Rifle Scopes ZCO 420 and 527


Dec 19, 2020
Given that the 527 is all of 3oz heavier than the 420, and not much more cost, what is the actual advantage/win of the 420? Just those two aspects? Or does the short format actually mean something significant?

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Yep, and I probably read all of them. And on LongRangeHunting. And on LongRangeOnly. And on DLO's site. And just about everywhere else.

And I'm still not exactly sure why, at THAT much cash/pricepoint, one would opt for the 420 over the 527.

But thanks for your helpful post.

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I just made the decision to get a 527 for my new 6bra build. I was heavily on the fence myself. But after shooting a season, I saw way more 527 vs the 420. However my new hunting rifle will more than likely wear a 420.
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You are correct in observing that there isn't that big of a weight difference between the two. Ounces equal pounds and pounds equal pain, and all that, but it's really not that big of a deal here.

Now, there is a notable size difference of 12.8" vs 15.25". That, combined with the bigger objective lens of the 527 makes it seem like a much larger optic when compared with the 420.

A noticeable FOV difference between the two can also be observed. 28' @ 100yds vs 21' @ 100yds at their lowest powers respectively. If you were to get behind both optics side by side, it would be easy to observe the notable disparities in FOV between the two.

Last, and this may be a subjective thing, but it feels to me like the eyebox is much more finicky in the max ranges of the 527 vs the 420. The 420 just feels more forgiving. That's no excuse for poor eye position while shooting, however it certainly seems to make the 420 more inviting to nestle behind.

Hope this helps you form a conclusion.
I have the 4-20 and the 5-27. The small spec differences have generally already been covered. I’ll say that in general use, the 4-20 gives nothing up to the 5-27, other than the high end mag (which I basically never use).

Personally, if I could only have one, it would be the 4-20, and I’ve contemplated selling/trading my 5-27 for another 4-20. That’s personal preference though.
Given that the 527 is all of 3oz heavier than the 420, and not much more cost, what is the actual advantage/win of the 420? Just those two aspects? Or does the short format actually mean something significant?


mox, feel free to call us at 916-670-1103 we'd be happy to discuss the differences between the two and help you pick the correct one for your setup :)
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Last, and this may be a subjective thing, but it feels to me like the eyebox is much more finicky in the max ranges of the 527 vs the 420. The 420 just feels more forgiving. That's no excuse for poor eye position while shooting, however it certainly seems to make the 420 more inviting to nestle behind.

Interesting. Is that eyebox comparison at 20x on both, or is that a 20x-vs-27x comparison? Or finicky at all normalized magnifications "greater than N"?

Also noting the 11.6% larger exit pupil of the 4x trading off against the 12% larger objective of the 27. Random data points in space with no real relation until you actually look through both at ultra-twilight, I guess.

Thanks everyone, great information, and much appreciated! I can feel the pull of the 420 ... :)

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Based on memory, I can only say that max power on the 420 has a better eyebox over max power on the 527. I'll check out 20X on both and report back tomorrow or Fri for a direct comparison with regards to zoom.
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Beecause I am not this guy. :)

View attachment 7858608

I'm in the same boat and had this debate internally, since I was only able to buy one recently I went back and forth between the ZC420 and ZC527 for a NRL Hunter(ish) type build. I think in the future it will wear a ZC420 once I build more of a ELR type setup and move my ZC527 there.
Even with a 20" 6.5 CM my co-worker setting it up and doing load development it was very consistent out to 1,200 yards and was getting out to 1,600 less consistently with the wind conditions last weekend.
