"I Survived Scout" SH Morale Patch -- EXTRA PATCHES NOW AVAILABLE

I had my confirmation email with in 2 mins.

Now I'm really scratching my orb. Now I gotta have the Mrs Check the Credit Card History. More frigging drama. Cracked the shit outta a tooth 'under' a Gold Crown the other day. Started a Root Canal today and found out it was so bad Doc couldn't save it. Gotta pull the remaining tooth and then probably a bridge. Tooth above that's had a lot of work to it got buggered up and now has a temp Crown. Gonna have another long day in the chair here real quick. Good lord. Good thing none of ya are near by. The Mojo be running negative around this poor bastard as of late. We'll see what happens tomorrow........ :rolleyes:



I know, I know. Damn that guy looks good in Pink. :cool:

Dag gum Corn Nuts........
Now I'm really scratching my orb. Now I gotta have the Mrs Check the Credit Card History. More frigging drama. Cracked the shit outta a tooth 'under' a Gold Crown the other day. Started a Root Canal today and found out it was so bad Doc couldn't save it. Gotta pull the remaining tooth and then probably a bridge. Tooth above that's had a lot of work to it got buggered up and now has a temp Crown. Gonna have another long day in the chair here real quick. Good lord. Good thing none of ya are near by. The Mojo be running negative around this poor bastard as of late. We'll see what happens tomorrow........ :rolleyes:



I know, I know. Damn that guy looks good in Pink. :cool:

Dag gum Corn Nuts........

I think you need to go in to hibernation for awhile. Being conscious does NOT agree with you.
Great job on this my friend!
I don't need a patch but a donation was sent nonetheless.

Now I'm really scratching my orb. Now I gotta have the Mrs Check the Credit Card History. More frigging drama. Cracked the shit outta a tooth 'under' a Gold Crown the other day. Started a Root Canal today and found out it was so bad Doc couldn't save it. Gotta pull the remaining tooth and then probably a bridge. Tooth above that's had a lot of work to it got buggered up and now has a temp Crown. Gonna have another long day in the chair here real quick. Good lord. Good thing none of ya are near by. The Mojo be running negative around this poor bastard as of late. We'll see what happens tomorrow........ :rolleyes:



I know, I know. Damn that guy looks good in Pink. :cool:

Dag gum Corn Nuts........

SOB, lost part of your bling/grill. There goes the street cred...

Where are the PP Details so I can donate and get a Patch ?

Per my PM...you are taken care of, oh Grand Poobah!

But you can make a donation if you wish. That said, you are the one who inspired the donation of all the proceeds to the SSA (as you have supported that charity so generously in the past.) So all this really comes back to your leadership anyway!

Thanks for creating us such a fun hangout. And for working your ass off in the transition. Even if it's apparently filled with WTF moments lately, it's still the best place online, bar none.



Donation made, PM's not working for some reason.

It keeps saying:
"You have reached your stored private message quota of 1000 topics. You have 1505 topics saved combined in your private message folders. Please delete some of your existing topics."
Ok folks... the first basket of patches is going to the PO tomorrow! Got 64 patches in there and paid for... and in a USPS bin to go to the post office.

But that leaves 36 not acknowledged or paid for. I'll give it another day and then send notes out or whoever notes to folks. Then I have a waiting list on my inbox a mile long of people who want patches, but were not in the first 100. Once they sold out... they became a hot commodity!

Anyway.... Everyone should have their patches by the end of the week!


Great job on donations. I still hope that with some 36 to go, we can make our $4,000 donation goal!


Just in case anyone wants an update... We are at $2100, roughly, at this point. Pretty damn good!

That's with just 60-ish of the patches paid for with donations to the Scout Sniper Assn.

Most folks have given about $25 with more than a few making some spectacular donations!

We can make it to $4k... if folks dig deep!

Remember, that there are a bunch of people on the 'waiting list' who want one of these.

So if you are on the list and have not followed through... be generous! Someone is standing in line behind you ready to help the Snipers Assn!



I have spoken for #44........a donation was made, and a PM sent.......If you have not shipped the patch, with my blessings, offer it to someone on the waiting list......pass it forward.

Semper Fi!
Ok... big blivet of patches sent yesterday.. You guys should start seeing them in a day or so.

For the remainder of folks who have not made their donations: We are well on our way to my (perhaps aggressive) goal of $4k. But we can make if if you guys dig deep.

Here are the folks who, according to my un-scientific polling methods, have not yet contributed. Please make your donations as there is a long list of 'Hiders who would like your patches!









@fast freddy

Mike Casselton






@kmontag (This may be wrong.. your handle rigs a bell PM me if I are wrong)

IanHusaberg (This is my mistake I think. I think I got your donation, but forgot to put in my sent file. PM me. Like I said I think this is my mistake)
















dylan clark



@D.Tros (For some reason, I think I have a payment from you? But may be wrong. Let me know.)


That's everyone who I either have not heard from or whose donations I have managed to miss somehow.

So if you are here, please donate or hand your number/patch off to one of our waiting list 'hiders. Because there are a lot of them!!

That said... we're on track for a great donation! So personally, I am very, very happy with the progress. I've turned a $556 expenditure into a $3 - 4K donation to a great charity. Keep at it@

Cheers, Sirhr