@Precision Underground Do you really think you know who I am or where?
What do you think the AU stands for in my nick name.... A little tip, not Austria alone and certainly not Australia.
So now to your thoughts. Guns are available for civilians in most countries of Europe and countries like Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, are by far not as disarmed as you think.

Trust me related to Germany, Austria, switzerland I know from personal experience.
(EDIT: But i need to add a permit is always required.)
So to all those who are now trying to get me angry. When people insult others then mostly because they run out of arguments. But say what you want. Again, it is an online forum no more and no less. LOL
You make a few good points. But there is one problem with your abortion argument. The left has control of all levels of education. So even if it’s only the hardcore leftist getting abortions their Marxist factory schools will keep producing them in massive numbers.
Yes, you are probably right. That is one of the problems. I didn't say that's the perfect solution. Abortion is a complicated issue for you. In Europe it is not. Maybe it sounds harsh, but that's how I see it.
More Democrat abortions = less Democratic voters in the future.
But before more people start crying here. The topic is for me at the end. I've said it 10 times, your country, your problem. Not my problem. Nobody will come and take away a single gun from me. The whole point of the actual thread is trump or DeSantis. Everyone can read my opinion on the last 4 pages.
I think if the Republicans want to win in 2024 then a better candidate and better strategy is needed. Screaming let's go brandon and the election was stolen has totally failed in recent years.