OK German and BadDog... let me know where the patch goes and who/what donation was made. I'll make sure Patch 100 goes to the right place. But want to make sure I have the paperwork right.

How ironic... paperwork and German. Just 'sayin.

Thanks, Bavaria for having fun with this.



Yeah I'll cover his still. Just need to find my wallet and I was going to contribute more anyways. So just have BadDog send you his address and I'll PM you with mine when I donate tonight/tomorrow.
So the payments are coming in great and I have a bunch of envelopes addressed and ready to go.

What is amazing is that our tally is about $885 so far for the Scout Sniper Assn. Thanks to a couple of spectacularly generous donations, this total is from just 20 'Hiders!! Everyone has given more than the cost and you are all generous beyond words! Fantastic!

You guys are doing a great job for the Scout Sniper Assn!


Does anyone have the email address of the Scout Snipers Assosciation Paypal? I sent SSA an inquiry to ask what it is. If someone knows it can they post it, if not when I hear back from SSA I'll post their PayPal donation info here for those of us that were planning on using PP to make our donation.
Donated. PM on the way. Thank you for doing this. I think it will be a successful fundraiser for a very worthy and appropriate cause..
I'm going to get everyone's envelopes addressed after dinner... but it's all going good.

Here is my patch on a jacket!

Thanks for all the PM's guys!



Can't see the pic either. And yes MSSA is gonna be like what the hell is going on. Frank will have his chest poked out a tad proud as hell his boys done good. I jusy put "from a Snipers Hide Member".
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Strange... must be another bug.

Does this work?


There it is. Looks great.
After I sent payment this morning it said thx for the donation and an email will be coming. Not here yet. Others getting slow reply? Musta clogged their server.;)
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There it is. Looks great.
After I sent payment this morning it said thx for the donation and an email will be coming. Not jere yet. Others getying slow reply? Musya clogged their server.;)

Yeah, same issue. When I PM'd Sirhr I said that I was pretty sure I'd sent the money, but didn't have email confirming it yet. An hour or two later it arrived in my junk folder.