Defiance bought out

I’d rather have a person chamber my shit than a CNC machine. Because I like to support my gunsmith and have a good relationship with the person building my rifles. And lots of times I’m using custom reamers. A mass produced barrel just doesn’t toss my salad like it does for you.

If you like it that’s fine, but don’t try and pretend like a prefit is an inferior product. Ridiculous.
For those interested, Bob and Eric recently did a Podcast, where they go into a few of the details surrounding the transition...

Thank you for sharing.

It might be wise as per the conversation around McMillian to discontinue the Tenacity line in lieu of the fact that at $1500+ it really doesn't differentiate it from the remainder of the current product line.
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Last time we checked, personal attacks in the manner that have been made by one particular member here repeatedly are against the forum rules, and we've made no such personal attacks against anyone, period. We've belittled no one here. No one said anything about customers "not matter[ing]" anywhere or at any time, in fact we made statements to the contrary. We clearly stated above that the assumptions about the market share based upon a poling of what the PRS guys use is <1% of the actual market, and not a true indicator of the market for custom actions. The PRS/NRL is not the entirety of the "long range shooting community" by a long shot (pun intended). We respect that community, and we have gone far above and beyond to support that community for over a decade, something which I doubt few would disagree on; however, we do not base our business decisions off of soley that community because it is by far not the entire long range shooting community, and it is not our primary business despite the popular belief here that it is. A majority of the actions we produce are actually for hunting. We chose to respond in earnest to the few with an actual concerning interest in Defiance. Everything stated here was also stated to many of our customers, so attempting to circumvent those facts would serve no one's interest, as it would eventually arise anyways, and it would appear deceptive to hide the fact.

Lastly, since you did remark to me personally and my removal... I did not sell the company, so perhaps you're operating under a few false assumptions, and subsequently seeing what you want to see rather than reading them in the sincerity and with transparency that they are being given.

First of all, nobody has personally attacked you. People poking fun at the absurdity of the price increase percentage or the criticism of the company taking such a hard downward turn immediately following the sale is not a personal attack. Me stating my perspective that you're no longer an asset to the company and what I would do in the Becks situation also is not a personal attack.

Secondly, the second your company announced publicly that it was sold you were open to public scrutiny, then the events followed of the price increase and your own statements about it being necessary to keep the doors open. So if you don't want to public to know, don't tell the public, because the public is entitled to form their own opinion.

Thirdly, nobody has brought up the PRS/NRL sales data except for you and it was not brought up in your previous post. Last I checked this is not the official PRS/NRL internet forum and SH was formed over a decade before PRS was even a concept. This is a community for long range shooting and hunting enthusiasts and absolutely is your customer base. APA and GAP for two great examples use your actions, where do you think the word of mouth advertising and customer base that helped grow those companies into who they are today came from? It wasn't podcasts, it wasn't FB groups, and it wasn't PRS banners because none of those even existed when either of those companies were up and coming, it was internet forums just like these and largely this one. This is a small niche community made up largely of small businesses, most of which don't have the finances for marketing campaigns and even if they did most people aren't buying $4K custom rifles built on $1500 custom actions. But lets just assume for a moment that this is a PRS/NRL website and consumer base exclusively. By percentage how many competition enthusiasts as a whole are buying your actions vs the hunting community as a whole? The answer is heavily towards the competition shooters because most hunters aren't spending as much money on their entire rifle and optic combo as one of your actions costs.

Last, I don't know who you are nor have I assumed who you are but by your statements its easy to figure out that you seem to have been with the company for a while and in the know regarding operations and should have been aware of what was going on for a company with over a year backlog to all of a sudden need such a huge price increase to be profitable. It's still my opinion that you shouldn't be the one handling public relations and you just continue to reiterate that, and no thats not a personal attack either.
No one has EVER acquired any company and seen quality improve.
The only reason for acquisitions is so the acquiring company can find a way to trim fat and increase profits.

That is not true at all and it's also not happening here. Given that the company in question is operated in one of the states with the lowest corporate tax rates, land prices, building costs, etc and other companies are producing the same type of product for less it clearly indicates that fat could be trimmed and be more profitable. Instead the opposite is happening, a huge price hike to be more profitable. If quality suffers they're going to lose every custom builder that they OEM for and they know that.

Look at pretty much every company freedom group acquired and drove into the ground mostly, it happened as you said but I know at least two of those companies that were sold in the bankruptcy and quality has greatly improved. Marlins are actually becoming decent rifles again.

Companies get sold and bought for all sorts of reasons, sure your example is one of them and quality decreasing certainly does happen sometimes but thats far from the only outcome or the only reason companies are acquired. So to say that nobody has ever acquired a company and seen quality improve is completely inaccurate and shows that you have no clue what you're talking about.
Both of them were just responding to @Defiance Machine 's offocial account response to this thread.

Instead of throwing shade at existing customers like me and potential customers it would have been better to explain more clearly the situation and choices that were made instead of being snide.

You replying HuRr DeRr YoU DoNt KnOw WHat iS GoInG oN, it's like no shit sherlock that's why we as customers are asking questions.
Interesting that you took that personally.

When someone makes an assumption and runs with it to further feed a fire that is unnecessary at best, is just internet pile on. Admit it.

And actually no company has an onus to answer a single person’s questions regarding company internal workings, unless that person happens to be a shareholder and the company is traded in an exchange. Especially wholly owned companies.

But hey, go ahead. This is the ‘only I count’ world we live in and it’s most important that everybody answer your questions, no matter how unreasonable they may be.
I can promise you that isn't the case anymore. Real estate and property taxes in some areas of this state are obscene.

Some real estate and some areas yes, but that’s not true for a whole state and it’s different for commercial property than residential. Residential stuff has gone insane in a lot of free states because of people fleeing to them from commie states but that has little to do with businesses. Recent studies still have Montana ranked as one of the bests states in the country to operate a business in, Forbes has it at #7.

So yes, operation costs in MT is a huge business incentive and people buying up residential their like mad hasn’t changed anything about that, yet.
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Please refer to post #10.

I hadn't seen that but it doesn't change anything or somehow make this online community entirely PRS/NRL based because of one persons data use of that. Rokslide, which is 99% a hunting forum with a lot of members who spend the $$ for quality gear also has a thread on the matter and their thoughts are pretty much an echo of what has been said here regarding the price increase and this sudden downward turn of the companies profitability.
Some real estate and some areas yes, but that’s not true for a whole state and it’s different for commercial property than residential. Residential stuff has gone insane in a lot of free states because of people fleeing to them from commie states but that has little to do with businesses. Recent studies still have Montana ranked as one of the bests states in the country to operate a business in, Forbes has it at #7.

So yes, operation costs in MT is a huge business incentive and people buying up residential their like mad hasn’t changed anything about that, yet.

Maybe this is all besides the point but Defiance is currently on the outskirts of Whitefish, MT. Not an area where I'd consider real estate remotely cheap. No idea if their building is paid for and what their property taxes are like but that's a big $ area these days.
View attachment 8015685

Same guy who bought McMillan, hopefully a good thing, not sure how too feel about it. Time will tell.
Some real estate and some areas yes, but that’s not true for a whole state and it’s different for commercial property than residential. Residential stuff has gone insane in a lot of free states because of people fleeing to them from commie states but that has little to do with businesses. Recent studies still have Montana ranked as one of the bests states in the country to operate a business in, Forbes has it at #7.

So yes, operation costs in MT is a huge business incentive and people buying up residential their like mad hasn’t changed anything about that, yet.
Forbes? I'm not sure I'm supposed to care what an out of touch rag tells me with dated information. The situation here is quite dynamic.

Defiance's shop is more of less located at ground zero for overpriced real estate and property taxes in this state. That's resulted in excessive salary demands for average Joe-bag-o-donuts to survive in these areas. I also understand the the cost of doing business is relative but, when compared to Montana 10 years ago, or even five years ago, the expenses are not insignificant.

I'm certainly not defending the new ownership's price hikes but things here aren't what they seem to most.
I don't know the details, but Google turned up this. The details mesh with what others have posted on other boards.

I have no idea if Defiance selling is good or bad, I have two of their actions and I'm happy with both of them. I hope that it's smooth transition and quality remains the same.

ETA: If you read the comments on the article, the top one is by Mr. Beck and it offers his side of the story.
And if you read the follow up comments with the obvious question, you will see that he never responded. His side of the story, "I..had a admin problem in the office during our busy schedule and did not have all of the proper documents for the deer that were taken. I absolutely was convinced that I had everything in order before I left on the hunt, but did not double check."

Any first year hunter will know the single most important "document" they can have on a hunt is their tag(s). A guy that is hunting for a fucking TV show? Shit...

Administrative problems my ass, he bagged a deer that he did not have a tag for, got the man brought into his life, and paid the penalty. That is all he needed to say was, "Yes. I fucked up."

And 1700.00 for a Ruckus? LMAO!! They're nice, but they're nowhere near 1700.00 nice.
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As the owner of a defiance action that I plan to use the piss out of in my lifetime I sure hope they stick around. Part of the reason I bought it was the track record of the company. I’m sure many others are in the same boat as I and thinking maybe it’s time to buy a spare bolt and some small parts.
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Forbes? I'm not sure I'm supposed to care what an out of touch rag tells me with dated information. The situation here is quite dynamic.

Defiance's shop is more of less located at ground zero for overpriced real estate and property taxes in this state. That's resulted in excessive salary demands for average Joe-bag-o-donuts to survive in these areas. I also understand the the cost of doing business is relative but, when compared to Montana 10 years ago, or even five years ago, the expenses are not insignificant.

I'm certainly not defending the new ownership's price hikes but things here aren't what they seem to most.

Forbes is a good source for data like that. Regardless of whether they’re in a more expensive area of the state there is still a shit load of business incentives there and it doesn’t change the fact that some companies are making the same type of product with the same materials and machines in areas that cost much more and they’re doing it for way less money.

A sudden real estate price increase or inflation or both doesn’t equate to a product going from $995 to $1595 to stay profitable.

Kudos to Defiance for publicly admitting to running a business into the ground during a time consumer demand exceeds production capability.

Not many small businesses owners would have publicly owned up to that.

I sincerely hope EG can provide the business acumen required to right the ship.
This was Colt’s business model since they were first created.
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Forbes is a good source for data like that. Regardless of whether they’re in a more expensive area of the state there is still a shit load of business incentives there and it doesn’t change the fact that some companies are making the same type of product with the same materials and machines in areas that cost much more and they’re doing it for way less money.

A sudden real estate price increase or inflation or both doesn’t equate to a product going from $995 to $1595 to stay profitable.
I definitely agree with your last sentence I was mostly just trying to convince you that Montana has changed a lot in the last few years...and certainly not for the better. Frankly, I have no idea what states like OK (Impact) NE (Zermatt) offer for incentives. But, are they that much more restrictive than MT? I'm confident I could increase the square footage of my house by over 100% on more acreage if I moved to NE or OK though. :LOL:

And, to remain consistent with the them of this thread, I must include a parting shot. Forbes can suck it. There's no way I can be convinced they include all data points regarding their opinion and assessment of business operating costs.
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Businesses running themselves into financial ruin and being bought up for cheap to stay open by someone with $$ (or good credit) is a very common story. If the business had been run better the buyout wouldn’t be necessary. The buyers see future profit from their investment, but risk is a thing. As a consumer, it’s not my monkey, nor my circus. I will buy something else equivalent that is available in a reasonable time. There is very little new under the Sun, especially at a certain price point. Hope springs eternal though, remember Theis?
Agreed. While I wish them well and hope they can recover, more for the employee’s sake, hope is never a good plan. The writing has been on the wall for several months with them, and each new development really isn’t a surprise. It wouldn’t surprise me if they fold in the next several months, which sucks for the employee’s. I hate to see people of our mindset lose their livelihood. I will take a some enjoyment out of watching the Extreme group douchers holding the bag though.
I understand a rise in prices, but the Tenacity went up over 50% from what I just saw from the site and now costs more than an Impact Precision 737R and that’s with the Tenacity not being Nitrided. Loved y’all’s actions, but this increase is steep and doesn’t make sense against the competition. Wish y’all the best and every time I called @Defiance Machine you were always helpful with great customer service.
First customs build was a Defiance and I started PRS with a Tenacity.
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Keep in mind that whatever the overhead structure and profit structure that Defiance had pre-buyout has changed. Unless it was a cash deal (doubt that but who knows) the new ownership has to add servicing the debt of the buyout to everything that was already there. Not surprising that it changes the profitability picture.

Last comment. I hope Defiance doesn’t suffer the same fate as Nesika.
Sigh... the amount of conjecture here never ceases to amaze me. I will interject some facts for those with earnest interest, and simply ignore those whose only interests are to make continued personal character attacks and draw attention to themselves. We are also not going to engage those attempting to tell us how they think it's done, when frankly they have extremely limited knowledge of manufacturing, operations, costs, nor exactly how much "market share" Defiance actually has/had, basing their assumptions on a poling of a demographic that makes up for <1% of the market. And don't bother looking up the ATF numbers, as they will only tell you how many actions were produced under the "Defiance" label, not the huge amount of variants we produce for others.

While we had absolutely not intended nor wanted to adjust pricing, upon investigation and discovery of operations and financial solvability, it became NECESSARY and IMMEDIATE to do so... and by immediate, there was question of whether Defiance could even exist beyond the month had we not acted quickly. For the last two weeks, we have had to call long standing clients, and many we even consider very close friends, to break the unfortunate news. It gave none of our team pleasure in doing so, from the guys on the phone to the new Owner who had to make some extremely, extremely hard decisions with a company he had just acquired. At one point, a choice had to be made to try and do the right thing by many of our smaller dealers and individual customers, which meant honoring a price, a price that at which Defiance would actually LOSE MONEY in continuing to honor that commitment, and we will. Others, who did not have confirmed orders, meaning there was no deposit placed (mostly dealers), were told the price would need adjusted accordingly.

We will not go into the details of everything discovered leading up to recent events and changes, because frankly no one is entitled to that information outside of Defiance, and it's not open for discussion. We are doing our best to continue on despite, and going forward into 2023 we are going to put our nose to the grindstone to try and build Defiance back into a financially healthy company. We understand there are many people angry with the situation, us and the Owner included. But this is where we are at, and it regrettably had to happen to keep the doors open. You can choose to agree or disagree, but the fact is had it not happened, both customers and dealers would have still been upset when the doors closed and Defiance ceased to exist. We recognize there are numerous great options out there for actions, and we are friends with many of those competitors. For some of them, it will undoubtedly increase their business, but we have already begun to see an increase in productions with some changes in operations, and we look at this as an opportunity to do better going forward.

All that said, Happy New Year's guys. Enjoy your weekend.
I am a manager for a business. Everything we have is made from oil and delivered by vehicles that use oil. Along with everything else in the world. So, not only did we have price increases on our items, we also put on a commodities surcharge. It is the only way to survive as a business. There are times when I have had to talk directly to a customer rather than the builder who is working for them. Some will tell that so and so company down the road does it this way. I calmly inform them that we are not concerned with the other company down the road and we do not "compete" with them. We are the best at what we do. You have the choice to choose us for the work.

I also see a lot of people who imagine what a business cost is or how it is adjusted. That being said, the consumer still has the power. I like the rifles at Gunwerks, for example. But I cannot afford one. Nor do I spend energy telling them I think their stuff is too expensive. I could say the same for Defiance or any other company. If it is the quality and features that you want, then the price is worth it, whatever that is.

Also, in this day and age, having any job is a blessing and so a company does what it can to conserve resources and keep people employed.
Glad there are more options out there of similar or greater quality for less. I had considered running a Defiance in the near future but not no more at those ridiculous prices. I'm glad this happened before I made my final decision. Given the state of our economy I doubt the company will survive in the future.
No one has EVER acquired any company and seen quality improve.
The only reason for acquisitions is so the acquiring company can find a way to trim fat and increase profits.

That is simply untrue. There are growth based purchases and there are purchasers where cutting costs is critical to making a purchase work. They are not the same.

When I got out of B-School, my first real project was working on the purchase of a business unit from a struggling competitor that could not invest in that business. We got a great deal because they had to sell.

When we took over the business unit, every single employee was offered the same position. We rented better office space and better computer equipment. When they wanted to hire more people, they did because they were growing like a weed. Our company made a huge profit on the deal.

Another example is Google. They have been growing their business every year by buying up smaller companies like YouTube and growing them. They have made so many purchases (255) that they have their own wiki page. They win when they grow those businesses.
Keep in mind that whatever the overhead structure and profit structure that Defiance had pre-buyout has changed. Unless it was a cash deal (doubt that but who knows) the new ownership has to add servicing the debt of the buyout to everything that was already there. Not surprising that it changes the profitability picture.

Last comment. I hope Defiance doesn’t suffer the same fate as Nesika.

A lot of distressed purchases result in a deleverage companies because the lenders are forced to write down bad debt and/or trade debt for equity. They know pushing the failing company into bankruptcy will lead to larger losses.

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It almost seems like many of you are rooting for Defiance to fail. That's a bummer.

The world of custom rifle actions is a pretty niche industry, supported by enthusiastic patrons willing to pay a premium for a premium product. Economics 101 principles don't really apply here for the same reason they don't apply to Cabot 1911s and Chris Reeve knives and Rolexes and...

I don't think Defiance has any serious competition in the ultra-customizable action market (sorry Impact/LP/Curtis/Zermatt/etc fans), so they have some solid market ground to stand on going forward. I am rooting for them as a stalwart and innovator of this industry that I love, and I will continue to support them when their actions best fit my needs, price increases be damned.

Defiance has done a TON to push this industry forward, no one can question that. It sucks to hear that they are struggling, and I especially feel for the people over there, my fellow gun crazed perfectionists that are a dying breed in this country. Defiance CS has always been outstanding.

This industry and community faces enough fire from outsiders; it sucks to see a foundational company taking friendly fire. I for one will be giving them the benefit of the doubt. The people manning the machinery and answering the phones over there have earned that from me.

Best of luck in 2023, Defiance.
Some real estate and some areas yes, but that’s not true for a whole state and it’s different for commercial property than residential. Residential stuff has gone insane in a lot of free states because of people fleeing to them from commie states but that has little to do with businesses. Recent studies still have Montana ranked as one of the bests states in the country to operate a business in, Forbes has it at #7.

So yes, operation costs in MT is a huge business incentive and people buying up residential their like mad hasn’t changed anything about that, yet.

A forbes rating is as insignificant as a BBB rating.
@Defiance Machine
Thank you for responding to the thread. If I may add my two cents. While I do not own a Defiance action; I feel that Defiance is loosing or perhaps lost the edge. There does not seem to be any innovation based upon the website’s listed actions feature list and reviews. So while the price increase may have been necessary, the current line up doesn't seem to give the consumer the best “bang for their buck”.
I do hope the best for all involved.
@Defiance Machine
Thank you for responding to the thread. If I may add my two cents. While I do not own a Defiance action; I feel that Defiance is loosing or perhaps lost the edge. There does not seem to be any innovation based upon the website’s listed actions feature list and reviews. So while the price increase may have been necessary, the currently line up doesn't seem to give the consumer the best “bang for their buck”.
I do hope the best for all involved.
I get and understand your sentiment. But should mention that Stiller actions, while still plenty affordable, have lost plenty of market to the many brands now available. Yet people are not buying enough of them. Why is that?

Not directed specifically at you, yet it is germain to the discussion of cost versus PRs/tactical competition customers and their tastes.
I get and understand your sentiment. But should mention that Stiller actions, while still plenty affordable, have lost plenty of market to the many brands now available. Yet people are not buying enough of them. Why is that?

Not directed specifically at you, yet it is germain to the discussion of cost versus PRs/tactical competition customers and their tastes.
You raise an interesting point. The only custom action I have a Terminus Zeus. Surprisingly in my case I had narrowed it down to the Deviant or the Zeus at the time they were comparable in price. I went with the Zeus for two reasons. First reason, Defiance was at a 17 month lead time. The second reason was the Zeus has a quick change system….and I thought I’d be a little barrel changing, caliber swapping machine…..its stayed in 300wm since i got it. Lol.
Other than that…its 700s for me. Something in a song about “im just a poor boy from a poor family…” (some please finish the song lol
It almost seems like many of you are rooting for Defiance to fail. That's a bummer.

The world of custom rifle actions is a pretty niche industry, supported by enthusiastic patrons willing to pay a premium for a premium product. Economics 101 principles don't really apply here for the same reason they don't apply to Cabot 1911s and Chris Reeve knives and Rolexes and...

I don't think Defiance has any serious competition in the ultra-customizable action market (sorry Impact/LP/Curtis/Zermatt/etc fans), so they have some solid market ground to stand on going forward. I am rooting for them as a stalwart and innovator of this industry that I love, and I will continue to support them when their actions best fit my needs, price increases be damned.

Defiance has done a TON to push this industry forward, no one can question that. It sucks to hear that they are struggling, and I especially feel for the people over there, my fellow gun crazed perfectionists that are a dying breed in this country. Defiance CS has always been outstanding.

This industry and community faces enough fire from outsiders; it sucks to see a foundational company taking friendly fire. I for one will be giving them the benefit of the doubt. The people manning the machinery and answering the phones over there have earned that from me.

Best of luck in 2023, Defiance.
And the company I manage? We are in a niche industry. Most of the customers have significant amounts of money. The projects we work on sometimes fall in the realm of "If you have to ask the price, you cannot afford it."

Well, that "luxury" item pays my salary and those of the guys who work with me. So, the next time I see a guy with a $12k rifle, I salute him for his choice and the people who are able to feed, house, and educate their families because this customer shopped with them instead of whatever is on sale at Academy.
Do you think those costs have stayed constant through the pandemic?
Which is what I have been saying all along. Then, again, I work for a business where we are constantly faced with price increases on the products that we use. So, if a guy does not like the cost of the rifle, look to his enshrined photo of the president and say, "Thanks, Joe."
Which is what I have been saying all along. Then, again, I work for a business where we are constantly faced with price increases on the products that we use. So, if a guy does not like the cost of the rifle, look to his enshrined photo of the president and say, "Thanks, Joe."
If your company (if your case, Oil) has significant exposure to commodities, why are you not hedging?
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